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4 posters

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Sting Empty Sting

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Avg 11, 2011 1:55 pm

Sting Sting-14

Gordon Sumner, poznatiji kao Sting, dobio je svoje umetničko ime po crno-žutom prugastom džemperu u kojem je nastupao. Sting je tvrdio da je nadimak stekao dok je svirao sa grupom Finiks džezmen. Vođa grupe, Gordon Solomon, primetio je da je izgledao kao bumbar. Tako je Samner postao „Sting“ („Žaoka“). Na pres konferenciji prikazanoj u filmu Bring on the Night, kada mu se novinar obratio kao Gordonu, on je kroz šalu izjavio: „Moja deca me zovu Sting, moja majka me zove Sting, ko je onda taj lik Gordon?“.

Rođen je 2. oktobra 1951. godine u Volsendu u severostočnoj Engleskoj. Majka mu je bila klasično obrazovana pijanistkinja i od nje je naučio da svira klavir, ali džez i gitara su bile njegova prava ljubav. Sting je odrastao u Njukaslu, gde je u početku radio kao učitelj, no ubrzo se seli u London gde počinje da svira kao profesionalni muzičar. Uskoro ga je primetio američki bubnjar Stewart Copeland, koji ga je uverio kako je rock muzika pravi put kojim treba krenuti. Tako su 1977. godine njih dvojica zajedno s britanskim gitaristom Andyem Summersom oformili legendarni The Police.

Njihova popularnost počinje s rok-rege pesmom ‚‚Roxanne''. Pesma je napisana kao molba prostitutki, ali je zabranjena od strane BBC-a. Upravo zahvaljujući toj cenzuri, pesma postaje hit. The Police su uskoro objavili i svoj prvi album pod nazivom ‚‚Outlandos D'Amour'', za izdavačku kuću A&M.

Albumi ‚‚Regatta De Blanc'', ‚‚Zenyatta Mondatta'' i ‚‚Ghost in the Machine'' objavljeni su nedugo zatim, s najmanje jednim velikim hitom na svakom albumu. 1983. godine izlazi album ‚‚Synchronicity'', na kojem se nalazi hit ‚‚Every Breath You Take'' s kojim su si The Police osigurali mjesto u pop istoriji. Nakon trijumfalne turneje, Sting odlučuje da je bend postigao sve što je mogao. Na vrhuncu popularnosti bend prestaje da postoji.

Sting Sting_10

Stingova solo karijera nije ništa manje uspešna. Njegov prvi album ‚‚Dream of the Blue Turtles'' nastao je pod uticajem džeza i prodat je u platinastom tiražu. Na njemu su se našli hitovi ‚‚If You Love Somebody Set Them Free'', ‚‚Love Is the Seventh Wave'' i ‚‚Fortress Around Your Heart''. Sting i njegov novi bend krenuli su na veliku turneju na kojoj nastaje dvostruki live album ‚‚Bring on the Night'', objavljen 1986. godine. Te godine se Sting ponovno sastaje sa grupom the Police, iz čega je nastala i nova verzija njihove pjesme ‚‚Don't Stand So Close To Me''.

Sting 18540210

1987. Sting objavljuje novi album ‚‚Nothing Like the Sun'', s hitovima ‚‚We'll Be Together'' i ‚‚They Dance Alone''. Te godine se aktivno uključujuje u asocijaciju Amnesty International, uz pomoć koje pokreće brojne kampanje za zaštitu okoline, a posebno prašuma u Brazilu. Povodom te aktivnosti, 1988. godine izlazi posebna, španska verzija albuma ‚‚Nothing like the Sun'' (‚‚Nada Como el Sol'').

Sting Sting-10 Sting 711210

Album ‚‚Soul Cages'' iz 1991. donosi hit ‚‚All This Time'', a album ‚‚Ten Summoner's Tales'' iz 1993. godine donosi hitove ‚‚If I Ever Lose My Faith In You'' i ‚‚Fields of Gold''. Oba albuma osvajaju Grammy nagrade. Krajem te 1993. godine, Sting i njegovi kolege Rod Stewart i Bryan Adams, zajedno snimaju pesmu ‚‚All for Love'' za film ‚‚Tri Musketara'' i pesma istovremeno postaje hit broj jedan. Godinu dana kasnije izlazi Stingov ‚‚best off'' album ‚‚Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting''.

Sting Sting_11 Sting Sting_12

Na albumu ‚‚Mercury Falling'' iz 1996. godine, Sting nastavlja medidativno raspoloženje, na kojem tada 45-godišnji umetnik razmišlja o starenju i o svojoj smrtnosti. Album ‚‚Brand New Day'', hvaljen od strane kritike, pojavljuje se 1999. Na albumu Sting spaja različite glazbene svjetove: alžirske i bossa nova uticaje, funk, francuski rep, džez i gospel i okružuje se muzičarima kao što su Stevie Wonder, James Taylor, Branford Marsalis, Chris Botti i Cheb Mami.

Sa željom da stvori nešto intimno i svoje, poput ljubavnog pisma ili zahvalnice obožavateljima, Sting 2001. godine objavljuje album ‚‚... All This Time''. Album je sadržavao pesme koje je Sting izvodio na turneji 2000- 2001, ali na drugačiji način, uz nov i svež dodir. Album je snimljen u Stingovoj kući u Toskani u Italiji, gde je snimljen i album ‚‚Brand New Day''. Tamo je bend vežbao 8 dana, kako bi 11. septembra 2001. nastupio uživo pred malobrojnom, izabranom publikom koju su činili prijatelji i obožavatelji. Na sam dan koncerta, upravo u trenutku kada se razmatrao spisak pesama i kada su kamere bile pripremljene za internet prenos, stigle su tragične vesti o napadu na World Trade Centar. Sting je u šoku shvatio da veče ne može proteći onako kako je planirano, ali je ipak zajedno s bendom odlučio izaći pred 200 okupljenih ljudi. U znak poštovanja prema žrtvama napada, Sting je odlučio da će samo pesma ‚‚Fragile'' biti emitovana u prenosu, a celi koncert i album ‚‚... All This Time'' posvetio je svima onima koji su izgubili svoje živote toga dana u New Yorku.

Od tog trenutka Sting je pokušavao odgonetnuti značenje toga bezumnog čina: ‚‚Morao sam se zapitati o poziciji sebe kao autora'', kaže Sting, ‚‚O čemu ja pišem? Nisam posebno želeo da pišem o toj situaciji, ali kada pogledam pesme koje sam napisao nakon toga, sigurno je da postoji veza. Nešto se događa u ljudskom duhu i svi smo s tim povezani, bili mi Amerikanci, Britanci ili deo Islamskog sveta. Povezani smo energijom u svetu i moramo otkriti koja je to energija''.

Sting Sacred10

Prema Stingovim riječima, postoji energija u naslovu njegovog novog albuma: ‚‚Sacred love''. Njegove pesme otkrivaju kako nedostatak ljubavi može dovesti to samozavaravanja, izdaje, iracionalnog straha i kataklizmičnog nasilja. U ljubavi je spas, kao što to znaju svi soul pevači.
Ali pevanje o ljubavi i nije neki umetnički pomak, posebno ne za Stinga, koji je napisao neke od najljepših ljubavnih pesama našeg vremena. Ljubav je odgovor, ali potrebno ju je spasiti od klišea, kako bi ona opet vladala u našim životima koji su joj izvrnuli smisao. Upravo to se nagoveštava u prvoj pesmi na albumu, pesmi ‚‚Inside''. ‚‚Često mislim kako se reči 'Volim te' pogrešno upotrebljavaju'', objasnio je Sting jednog poslepodneva u Parizu, gde je album i snimljen. ‚‚ 'Inside' je pesma o nekome ko je povređen u ljubavi, nekome ko je u opsadi i skriva se od sveta. Mislim da naše društvo podupire takvo stanje. Živimo u odvojenim zajednicama i plašimo se sveta izvan njih. Ali oluja lupa na vrata i pre ili kasnije moraćemo se suočiti s tim''. Album je snimljen za vreme priprema napada na Irak, što se najbolje može čuti u pesmi ‚‚This War''. Sličnom temom se bavi i pesma ‚‚Forget About the Future''. ‚‚Smatrao sam, imajući u vidu događaje od 11. septembra, da je religija odgovorna i da ima dosta toga na svojoj savesti. Tako sam se zapitao koja je moja religija? Odgovor je bio muzika, ljubav - romantična i senzualna. Obe su način kako doseći večnost''. Duet Stinga i Mary J. Blige u baladi ‚‚Whenever I Say Your Name'' takođe se bavi vezom između sexa, religije i muzike. Balada ‚‚The Book of My Life'' je inspirirana Stingovim životom, a tako je nastala i pesma ‚‚Dead Man's Rope''. ‚‚Ta pesma govori o smrti. Dok sam je pisao imao sam sliku čoveka koji visi na užetu između raja i pakla. Visi nad 'bunarom sećanja'.'' Pesma ‚‚Never Coming Home'' je dramatično delo o ženi na raskršću, koja traži sopstvenu slobodu. Pesma je napisana iz tri ugla: njenog, iz ugla njenog muža i pripovedača. Na albumu ‚‚Sacred Love'' ponovno učestvuje Kipper i to na klavijaturama i kao programer. Među gostima su Mary J. Blige i Anoushka Shankar, a takođe i dugogodišnji suradnici: gitarista Dominic Miller, klavijaturista Jason Rebello, trubač Chris Botti i bubnjar Manu Katche. Album je najavljen pesmom i porukom ‚‚Send Your Love''.

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2006. godine izlazi album ‚‚Songs from the Labyrinth'', a 2009. ‚‚If On a Winter's Night...''. ‚‚Symphonicities'' je desti studijski album Stinga, objavljen 13. jula 2010. godine. Album je nastao povodom turneje pod istim nazivom, gde je Stnig, zajedno sa Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, reinterpretirao neke od svojih pesama kao klasične simfonijske kompozicije. ‚‚Symphonicities'' je snimljen u Abbey Road Studios i do novembra je prodat u 600.000 primeraka širom sveta.

Sting 250px-11

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting - Fragile

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Avg 11, 2011 2:15 pm

Sting Purity10


If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the color of the evening sun
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away
But something in our minds will always stay

Perhaps this final act was meant
To clinch a lifetime's argument
That nothing comes from violence
and nothing ever could
For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are
How fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are
How fragile we are

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting feat. Cheb Mami - Desert Rose

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pet Avg 12, 2011 11:40 am

Sting 4ff0c310

Sting feat. Cheb Mami - Desert rose

[Cheb Mami Introduction (Algerian Arabic):]
Hadaee mada tawila
Wa ana nahos ana wahala ghzalti
Wa ana nahos ana wahala ghzalti
Wa ana nahos ana wahala ghzalti
Oh night oh night
It has been a long time
And I am looking for myself and my loved one
And I am looking for myself and my loved one
And I am looking for myself and my loved one

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

I dream of fire
Those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire
And in the flames
Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire

This desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this

And as she turns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
I realize that nothing's as it seems

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

I dream of rain
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes
This rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of her love

[Cheb Mami (Algerian Arabic):]
Aman aman aman
Omry feek antia
Ma ghair antia
Ma ghair antia
Aman aman aman
My life is for you
And no one other than you
And no one other than you

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

Sweet desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this

Sweet desert rose
This memory of Eden haunts us all
This desert flower
This rare perfume, is the sweet intoxication of the fall

[Cheb Mami (Algerian Arabic):]
Ya lili ah ya leel
Oh night oh night

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting - Mad About You

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Avg 14, 2011 12:13 pm

Sting Lost_h10

Mad about You

A stone's throw from Jerusalem
I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight
And though a million stars were shining
My heart was lost on a distant planet
That whirls around the April moon
Whirling in an arc of sadness
I'm lost without you I'm lost without you
Though all my kingdoms turn to sand
And fall into the sea
I'm mad about you I'm mad about you

And from the dark secluded valleys
I heard the ancient sighs of sadness
But every step I thought of you
Every footstep only you
And every star a grain of sand
The leavings of a dried up ocean
Tell me, how much longer? How much longer?

They say a city in the desert lies
The vanity of an ancient king
But the city lies in broken pieces
Where the wind howls and the vultures sing
These are the works of man
This is the sum of our ambition
It would make a prison of my life
If you became another's wife
With every prison blown to dust
My enemies walk free
I'm mad about you I'm mad about you

And I have never in my life
Felt more alone than I do now
Although I claim dominions over all I see
It means nothing to me
There are no victories
In all our histories, without love

A stone's throw from Jerusalem
I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight
And though a million stars were shining
My heart was lost on a distant planet
That whirls around the April moon
Whirling in an arc of sadness
I'm lost without you I'm lost without you

And though you hold the keys to ruin
Of everything I see
With every prison blown to dust,
My enemies walk free
Though all my kingdoms turn to sand
And fall into the sea
I'm mad about you I'm mad about you

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting - Shape of My Heart

Počalji od Still_dreaming Uto Avg 16, 2011 9:46 am

Sting Wet_he10

Shape of my heart

He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn't play for the money he wins
He doesn't play for the respect
He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden law of probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart

He may play the jack of diamonds
He may lay the queen of spades
He may conceal a king in his hand
While the memory of it fades

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart

And if I told you that I loved you
You'd maybe think there's something wrong
I'm not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one

Those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting - It's Probably Me

Počalji od Still_dreaming Sub Sep 24, 2011 11:34 am

Sting 2ywydj10

It's probably me

If the night turned cold
And the stars looked down
And you hug yourself
On the cold cold ground
You wake the morning
In a stranger's coat
No-one would you see
You ask yourself, 'Who'd watch for me?'
My only friend, who could it be?
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it
But it's probably me

When your belly's empty
And the hunger's so real
And you're too proud to beg
And too dumb to steal
You search the city
For your only friend
No-one would you see
You ask yourself, Who'll Watch For Me?'
A solitary voice to speak out and set me free
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it
But it's probably me

You're not the easiest person I ever got to know
And it's hard for us both to let our feelings show
Some would say
I should let you go your way
You'll only make me cry
If there's one guy, just one guy
Who'd lay down his life for you and die
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it
But it's probably me

When the world's gone crazy, and it makes no sense
And there's only one voice that comes to your defence
And the jury's out
And your eyes search the room
And one friendly face is all you need to see
If there's one guy, just one guy
Who'd lay down his life for you and die
It's hard to say it
I hate to say it
But it's probably me

I hate to say it
I hate to say it
But it's probably me
I hate to say it
I hate to say it
But it's probably me
I hate to say it
I hate to say it
But it's probably me

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting - Brand New Day

Počalji od Still_dreaming Sub Sep 24, 2011 10:41 pm

Sting New_da10

Brand new day

How many of you people out there
Been hurt in some kind of love affair
And how many times do you swear that you'll never love again?

How many lonely, sleepless nights
How many lies, how many fights
And why would you want to put yourself through all that again?

"Love is pain," I hear you say
Love has a cruel and bitter way
Of paying you back for all the faith you ever had in your brain

How could it be that what you need the most
Can leave you feeling just like a ghost?
You never want to feel so sad and lost again

One day you could be looking
Through an old book in rainy weather
You see a picture of her smiling at you
When you were still together
You could be walking down the street
And who should you chance to meet
But that same old smile that you've been thinking of all day

You can turn the clock to zero, honey
I'll sell the stock, we'll spend all the money
We're starting up a brand new day

Turn the clock all the way back
I wonder if she'll take me back
I'm thinking in a brand new way

Turn the clock to zero, sister
You'll never know how much I missed her
Starting up a brand new day

Turn the clock to zero, boss
The river's wide, we'll swim across
Started up a brand new day

It could happen to you - just like it happened to me
There's simply no immunity - there's no guarantee
I say love's such a force - if you find yourself in it
And sometimes no reflection is there

Baby wait a minute, wait a minute
Wait a minute, wait a minute
Wait a minute, wait a minute

Turn the clock to zero, honey
I'll sell the stock, we'll spend all the money
We're starting up a brand new day

Turn the clock to zero, Mac
I'm begging her to take me back
I'm thinking in a brand new way

Turn the clock to zero, boss
The river's wide, we'll swim across
Started up a brand new day

Turn the clock to zero buddy
Don't wanna be no fuddy duddy
Started up a brand new day

I'm the rhythm in your tune
I'm the sun and you're the moon
I'm a bat and you're the cave
You're the beach and I'm the wave
I’m the plow and you’re the land
You're the glove and I'm the hand
I'm the train and you're the station
I'm a flagpole to your nation - yeah

Stand up all you lovers in the world
Stand up and be counted every boy and every girl
Stand up all you lovers in the world
Starting up a brand new day

I'm the present to your future
You're the wound and I’m the suture
You're the magnet to my pole
I'm the devil in your soul
You're the pupil I'm the teacher
You're the church and I'm the preacher
You're the flower I'm the rain
You're the tunnel I'm the train

Stand up all you lovers in the world
Stand up and be counted every boy and every girl
Stand up all you lovers in the world
Starting up a brand new day

You're the crop to my rotation
You're the sum of my equation
I'm the answer to your question
If you follow my suggestion
We can turn this ship around
We'll go up instead of down
You're the pan and I'm the handle
You're the flame and I'm the candle

Stand up all you lovers in the world
Stand up and be counted every boy and every girl
Stand up all you lovers in the world
We're starting up a brand new day

Oficijelni video, skraćena verzija pesme:

Cela pesma:

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting - You Still Touch Me

Počalji od Dora_Mar Sub Sep 24, 2011 10:49 pm

"You Still Touch Me"

Another night finds me alone
In my dreams
You still touch me
Your picture by my telephone
In that smile
You still thrill me

Now if I sleep
I sleep here alone
In my bed tonight
You still haunt me
And if I'm falling
I'm falling like a stone
In my nightmares
You still hold me

And after all that we've been through
Now I'm wondering
If you still blame me
If only half of this was true
That you believe of me
You still shame me

Dark rain will fall until I see your face
I close my eyes
I seem to hear the raindrops saying
You won't come back
You still touch me

And when I'm sick at heart and low
In my prayers
You still heal me
When I'm so sure, so sure this isn't so
In my complacency
You still shake me

I wonder if you feel the same way as I do
And you'd come back
You still touch me

Another night finds me alone
In my bed tonight
You still haunt me
You still hold me
You still touch me
You still touch me
You still touch me
Another night
Another night
Another night
Another finds me alone

Ugledni forumaš
Ugledni forumaš

Broj poruka : 2926
Ženski Vodolija Godina : 32
Lokacija : negdje...
Datum upisa : 17.12.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Sting Empty Sting - If I Ever Lose My Faith in You

Počalji od Still_dreaming Uto Sep 27, 2011 10:40 am

Sting Sting10

If I ever lose my faith in You

You could say I lost my faith in science and progress
You could say I lost my belief in the holy church
You could say I lost my sense of direction
You could say all of this and worse but

If I ever lose my faith in you
There'd be nothing left for me to do

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world
You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV
You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me

If I ever lose my faith in you
There'd be nothing left for me to do

I could be lost inside their lies without a trace
But every time I close my eyes I see your face

I never saw no miracle of science
That didn't go from a blessing to a curse
I never saw no military solution
That didn't always end up as something worse but
Let me say this first

If I ever lose my faith in you
There'd be nothing left for me to do

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Fields of Gold

Počalji od Still_dreaming Uto Sep 27, 2011 11:15 pm

Sting Fields10

Fields of gold

You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we walk in the fields of gold

So she took her love
For to gaze awhile
Upon the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down
Among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me, will you be my love
Among the fields of barley
We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we lie in the fields of gold

See the west wind move like a lover so
Upon the fields of barley
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
Among the fields of gold
I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken
But I swear in the days still left
We'll walk in the fields of gold
We'll walk in the fields of gold

Many years have passed since those summer days
Among the fields of barley
See the children run as the sun goes down
Among the fields of gold
You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in the fields of gold
When we walked in the fields of gold
When we walked in the fields of gold

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - January Stars

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pet Sep 30, 2011 9:17 am

Sting Stars_10

January stars

Ten below and falling fast
Those days of summer were long past
My horoscope said you'd come back
I have my doubts, you see

And as I watched the Mercury
And thought about the prophecy
A new moon and an early thaw
I watched the door for you

If January stars came true

And as I gaze at winter stars
The second house conjunct with Mars
They would suggest that we'll be one
I have my doubts, you see

If I maintain a skeptic's eye
And train the other on the sky
I'd eat my hat if it came true
I'd prob'ly eat yours, too

If January stars came true
If January stars came true

Now I'm in a pretty mess
It's getting warmer, I confess
My horoscope said you'd come back
I have my doubts, it's true

And as I watched the Mercury
And thought about the prophecy
A new moon and an early thaw
I left the door for you

If January stars,
If January stars came true

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - All This Time

Počalji od Dora_Mar Sub Okt 01, 2011 1:06 am

"All This Time"

I looked out across
The river today
I saw a city in the fog and an old church tower
Where the seagulls play
I saw the sad shire horses walking home
In the sodium light
I saw two priests on the ferry
October geese on a cold winter's night

And all this time, the river flowed
Endlessly to the sea

Two priests came round our house tonight
One young, one old, to offer prayers for the dying
To serve the final rite
One to learn, one to teach
Which was the cold wind blows
Fussing and flapping in priestly black
Like a murder of crows

And all this time, the river flowed
Endlessly to the sea
If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river
And I'd bury the old man,
I'd bury him at sea

Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the earth
Better to be poor than a fat man in the eye of a needle
And as these words were spoken I swore I hear
The old man laughing
'What good is a used up world and how could it be
Worth having'

And all this time the river flowed
Endlessly like a silent tear
And all this time the river flowed
Father, if Jesus exists,
Then how come he never lived here

The teachers told us, the Romans built this place
They built a wall and a temple, an edge of the empire
Garrison town,
They lived and they died, they prayed to their gods
But the stone gods did not make a sound
And their empire crumbled, 'til all that was left
Were the stones the workmen found

And all this time the river flowed
In the falling light of a northern sun
If I had my way I'd take a boat from the river
Men go crazy in congregations
But they only get better
One by one
One by one...

Ugledni forumaš
Ugledni forumaš

Broj poruka : 2926
Ženski Vodolija Godina : 32
Lokacija : negdje...
Datum upisa : 17.12.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Seven Days

Počalji od Still_dreaming Sre Okt 05, 2011 10:44 pm

Sting Day_ei10

Seven days

"Seven Days" was all she wrote
A kind of ultimatum note
She gave to me, she gave to me
When I thought the field had cleared
It seems another suit appeared
To challenge me, woe is me
Though I hate to make a choice
My options are decreasing mostly rapidly
Well we'll see
I don't think she'd bluff this time
I really have to make her mine
It's plain to see
It's him or me

Monday, I could wait till Tuesday
If I make up my mind
Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind
Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait
But Sunday'd be too late

The fact that he's six feet ten
Might instill fear in other men
But not in me, The Mighty Flea
Ask if I am mouse or man
The mirror squeaked, away I ran
He'll murder me in time for his tea
Does it bother me at all
My rival is Neanderthal, it makes me think
Perhaps I need a drink
IQ is no problem here
We won't be playing Scrabble for her hand I fear
I need that beer

Monday, I could wait till Tuesday
If I make up my mind
Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind
Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait
But Sunday'd be too late

Seven days will quickly go
The fact remains, I love her so
Seven days, so many ways
But I can't run away

Monday, I could wait till Tuesday
If I make up my mind
Wednesday would be fine, Thursday's on my mind
Friday'd give me time, Saturday could wait
But Sunday'd be too late
Do I have to tell a story
Of a thousand rainy days since we first met
It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me that ends up getting wet

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Russians

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Okt 16, 2011 11:34 pm

Sting Childr10


In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
Mr. Krushchev said we will bury you
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It would be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians love their children too

How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer's deadly toy
There is no monopoly in common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too

There is no historical precedent
To put the words in the mouth of the President
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mr. Reagan says we will protect you
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too

We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me, and you
Is if the Russians love their children too

Oduševljen! Bravo!

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Sister Moon

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Dec 22, 2011 11:35 am

Sting The_mo10

Sister Moon

Sister moon will be my guide
In your blue blue shadows I would hide
All good people asleep tonight
I'm all by myself in your silver light
I would gaze at your face the whole night through
I'd go out of my mind, but for you

Lying in a mother's arms
The primal root of a woman's charms
I'm a stranger to the sun
My eyes are too weak
How cold is a heart
When it's warmth that he seeks?

You watch every night, you don't care what I do
I'd go out of my mind, but for you
I'd go out of my mind, but for you

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
My hunger for her explains everything I've done
To howl at the moon the whole night through
And they really don't care if I do
I'd go out of my mind, but for you

Sister Moon

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - A Thousand Years

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Dec 25, 2011 2:01 pm

Sting Slidin10

A thousand years

A thousand years, a thousand more,
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars,
The towers rise to numberless floors in space
I could shed another million tears, a million breaths,
A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
But if there was a single truth, a single light
A single thought, a singular touch of grace
Then following this single point, this single flame,
The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
'Til you love me

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Saint Agnes and the Burning Train

Počalji od Troja Sub Dec 31, 2011 10:14 am

Saint Agnes and the Burning Train


Legendarni član
Legendarni član

Broj poruka : 16899
Ženski Lokacija : London
Datum upisa : 08.12.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Moon over Bourbon street

Počalji od Still_dreaming Uto Jul 10, 2012 9:07 am

Sting By_moo10

Moon over Bourbon street

There's a moon over Bourbon street tonight
I see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplight
I've no choice but to follow that call
The bright lights the people and the moon and all
I pray everyday to be strong
For I know what I do must be wrong
Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet
While there's a moon over Bourbon street

It was many years ago that I became what I am
I was trapped in this life like an innocent lamb
Now I can never show my face at noon
And you'll only see me walking by the light of the moon
The brim of my hat hides the eye of a beast
I've the face of a sinner but the hands of a priest
Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet
While there's a moon over Bourbon street

She walks everyday through the streets of New Orleans
She's innocent and young from a family of means
I have stood many times outside her window at night
To struggle with my instinct in the pale moonlight
How could I be this way when I pray to god above
I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love
Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet
While there's a moon over Bourbon street

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Ain't no sunshine

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Avg 02, 2012 10:57 pm

Ain't no sunshine

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long

Anytime she goes away

Wonder this time where she's gone
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home

Anytime she goes away

And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know

Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Only darkness everyday
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home

Anytime she goes away

Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Sting Empty Sting - Every Breath You Take

Počalji od Liza_N. Ned Maj 19, 2013 11:19 pm

Every Breath You Take

Sting Film-breathless-1960-gra

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

O can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches with every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you[/center]

Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen...
Počasni član
Počasni član

Broj poruka : 2032
Ženski Datum upisa : 04.05.2010

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