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Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty Š

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:23 am

Šandor Petefi
‚‚Ako žudite za ljubavlju, neka vam kao mamac posluži srce, a ne mozak."

Šarl Bodler
‚‚Bog je jedino biće kojem, da bi vladalo, nije potrebno čak ni da postoji.''

‚‚Proklet bio zauvek prvi zanesenjak
Koji se u gluposti svojoj opi htenjem
Da jalov čvor razmrsi, kom nema rešenja,
I da tajnu ljubavi meša sa poštenjem"

Šri Činmoj
„Jučer sam bio pametan. Stoga sam želio mijenjati svijet. Danas sam mudar. Stoga mijenjam sebe.“

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

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Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty T

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:28 am

Tarketi Idžinio
‚‚Velike su stvari uvek krajnosti; jake duše ili obožavaju ili mrze.''

Teneva Džordan
‚‚Majka je osoba koja, kada vidi da je ostalo samo četiri kriške pite za petoro ljudi, izjavi da nikad nije volela pitu."

Teodor Fontane
‚‚Samoća boli, ali ne toliko kao lažna druželjubivost."

Tin Ujević
‚‚...Jer mi je mučno biti slab,
jer mi je mučno biti sam
(kada bih mogao biti jak,
kada bih mogao biti drag),
no mučno je, najmučnije
biti već star, a tako mlad!..."

‚‚Ne ljubi manje koji mnogo ćuti,
on mnogo traži i on mnogo sluti,
i svoju ljubav (kao parče kruva
za gladne zube) on brižljivo čuva
za zvijezde u visini,
za srca u daljini."

Tom Bredli
‚‚Jedino što vas može sprečiti da ostvarite svoje snove, jeste vi sami."

Toma Akvinski
‚‚Stvari koje volimo kazuju nam ko smo mi."

Tomas Edison
‚‚Ono što nam najviše nedostaje u životu, to je neko ko bi nas prisiljavao da činimo ono što možemo."

‚‚Naša najveća slabost je u odustajanju. Najsigurniji način da uspete je da uvek pokušate još jednom."

‚‚Neuspeh vas uči da nešto ne može biti urađeno – na taj način."

Tomas Karlajl
‚‚Životna tragedija nije toliko u tome koliko ljudi pate, već u tome koliko toga propuštaju.''

Tomas Pejn
‚‚Moja zemlja je svijet, a moja religija je činiti dobro.''

Tomas Eliot
‚‚Mi smo šuplji ljudi
Mi smo punjeni lljudi
Jedno o drugo oslanjamo se
Glave ispunjene slamom. Vaj!
Presahli nam glasovi, što se
Šapatom zajedničim glase
Tihi su i beznačajni
Ko vetar u suvoj travi
Il stope pacova što pretrči
U našem suvom podrumu po srči.

Bezoblični oblik, bezbojna senka
Zatomljena snaga, nepokretan gest;...“

Tomas Skot Eliot
‚‚Samo oni koji su spremni da odu predaleko mogu otkriti koliko daleko neko može stići."

Tomas Vudro Vilson
‚‚Od snova rastemo. Svi su veliki ljudi sanjari. Oni vide stvari u mekoj sumaglici prolećnoga dana ili u crvenoj vatri dugih zimskih večeri. Neki od nas dopuštaju da takvi snovi umru, ali drugi se brinu o njima i štite ih, neguju u lošim danima, sve dok ih ne dovedu na sunce i svetlo koje uvek dolazi onima koji se iskreno nadaju da će se njihovi snovi ostvariti."

Tomislav Rakočević
‚‚Život ne znači ništa ako ga s nekim ne djeliš,
uz vedra jutra i hladne noći,
uz divne dane, mećave
i neke kiše..."

Poslednji izmenio ThePoet dana Ned Jun 12, 2016 3:43 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

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Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty U

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:29 am

Ugo Tarketi
‚‚Želeo bih da znam koliko je poljubaca dao onaj što je poljupce izmislio."

Umberto Eko
‚‚Knjige ne postoje zato da bismo im verovali, nego da bismo ih podvrgnuli ispitivanju."

‚‚Ništa više uplašenom čoveku ne daje hrabrosti kao tuđi strah."

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty V

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:42 am

Valter Bagehot
‚‚Najveći užitak u životu je činiti stvari za koje su vam drugi rekli da ih nećete moći ostvariti."

Vašington Irving
‚‚Veliki ljudi imaju svrhu, ostali imaju želje."

Vejn Dajer
‚‚Kada osuđuješ druge, ti ih ne definišeš. Ti definišeš sebe.''

Verner fon Braun
‚‚Naučio sam krajnje oprezno upotrebljavati reč nemoguće''.

Viktor Igo
‚‚...Susreo sam na ulici vrlo siromašna, zaljubljena mladića. Šešir mu star, kaput otrcan, ogrtač progledao na laktovima, cipele mu vodu propuštale - ali duša mu bijaše posuta zvijezdama...''

‚‚Ima jedan divan nevidljiv svijet, a to je onaj što ga zaljubljeni u srcu nose.''

‚‚Budućnost ima mnogo imena. Za slabiće, ona je nedostižno. Za strašljivce, ona je nepoznato. Za hrabre, ona je šansa."

‚‚Svaki sporazum između istine i laži uvijek je na štetu istine."

‚‚Ono što vodi i vuče svet nisu lokomotive, nego ideje."

‚‚Verovati je teško; neverovati je nemoguće.''

‚‚Ima trenutaka kada ma kakvo da je držanje tela duša kleči.''

‚‚Ljubav ne poznaje srednji put, upropasti ili spase."

Viktorija Holt
‚‚Nikada nemojte žaliti.
Ako je nešto dobro - onda je to divno.
Ako je nešto loše - onda je to iskustvo.''

Vil Smit
„Previše ljudi troši previše novca koji nema, kako bi kupili stvari koje ne žele, a sve da bi impresionirali ljude koji im se uopće ne sviđaju."

Vilijam Artur Vard
‚‚Ljutnju je pametnije usmeriti prema problemima, a ne prema ljudima; usmeriti energiju prema pronalaženju odgovora, ne izgovora."

Vilijam Dž. H. Betki
‚‚Većina ljudi misli da bi im koristilo kada bi dobili malo od onih koji imaju mnogo. Koliko bi im tek koristilo kada bi naučili malo od onih koji znaju mnogo!"

Vilijam Džejms
‚‚Veoma mnogo ljudi misli da razmišlja kada zapravo samo preraspoređuje svoje predrasude."

Vilijam Fokner
„Uvek sanjaj i ciljaj više od onoga što misliš da možeš postići. Ne opterećuj se samo tim da budeš bolji od svojih savremenika ili prethodnika. Pokušaj da budeš bolji od sebe.“

Vilijam Gibson
‚‚Prije nego kod sebe ustanovite depresiju ili nisko samopouzdanje, provjerite da li ste možda samo okruženi pogrešnim ljudima."

Vilijam P. Jang
‚‚Nikada ne odbacuj čudo svojih suza. One donose mora iscjeljenja i potoke radosti. Katkad su one najbolje riječi koje srce može izreći."

Vilijam Makadu
‚‚Glupog čoveka je nemoguće poraziti argumentima."

Vilijam V. Perki
‚‚Treba da plešete kao da vas niko ne gleda, da volite kao da vas niko neće povrediti, da pevate kao da vas niko ne sluša, i da živite kao da je raj na zemlji."

Vilijam Šekspir
‚‚Bitku dobija samo onaj koji je čvrsto odlučio da je dobije."

‚‚Prijatelj je onaj koji te poznaje onakvog kakav stvarno jesi, shvata šta si prošao, prihvata ono što si postao i i dalje ti dopušta da rasteš."

‚‚Ljubav se rodi, živi i umire u očima.''

‚‚Crvi su vam, što se gošćenja tiče, jedini istinski carevi: mi tovimo sve živo, da bismo tovili sebe, a sebe tovimo za crve. Utovljeni kralji i mršavi prosjak samo su vam raznolike đakonije: dve vrste jela, ali na istoj trpezi. To i toliko."

‚‚Slušaj njih mnogo, pričaj sa njih par."

‚‚Kad čovek ima sve, ne vidi ništa! Progleda tek kad nema ništa!''

‚‚Ljubav ne gleda očima, već dušom; zato je krilati Amor na slikama slep."

‚‚Ništa nije samo po sebi dobro, ni loše, zavisi samo šta o njemu mislimo."

‚‚Ko voli, tih je. Odzvanja samo prazna posuda."

‚‚Svet je zanimljiv onoliko koliko smo mi radoznali."

‚‚I ovaj naš život, udaljen od ljudskog društva,
Reč u drveću, u potoku knjigu,
U steni nauk, i dobro u svačem nađe."

‚‚U ljubavi pravoj nikad ništa nije teklo glatko."

Vilijam Švenk Gilbert
‚‚Nije toliko bitno što je na stolu, već tko je na stolicama."

Vinsent Van Gog
‚‚Što više o tome razmišljam, sve više shvatam da ne postoji ništa što je više umetnički nego što je voleti druge."

‚‚Radije ću umreti od strasti nego od dosade."

‚‚Radije ću umreti od strasti nego od dosade."

‚‚Ako čuješ glas u sebi koji ti govori ‘ne znaš da slikaš’, onda slikaj po svaku cenu i taj glas će utihnuti."

‚‚Često mislim kako je noć življa i raznobojnija od dana."

Vinston Čerčil
‚‚Ako prolaziš kroz pakao, nastavi da se krećeš."

‚‚Laž proputuje pola sveta pre nego što istina stigne da navuče pantalone."

Virdžinija Vulf
‚‚Zaključajte sve biblioteke ako vam je po volji; no nema kapija, nema brava, ni katanaca kojima biste ograničili slobodu mog uma."

Vislava Šimborska
‚‚U travi koja je nadrasla uzroke i posledice neko mora ležati s klasom u zubima i zevati u oblake."

Vitomir Nikolić
‚‚Čudna me ponekad želja hvata,
da kupim razglednicu i napišem:
Dobro je: pošte rade, nema rata...
I ništa više.''

Vladan Desnica
‚‚Naučio sam da je svaka žurba uzaludna i svaki nemir jalov; svejedno se dočeka sve, svejedno se otkrije smisao ili besmisao svega. Svejedno čovjek obiđe čitav svoj krug. Pa našto onda tolika žurba?"

‚‚Bog je naličje Smrti. Jedan oblik borbe protiv smrti, i ništa drugo.''

‚‚Kako bi se čovjek radovao, kako bi se radovao u pravom, čistom smislu te riječi, treba za jedan trenutak opet postati dijete. Radost je stvar koju odrasli ne poznaju. Oni tom riječju nazivaju nešto sasvim drugo, sasvim različito. Treba mnogo, mnogo naivnosti za pravu, čistu radost. Prava je radost ustvari bezrazložna. U tom i jest njena čudesna ljepota."

Vladeta Jerotić
‚‚Voleti drugog čoveka znači i razumeti ga, a svakako i opraštati mu. Nije, doduše, lako voleti čoveka onakav kakav jeste, ali samo ako budemo u stanju da ga ne samo prihvatimo već da ga i zavolimo upravo onakav kakav jeste, podstaći ćemo ga da postane upravo onakav kakav može da bude."

Vladika Nikolaj Velimirović
‚‚Od svih čula jezik nije najbolji izrazitelj duše čovjekove. Kao što sav pas nije u lajanju tako sav čovjek nije u onome što kaže. Velika je mudrost pronaći čovjeka iza jezika i ocijeniti psa van lajanja."

‚‚Ako si bogat samo onim što lopovi mogu ukrasti i moljci pojesti, sa čim ćeš ostati ako lopovi zbilja ukradu i moljci pojedu?"

‚‚Smatraj svaki dan kao jedan ceo, otpočet i završen život. Odživi ga kao celinu a ne kao deo. Nek se svaki tvoj dan odroni od tebe kao ceo jedan čovek s kojim ćeš želeti da se opet sastaneš kao s prijateljem i da ga bez stida pokažeš vasioni."

Vladimir Pavić
‚‚Nekad si na vrhu, nekada na dnu,
a nizvodno dole čeka te slap.
Onda se uskoro u okean sliješ,
pa zatim ponovno postaneš kap.''

Vladimir Vladimirovič Majakovski
‚‚Treba otimati radost danima što beže,
na svetu mreti je lako - živeti je teže.''

Vlatko Pavletić
‚‚Ma kako bili nesretni, svatko je barem načas nekada bio nečija sreća."

„Jedina vrlina kojom se čovjek ne može pohvaliti jest skromnost. Kad bi se njome pohvalio, više ne bi bio skroman.“

‚‚Ima istina koje nisu za sve ljude, niti za sva vremena.''

‚‚Idealna lepota za žapca je žaba.“

‚‚Ja se ne slažem niti s jednom reči koju si izgovorio, ali ću do smrti braniti tvoje pravo da ih izgovoriš. "

‚‚Nikada se nijedna pahulja u lavini ne oseća odgovornom."

‚‚Beži od besposlenosti. To je rđa koja nagriza i najdragocenije metale."

Poslednji put izmenio ThePoet dana Sub Nov 05, 2016 11:06 am, izmenio ukupno 5 puta

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

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Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty Z

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:44 am

Zejkes Mda
‚‚Smrt svakodnevno živi s nama.Zaista, naši načini da umremo su načini življenja. Ili treba da kažem: naši načini življenja su načini da

Zelda Ficdžerald
‚‚Još nikad niko nije izmerio, pa ni pesnici, koliko to srce može izdržati.”

Zlatko Pejaković
‚‚Nije bogat onaj koji ima, nego onaj koji daje svima. Nije sretan taj što ima sve, već životu ko se raduje."

Zoran Bognar
„Ko se u sebi nije lomio, taj ne zna šta je celina.''

Zoran Đinđić
‚‚Ako moraš da progutaš žabu, nemoj mnogo da je gledaš - progutaj je odmah. Ako moraš da progutaš nekoliko žaba, najveću progutaj prvu."

Zoran Radmilović
‚‚Kad umreš, ti ne znaš da si umro i nije ti teško. Teško je drugima. Isto tako je i kad si glup."

Poslednji izmenio ThePoet dana Pon Jul 04, 2016 12:24 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty Ž

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:47 am

Žan d' Ormeson
‚‚Kao i sumnja, kao i patnja, i sreća traži sve moguće izgovore da bi trajala."

Žan de la Brijer
‚‚Život je tragedija za one koji osećaju, a komedija za one koji misle.''

Žan Kokto
‚‚Najgore što se pesniku može desiti je da bude omiljen i neshvaćen.''

Žan Pjer Dejvids
‚‚Ljudsko biće je čudno. Ono toleriše samo ono što uspe da ukroti, uključujuci i sebi slične. Njemu treba da sve bude uređeno, propisano, razvrstano, razumno obrazloženo. Iskreno da ti kažem, čovek ne može da se obuzda. Prepušten samom sebi, on čini najgora dela. Iza toga se krije povelika doza oholosti. Čovek misli da je centar sveta, ali svet je tako ogroman, a on tako mali, i prvi se sasvim lepo obrće bez ovog drugog. Zaključak je bolan pa čovek svoju frustraciju rešava tako što pod svoju vlast stavlja sve što ga okružuje."

Žan-Pol Sartr
‚‚Nekima se može pomoći samo ako im se ne pomaže."

‚‚Postoje samo dve vrste ljudi s kojima ne mogu izaći na kraj: oni koji sve znaju i oni koji ne znaju ništa."

‚‚Možda će biti i ljepših vremena, ali ovo je naše"

Žan Žak Ruso
‚‚Čovek je rođen slobodan, ali je ipak posvuda u lancima.''

Žak Prever
‚‚Glupost je najneobičnija od svih bolesti - od nje ne pati bolesnik, nego svi ostali.''

Žarko Laušević
‚‚Ne branimo se od tuđeg zla, zlom u sebi.''

‚‚Čovek je jako dobar advokat za svoje greške i jako dobar sudija za tuđe."

‚‚Znam da je to varka, ali život mi je priredio tolike trenutke surove stvarnosti da mi prija malo sanjarenja."

‚‚Kad neko pokuša da vas povredi, pitajte ga jednostavno: Šta te to toliko boli u tvom životu da misliš da će proći ako mene povrediš?!"

Žoze Saramago
‚‚Ljudski rečnik još uvek nije u stanju, a verovatno nikada neće ni biti, da sazna, prepozna i komunicira sa svime što čovek može da doživi i oseti."

‚‚Kad bismo se pre svakog novog poteza koji učinimo upustili u predviđanje svih njegovih posledica, ozbiljno porazmislili o njima, prvo o neposrednim, onda o verovatnim, zatim o mogućim, pa o zamislivim, ne bismo se uopšte pomerili s mesta na kome nas je zaustavila ona prva misao."

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty Poslovice

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:57 am

Afričke izreke
‚‚Ako želite da stignete brzo, hodajte sami. Ako želite da stignete daleko, hodajte zajedno."

Arapske poslovice
‚‚Čuvaj se žurbe, jer ona uvek dovodi do kajanja: onaj koji žuri govori pre nego što nešto sazna, odgovara pre negoli nešto shvati, odluči pre negoli nešto proveri, kudi pre nego se u nešto uveri.''

‚‚Bolje ti je da ti prijatelj jednu mudru reč da nego li pare, zbog toga što te pare mogu oholim učiniti, dok će te mudrost pravom putu uputiti."

‚‚Otvori usta samo ako je ono što ćeš reći lepše od tišine."

‚‚Da bismo nekoga dolično voleli, treba ga voleti tako kao da će sutra umreti."

Engleske poslovice
‚‚Samo onda istinski volimo kad više nemamo potrebe da to kažemo."

Francuske poslovice
‚‚Ljubav čini da prolazi vrijeme, vrijeme čini da prolazi ljubav.''

‚‚Obesio sam nos jer sam bio bos,
sve dok niz ulicu kretoh,
gde čoveka bez nogu sretoh."

Grčke poslovice
‚‚Ko prestane biti prijatelj, prijatelj nikada nije ni bio."

‚‚Kukavica kuka i na punoj trešnji, a slavuj peva i na suvoj grani."

Hinduističke izreke
‚‚Svaki put kad uperiš prstom na nekoga, uperio si i tri prsta ka sebi."

Indijske poslovice
‚‚Reke ne piju svoju vodu, drveće ne jede svoje plodove, oblaci ne gutaju svoju kišu. Sve što je veliko, uvek je korist drugih.”

‚‚Kap vode koja padne na usijano gvožde, ispariće. Ista kap, ako padne na lotosov cvet, blistaće kao perla, a ako padne na školjku, postaće biser. Tako i čovek postaje ono s čim se udružuje.''

Japanske poslovice
‚‚Zrno peska u oku može sakriti celu planinu.''

‚‚More je veliko zato što ni male reke ne potcenjuje.''

Kineske poslovice
‚‚Nije čudo leteti u vazduhu ili koračati po vodi, čudo je koračati po zemlji.''

‚‚Čovek je putnik u vremenu i prostoru, a taj put može preći s više ili manje zadovoljstva, ako uspešno zna zaobilaziti prepreke, odnosno ako ispred svake prepreke ne gubi previše dragocenog vremena.''

‚‚Ako je neko umoran da ti da osmeh, daj ti njemu svoj."

‚‚Najbolji trenutak da se zasadi drvo prošao je pre 20 godina. Sledeći najbolji trenutak je sada."

‚‚Napetost predstavlja ono što misliš da treba da budeš. Opuštenost je ono što, zapravo, jesi."

Latinske poslovice
‚‚Suze ponekad imaju vrijednost govora.”

Narodne izreke
‚‚Koliko god je retka istinska ljubav, još je ređe istinsko prijateljstvo."

‚‚Brzi konji noge lome."

‚‚Ne bojim se smrti nego zla života.''

Nemačke izreke
‚‚Početi je lako, umetnost je ne odustati."

Škotske poslovice
‚‚Bolje se saviti nego slomiti."

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

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Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty Anonimni citati/nepoznati autor

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 2:58 am

‚‚Ne hodaj na prstima, kroz život se gazi!"

‚Ljudi zahtijevaju slobodu govora kao kompenzaciju za slobodu mišljenja koju rijetko koriste.''

‚‚Najbolja vrsta prijatelja je ona sa kojom možete sjediti cijelo veče ne progovorivši ni riječi, a kad odlazite osjećate se kao da je to bio najbolji razgovor u životu.''

‚‚U čovekovim snovima ništa ne predstavlja ograničenje, osim njegov um."

‚‚Nikada ne objašnjavaj. Tvojim prijateljima to nije potrebno, a neprijatelji ti ionako neće vjerovati.''

‚‚Molimo pametnije da više ne popuštaju. Stanje je ozbiljno!!''

‚‚A bude lakše.
Stvarno bude.
Kad neko priđe s leđa i zagrli tvoje probleme.
Spusti glavu na tvoje rame.
Bude lakše."

‚‚Nemoj slediti svoje snove. Uhvati ih!''

‚‚U današnje vreme nečovek je lako biti ali treba svima pokazati da na ovom svetu još ima ljudi koji žele da pomažu drugima.''

‚‚Jedini lijek za ljubav je voljeti još više."

‚‚Ne idite utabanim putem. Umesto toga krenite tamo gde puta nema i ostavite trag.''

‚‚Razuman se čovjek prilagođuje svijetu, nerazuman uporno nastoji svijet prilagoditi sebi. Stoga sav napredak ovisi o nerazumnom čovjeku."

‚‚Možda nam je potrebno da idemo pogrešnim putem života, da bi pravi put upoznali... Možda treba prvo ići ulicom suza, da bismo pronašli naš osmeh... Možda moramo tugu i bol podneti, da bismo na kraju upoznali šta je sreća...''

‚‚Ne mogu se sva vrata otvoriti ključem, neka moraju i glavom."

‚‚Život se ne meri brojem udisaja koje napravimo za vreme života vec brojem trenutaka koji nas ostavljaju bez daha.''

‚‚Uvek pusti da te srce vodi, ali tek toliko da se razum na tom putu ne izgubi."

‚‚Ljubav je proljetna biljka koja sve ispunjava svojim mirisom nade, čak i ruševine koje obraste.''

‚‚Čovek postane zadovoljan onim malim što ima onda kada vidi da neki ljudi nemaju ništa."

‚‚Tako male stvari oko nas koje obično ne primećujemo čine lepotu i stvaraju nam neopisiv osećaj radosti.. Nekada je dovoljno samo se malo zamisliti pa kroz misli prolete baš te male, sitne stvari koje čine život. Shvatimo da sreću ne bi trebalo tražiti na drugom mestu, jer je ona uvek bila tu, odmah pored nas."

Jednog dana ljubav upita prijateljstvo: “Zbog čega si ti tu kada postojim ja?“ A prijateljstvo odgovori: “Da donosim osmeh tamo gde ti ostavljaš suze“.

‚‚Čoveku ne možeš pomoći ako činiš za njega ono što je on u stanju i sam uraditi.''

‚‚Nisam željela da me promjene. Ako već nisu mogli da nauče kako sa mnom, sada će morati da nauče kako bez mene."

‚‚Neuspeh ne znači da nismo postigli ništa.
Znači da smo naučili nešto.
Neuspeh ne znači manjak sposobnosti.
Znači da moramo činiti stvari na drugačiji način.
Neuspeh ne znači da smo inferiorni.
Znači da nismo savršeni.
Neuspeh ne znači da smo izgubili svoj život.
Znači da imamo dobre razloge da započnemo iznova.
Kada shvatimo šta je zapravo neuspeh, onda smo uspeli da ga pobedimo."

‚‚Prošlost je iskustvo, danas je eksperiment, sutra je očekivanje.
Iskoristi svoje iskustvo u svojim eksperimentima da postigneš svoja očekivanja.''

‚‚Vreme nije uzalud potrošeno ako uživaš dok ga uzalud trošiš.''

‚‚Muškarac može da bude srećan sa bilo kojom ženom pod uslovom da je ne voli."

‚‚Želiš da odeš? Zar ne shvataš da je razlog zbog kojeg odlaziš zapravo onaj zbog kojeg bi trebalo da ostaneš? Nemoj nikada odustajati od onoga što voliš!"

‚‚Gubimo zdravlje da zaradimo novac,
a onda gubimo novac da vratimo zdravlje."

‚‚Ne oslanjaj se previše na druge. Jer, kada si u tami, čak te i sopstvena senka napusti.''

‚‚Život je prelepa bašta cveća. Treba samo preskočiti ogradu.''

‚‚Ruka koja daje uvijek je iznad one koja uzima."

‚‚Kada na putu života padneš, ustani, istresi prašinu i nastavi dalje jer ne gubi onaj koji padne već onaj koji ostane da leži."

‚‚Ako ste najpametniji u društvu, promenite društvo."

‚‚Život ne znači čekati da oluja prođe. Život znači naučiti kako plesati na kiši."

‚‚Ako ne kažeš ono što misliš, to što si prećutao – progoniće te."

‚‚Težinu svojih grešaka shvatite tek onda kad sretnete osobu koja ih ne oprašta."

‚‚Ljudi su stvoreni da se vole. Stvari su napravljene da se koriste. A razlog zašto je svet u haosu je taj što su stvari počele da se vole, a ljudi da se koriste.''

‚‚Život je prekratak da bismo ga trošili na beznačajne stvari."

‚‚Nikada niste previše stari da zacrtate novi cilj i da sanjate novi san."

‚‚Niko se ne može vratiti kroz vreme i promeniti početak, ali svako može početi danas i napraviti novi kraj."

‚‚Prestani stalno obraćati pažnju na to kako se osjećaš. Kako se osjećaš je prosto tako. Proći će. Osjećanja nisu pod tvojom kontrolom. Samo djela jesu i ona obično dovode do osjećanja zadovoljstva ili sramote."

‚‚Živi tako da, kad tvoja djeca pomisle na poštenje, brigu i ljubav, pomisle na tebe."
Nepoznati autor

‚‚Bila je luda i jedinstvena. Nepopravljiva i bezobrazno ravnodušna. Posebna. Smijehom je sakrivala strah, ponosom slabost. Bila je neko ko ne zna ostati. I nije ostala, nikada. A volio sam je. I ona je mene voljela. I svi su to znali, osim nas."

‚‚Neki ljudi nemaju pojma koliko su puta kroz šalu čuli istinu."

‚‚Živi za trenutak koji ne možeš opisati riječima."

‚‚Ne zaboravi da poslije igre i kralj i pješak idu u istu kutiju."

‚‚Da smo se voljeli manje, ja bih sada imao manje rana na srcu, a ti bi dugovala manje isprika. Da smo se voljeli manje, ja bih sada imao čišći obraz, a ti bi imala mirnije snove. Da smo se voljeli manje, ti bi nekog ljubila bez straha, a ja bih nekog ‚‚ljubavi" zvao. Da smo se voljeli manje, puno bi nam više od života ostalo.. Ali ništa vrijedilo ne bi, jer kakav bi to život bio, da smo se voljeli manje?"

‚‚Najbolji poljubac je onaj koji se očima razmeni hiljadama puta, pre nego što se usne dodirnu."

‚‚Posle tačke nema zareza."

‚‚Osmeh nas ništa ne košta, a deluje čudesno. Obogaćuje onoga kome je namenjen, a ne osiromašuje onoga koji ga poklanja.''

‚‚Baš ti lijepo stoji da budeš samo uspomena."

‚‚Ono što te sprečava da postigneš više u životu nije to što misliš o sebi, već ono što misliš da nisi."

‚‚Drži se čoveka koji može prepoznati ljubav iza tvog besa i smisao tvog ćutanja."

‚‚Ja bih želeo
da tvoj san postanem
koji ti maštu
svu dragu noć plavi
da s tobom zaspim
i da s tobom osvanem
osmehom zora
da nas vraća javi..."

‚‚Na kamen koji se kotrlja, ne hvata se mahovina."

‚‚Ne gledaj u sveću dok dogoreva.
Raduj se njenom plamenu.''

‚‚Nijedan jastuk nije tako mekan kao čista savest"

‚‚Glumite da ste dobri ljudi. Ali retko ko je istinski dobar čovek. Mnogo su češće ljudi dobri jer nemaju hrabrosti da budu zli!"

‚‚Prestani glumiti da možeš popiti samo jednu čašu vina i da te nakon toga on svojim rukama gladijatora mora odnijeti u krevet. Prestani se nakašljavati kad pred njim prvi put zapališ crveni Marlboro. Prestani brijati prepone dva puta dnevno i strahovati: 'Bože moj, vidi li mi onu dlaku što sam promašila?', a on ne skonta ni kad se iz smeđeg obojiš u plavo. Prestani biti glupa da bi on bio pametan. Muškost, snaga i inteligencija se ne dokazuju tako. Ako si žensko, nisi kreten. Budi žena, ne budi idiot od žene."

‚‚Postoji jedan divan, mističan zakon prirode prema kome se tri stvari za kojima u životu najviše žudimo - sreća, sloboda i duševni mir - uvek postižu tako što ih damo nekom drugom.''

‚‚Svijet je opasno mjesto. Ne zbog onih koji čine zlo, već zbog onih koji to gledaju i ne čine ništa."

‚‚Među ljudima budi čovek; među psima budi vuk.''

‚‚Ljudi će uvek bacati kamenje na tvoj put. Da li će ti to biti zid ili most, to je tvoj izbor. "

"Common sense is not a gift, it's a punishment. Because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it."

‚‚Neki ljudi jednostavno imaju novac, a neki su bogati."

"Some people are alive only because it is illegal to kill them."

‚‚Bez tebe ja sam samo san, sa tobom ja sam revolucija."

‚‚Najgore je što čoveka, kada ima sopstvenu nevolju, ništa drugo ne može da zainteresuje."

Poslednji izmenio ThePoet dana Uto Sep 27, 2016 10:38 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 32
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Citati sa prethodnih takmičenja - Page 2 Empty Citati na engleskom

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 3:23 am

"No one is you and that is your power."
Dave Grohl

"To give yourself over to another body
That’s all you want really
To be out of your own and consumed by another
To swim inside the skin of your lover
Not have to breathe
Not have to think"
Florence Welch

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
Nelson Mandela

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant."
Doctor Who

"Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him."
F. M. Dostoevsky

"Gods suppressed become devils, and often it is these devils whom we first encounter when we turn inward.”
Joseph Campbell

"The French have a phrase 'mutilé de guerre'. Do you know it? 'Mutilated by war'. I spend my days in the company of those mutilated by life. Most of them beyond repair. But I always held to belief that there are times. Not times. Moments. When the right word or emotion, a single touch, might heal."
Dr. Eldon Chance, "Chance"

"My workday begins around 11 A.M., with a cup of black coffee in each hand. If I had more hands, there would be more coffee."
Aaron Levie

"You know, there's only one way to pick the perfect strawberry. Most people think it's just about the outside. You know, the shape and the color. But they're just like us. Sneaky little devils, hiding tasty secrets inside. It's never the ones you expect. But there's no way of finding out what deliciousness is underneath without giving it a little taste."
Lucifer, "Lucifer"

"Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along."
Rae Smith

"It is strange that the years teach us patience; that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting."
Elizabeth Taylor

"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."
Bob Marley

"I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities.”
Whoopi Goldberg

"Mountains are not Stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are the cathedrals where I practice my religion."
Anatoli Boukreev

"Whenever you fall, pick something up."
Oswald Avery

"I believe a lot of little miracles happen secretly."
Inger Borgen, Ordet

‚‚The truth is, it's not who you love, it's who you become when you love them."
Unknown author

''The greates thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return...''
Christian, Moulin Rogue

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain

''There is a place you can touch a woman that will drive her crazy. Her heart."
Melanie Griffith

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as i can be a woman in it!"
Marilyn Monroe

“It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work. Faith is mighty, but faith with action is mightier. Desiring is helpful, but desire and work is invincible.”
Thomas Robert Gaines

"If you want to make God laugh tell him about your plans."
Woody Allen

''I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
Mother Teresa

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.”
Mark Twain

''Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Oscar Wilde

''Be yourself, becouse everyone else is already taken.''
Oscar Wilde

"- What of art?
- It is a malady.
- Love?
- An illusion.
- Religion?
- The fashionable substitute for belief.
- You are a sceptic.
- Never! Scepticism is the beginning of faith.
- What are you?
- To define is to limit. "
Oscar Wilde

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."
Victor Hugo

''Only as high as I reach can I grow,
only as far as I seek can I go,
only as deep as I look can I see,
only as much as I dream can I be.''
Karen Ravn

''It's never too late to become what you might have been.''
George Eliot

''Nothing weighs on us so heavily as a secret.''
Jean de La Fontaine

"Don't let Fear get in the way of your dreams even if your biggest fear is your biggest Dream."
John Lennon

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on..."
Robert Frost

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not."
Kurt Cobain

"The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by her/his side and know you'll never have him/her."
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing, there will be no result."
Mohandas Gandhi

"When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that's when I think life is over."
Audrey Hepburn

“What a sad era when it is easier to smash an atom than a prejudice.”
Albert Einstein

‚‚When asked how they managed to stay together for 65 years, the woman replied, 'We were born in a time where if something was broke, you fixed it...not throw it away.'''

"If you don't stand for something, you fall for anything! Oh, and one more thing...Try to work together."
Zack Snyder

''Be the person you'd love to meet.''
Anonymous author

''Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.''
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
Mahatma Gandhi

''Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.''

“Use your smile to change the world, don’t let the world change your smile.”
Unknown author

''Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength.''
Eric Hoffer

"I'm thankful to all those who said 'NO' because of them, I did it myself."
Albert Einstein

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive. Never surrender."
Tupac Shakur

"If you’re brave to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."
Paulo Coelho

''Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.''
Dr. Seuss

"You are not in competition with anybody except yourself; plan to outdo your past not other people."
Jaachynma N.E. Agu

"The only real secret to 'inspiration' consists not in seeking new location, but in having new eyes.''
Olivia Bell

"Listen to people when they are angry, because that is when the real truth comes out."
Anonymous Author

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo da Vinci

Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
Thomas A. Edison

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
William Shakespeare

''Love is giving someone the power to destroy you... but trusting them not to.''
Unkwnown author

''I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.''
Audrey Hepburn

‚‚Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.''
Unknown author

"The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them."
Unknown author

"Love of beaty is taste. The creation of beaty is art."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubt, while the stupid people are full of confidence."
Charles Bukowski

"Happiness is the secret to all beaty. There is no beauty without happiness."
Christian Dior

"People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness."

''Two most important days in your life are the day you are born... and the day you find out why.''
Mark Twain

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
Nelson Mandela

"It always seems impossible until its done."
Nelson Mandela

''If you would stand well with a great mind, leave him with a favorable impression of yourself; if with a little mind, leave him with a favorable opinion of himself.''
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is."
Ellen DeGeneres

"The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space."
Marilyn Monroe

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Benjamin Franklin

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
Charles Bukowski

"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there."
Bob Marley

"Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."

"And in the end, we were all just humans... drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness."
F. S. Fitzgerald

"Sometimes it's not the people who change, it is the mask that falls off."

"Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side..."

"Not all those who wander are lost."
J. R. R. Tolkien

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
Jim Rohn

"The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages."
Virginia Wolf

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."
Stephen King

"It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for silence."

"The mind is a universe and can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven."
John Milton

"My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh. But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody's pain.”
Charles Chaplin

"Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
Patrick, SpongeBob SquarePants

"Without trust, there is no love."
Argentinean, Moulin Rouge

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."  
Aristotle Onassis

"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow; but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."
Agatha Christie

"Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones."
Peter Capaldi, "Doctor Who"

"Love rules the court, the camp, the grove,
And men below, and saints above;
For love is heaven, and heaven is love.
True love’s the gift which God has given
To man alone beneath the heaven;
It is not fantasy’s hot fire,
Whose wishes, soon as granted, fly;
It liveth not in fierce desire,
With dead desire it doth not die;
It is the secret sympathy,
The silver link, the silken tie,
Which heart to heart,
and mind to mind,
In body and in soul can bind."
Walter Scott

"It is awful to want to go away and to want to go nowhere."
Sylvia Plath

"I bleed myself to be your drink:
Is not the blood of poets - ink?"
William Soutar

"One's art goes as far and as deep as one's love goes."
Andrew Wyeth

"Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love."
Leo Buscaglia

"Everything in the world is about sex except sex — sex is about power."
Oscar Wilde

"Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom."
Rabindranath Tagore

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”
Marthe Troly-Curtin

"Every cloud has a silver lining."

"If your religion is worth killing for, then please start with yourself."
Unknown author

"It's no use to go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
Lewis Carroll

"The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough."
Rabindranath Tagore

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
Mark Twain

"Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine."
Christopher Morcom, The Imitation Game

"Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the overcompensations for misery. And, of course, stability isn't nearly so spectacular as instability. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand.”
Aldous Huxley

"We judge ourselves by our intentions. And others by their actions."
Stephen R. Covey

'Well, that's something the novelist can't help giving away, isn't it, that his book is shortly coming to an end? It may not be a happy ending, nowadays, but he can't disguise the tell-tale compression of the pages.'
David Lodge, Changing Places

"I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is vertical, so it's humiliating. It goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other and learns from the other. I have a lot to learn from other people."
Eduardo Galeano

"One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others."
Lewis Carroll

"To feel... it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking."
Mary, Equilibrium

"I fear not the man who has practised 10,000 kicks, but I do fear the man who has practised one kick 10,000 times."
Bruce Lee

"Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes."
Friedrich Nietzsche

"Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."
Romans 5:3-4

"Curiosity is insubordination in its purest form."
Vladimir Nabokov

"I don't believe in love at first sight but I do believe in seeing someone from across the room and knowing instantly that they're going to matter to you."
Ryan O'Connell

''We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our imagination of ourselves. The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined.''
Navaro Scott Momaday

"For something to be beautiful it doesn't have to be pretty."
Rei Kawakubo

"We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams."
Albert Einstein

‚‚I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.”
Coco Chanel

"The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."
Friedrich Nietzsche

"People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up."
George R.R. Martin

"I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the ligth."
Helen Keller

"That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
Steve Jobs

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams, it's about how to lead your life, ... If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself, the dreams will come to you."
Randy Pausch

"'It's impossible.' - said pride.
'It's risky.' - said experience.
'It's pointless.' - said reason.
'Give it a try.' - whispered the heart."
Unknow author

''I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question.''
Harun Yahya

"People may not tell you how they feel about you, but they always show you. Pay attention."
Keri Hilson

"Of all he things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."
Mark Twain

''Life is an echo.
What you send out - comes back.
What you sow - you reap.
What you give - you get.
What you see in others - exists in you.''
Zig Ziglar

"Once, poets were magicians. Poets were strong, stronger than warriors or kings — stronger than old hapless gods. And they will be strong once again.”
Greg Bear

"I read so I can live more than one life in more than one place."
Anne Tyler

"Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made."
Tyler Kent White

Laugh as much as you can.
Laugh until you cry.
Cry until you laugh.
Keep doing it even if people are passing you on the street saying, "I can't tell if that person is laughing or crying, but either way they seem crazy, let's walk faster."
Ellen DeGeneres

'But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.'
'In fact, ' said Mustapha Mond, 'you're claiming the right to be unhappy.'
'All right, then,' said the Savage defiantly, 'I'm claiming the right to be unhappy.'
Oldous Huxley - Brave New World

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
Cyril Connolly

‚‚Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King Jr.

"I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies."
Pietro Aretino

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

"Beauty is an enormous, unmerited gift given randomly, stupidly.”
Khaled Hosseini

"I am a reader, not because I don't have a life, but because I choose to have many."

" – There are two wolves who are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope. The question is... Which wolf wins?
– The one you feed. "
Casey and Eddie Newton, Tomorrowland

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
Oscar Wilde

“‘Dear God,’ she prayed, ‘let me be something every minute of every hour of my life.’”
Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

''A woman would never make a nuclear bomb. They would never make a weapon that kills. They’d make a weapon that makes you feel bad for a while.''
Robin Williams

"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."

"It's strange that words are so inadequate. Yet like the asthmatic struggling for breath, so the lover must struggle for words."
T. S. Eliot

"In this world, when you find a good place, you don't leave it."
Ernest Hemingway

"The pieces I am, she gather them and gave them back to me in all the right order.”
Toni Morrison

"You’re dying of thirst so we feast on each other
The sea is a still and violent mother
The blood round here pours down the water
Each wave a lamb lead to the slaughter
And like children that she just can’t teach
We break, and break, and break, and break ourselves upon the beach"
Florence Welch

"I am not a person to say the words out loud
I think them strongly, or let them hunger from the page...”
Keri Hulme

"Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.”
Lorraine Hansberry

"Love, and do what you like."
Saint Augustine

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
Jim Rohn

"I don't think there is any truth. There are only points of view. ”
Allen Ginsberg

"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."
Abraham Lincoln

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you."
Walt Whitman

"All Moanday, Tearday, Wailsday, Thumpsday, Frightday, Shatterday.”
James Joyce

"Even when you have doubts, take that step. Take chances. Mistakes are never a failure — they can be turned into wisdom.”
Cat Cora

"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order.”
Samuel Beckett

"There is no top. There are always further heights to reach."
Jascha Heifetz

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
Haruki Murakami

"I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours."
Lewis Carroll

I hope you all find yourselves sleeping with someone you love, maybe not all of the time, but a lot of the time. The touch of a foot in the night is sincere. I hope you like your work, I hope there's mystery and poetry in your life – not even poems, but patterns. I hope you can see them. Often these patterns will wake you up, and you will know that you are alive, again and again."
Eileen Myles

"A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness."
Robert Frost

''They muddy the water, to make it seem deep.''
Friedrich Nietzsche

"Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, you move'."
Margaret Carter

"Sometimes you are aware when your great moments are happening, and sometimes they rise from the past. Perhaps it's the same with people."
James Salter

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”
Terry Pratchett

"The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

"Invisible things are the only realities."
Edgar Allan Poe

"Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart."
Chuck Palahniuk

"I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them."
Oscar Wilde

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost

"When we understand every single secret of the universe, there will still be left the eternal mystery of the human heart."
Ludwig Wittgenstein

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."
Audrey Hepburn

"Sometimes people think they know you. They know a few facts about you, and they piece you together in a way that makes sense to them. And if you don’t know yourself very well, you might even believe that they are right. But the truth is, that isn’t you. That isn’t you at all."
Leila Sales

"Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy."
Iz filma: "Girl, Interrupted"

"No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they’d die for."
Martin Luther King Jr.

Never fear of the shadows, they simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby."
Winne the Pooh

"Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is who you text at 3am about your dreams and fears. Intimacy is giving someone your attention, when ten other people are asking for it. Intimacy is the person always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are."
Unknown Author

"Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."
Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:9; Yerushalmi Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 37a

"I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life…"
Leo Tolstoy

"This idea of the greater good... There is no greater good. It's only good, no matter how small the act."
Dr. Theo Yedlin, "Wayward Pines"

“I, a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe.”
Richard Feynman

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents."
H.P. Lovecraft

"You think man can destroy the planet? What intoxicating vanity. Earth has survived everything in its time. It will certainly survive us. To the earth...a million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can't imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven't got the humility to try. We've been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we're gone tomorrow, the earth will not miss us."
Michael Crichton

"The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for."
Max Tucker

"Even in the most peaceful surroundings the angry heart finds a quarrel. Even in the most quarrelsome surroundings the grateful heart finds peace.”
Doe Zantamata

"Everyone appreciates your honesty, until you're honest with them, then you're an asshole."
George Carlin

"My church offers no absolutes
She tells me, 'Worship in the bedroom.'
The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you"

"The pangs of your sadness will pass as your senses will rise."
Bob Dylan

"It occured to me looking around at all of your things and your work and going through years of work in my mind, that of all your work, you are still your most beautiful. The most beautiful work of all."
Patti Smith

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend."
Paul Sweeney

“Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable.”
Cristiano Ronaldo

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Neale Donald Walsch

"I think I fall in love a little bit with anyone who shows me their soul. This world is so guarded and fearful. I appreciate rawness so much."
Emery Allen

“I once had to say this on a show many years ago, and I truly believe it: Loneliness is a choice. I like to be alone; I’m more comfortable alone. But I do recognize that I take it too far sometimes and so I try to force myself to keep up with being sociable. I just am a bit of a lone ranger; I always have been. But I don’t believe that necessarily has to translate to being lonely. You can be lonely in a crowd of a thousand people. I can be in a hotel room on my own and not feel lonely. It all comes down to how comfortable you are with who you are in the silence.”
Gillian Anderson

"I have no sword. I don’t need a sword. Because I am the Doctor and this is my spoon."
Doctor Who

"Just one sweet word
And then a smile from you
Is almost worth everything"

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
Winston Churchill

"In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”
Gautama Buddha

“Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are not safe.”
Game of Thrones

"One day I just woke up and realized that I can’t touch yesterday. So why the heck was I letting it touch me?"
Steve Maraboli

"Like all dreamers, I mistook disenchantment for truth."
Jean-Paul Sartre

"Violence does not always take visible form, and not all wounds gush blood."
Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

"Human progress isn’t measured by industry. It’s measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy’s value is your value. That’s what defines an age. That’s what defines a species."
from Doctor Who

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Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 12, 2016 3:23 am

‚‚Da život ima smisla ne bi bio toliko popularan.”
Monti Pajton

‚‚Ako kaniš pobjedit, ne smeš izgubit."

"Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan."
Eleventh Doctor, Doctor Who

''Fall in love or fall in hate. Get inspired or be depressed. Ace a test or flunk a class. Make babies or make art. Speak the truth or lie and cheat. Dance on tables or sit in the corner. Life is divine chaos. Embrace it. Forgive yourself. Breathe. And enjoy the ride...''

''We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.''
''To love and be loved''

‚‚Budi jako oprezan da ne rasplačeš ženu jer Bog broji njene suze.
Žena je nastala od muškarčevog rebra. Ne od njegovih stopala da se po njoj gazi.
Ne od njegove glave da se njome vlada, nego od boka da mu bude jednaka.
Ispod ruke da bude zaštićena i pokraj srca da bude voljena.''

"All I ever wanted was a single thing worth fighting for."

‚‚Sudbina ne postoji, sudbinu sami stvaramo."
‚‚Terminator: Spasenje''

"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world."
''Dead poets society''

‚‚Jednom sam sanjao Ajfelov toranj... Bio sam na vrhu Ajfelovog tornja... Stajao sam i gledao... Kao...da sam među zvjezdama... Mislio sam na ovaj je**ni Balkan... Kako nam se ne bi desilo sve ovo što nam se desilo da su svi na je**nom Balkanu vidjeli to što sam ja tada vidio u snu.''
‚‚Pogled sa Ajfelovog tornja''

‚‚Pokazi mi srce nesputano glupim snovima, i ja ću ti pokazati srećnog čoveka.''
‚‚Društvo mrtvih pesnika'' (''Dead poets society'')

‚‚Znaš, kad sam bio mali želeo sam... Zamišljao sam da je život kao film i da možeš da ga vratiš i da ga zaustaviš kad hoćeš i onda da kreneš odande gde si stao, odakle zaželiš.''

‚‚Čak i ova realnost i to je takođe čudo."

‚‚Ono što nas čini ljudima možda će jednog dana biti definisano ne talentima koje posedujemo već vrlinama koje nam nedostaju.''
Masters of Science Fiction (tv serija)

‚‚Za mene postoji samo putovanje putevima koji imaju srca. Tuda ja putujem, i jedini dostojan izazov je da se taj put pređe sav, do kraja. I tuda putujem, gledajući, gledajući bez daha."
Don Žuan

‚‚Noć je najmračnija pred zoru."
Mračni vitez (film)

„Sve, dakle, što želite da ljudi vama čine, činite i vi njima.“
Biblija (Mt, 7, 12)

"It's not who you love, it's how."
Iz filma ‚‚Chasing Amy''

‚‚Pitam se često gde sam u stvari,
ko to povlači sudbine nit,
čijom se igrom rađa i stari,
ostaje na dnu, postaje mit?"

‚‚Želja ne prestaje ispunjenjem želje. Svako novo ostvarenje želje podstiče žeđ za novim sticanjem, kao što novo gorivo jače razgoreva vatru."

‚‚Daleko je moja kuća
bijela kafa i pogača vruća
na ormaru dunja žuta
koliko je mirisala puta
na ormaru dunja žuta
koliko je mirisala puta.."
Dino Merlin, ‚‚Daleko je moja kuća"

‚‚Vjetar se vezat ne može, tu samo ljubav pomaže."
Crvena jabuka

‚‚Sad mirno idi ostavi me tu
da kao nekad opet
prepustim se snu
Ti u ovom svijetu ne nalaziš ništa
to je život od sanja i pjene
ne razumijem što tražiš od mene
kad dao sam ti sve..."
Arsen Dedić

‚‚Da li si budan? Nedavno si pričao o značenju... našeg... života... nesebičnosti umetnosti... Uzmimo muziku... Ona zaista ima najmanje veze; tačnije, ako i ima neku vezu, onda je to na jedan idealan način, mehanički, čistim zvukom... Bez... bez asocijacija... I pored toga muzika čudesno prodire u samu dušu! Šta to u nama odzvanja kao odgovor na tu narmoničnu buku? I pretvara nam je u izvor ogromnog uživanja... I ujedinjuje nas i potresa? Koja je njena svrha? I, što je najvažnije, radi koga? Reći ćeš: ni za  šta i... ni za koga, tek tako. Nesebično. A ipak nije tako... možda... Jer sve, na kraju krajeva, ima svoje značenje... I značenje i uzrok..."
Iz filma Stalker Andreja Tarkovskog

‚‚Otkako te ne volim,
Netko mi iz vlaka maše,
Prazno mi je, ali lakše
Otkako te ne želim."
Arsen Dedić

‚‚Sve kuvam, pevušim i skakućem. Pesma leči dušu."
Cakana Jukebox, ‚‚Otvorena vrata"

‚‚Nema goreg i lošijeg posla od obrađivanja zemlje; jer kad tko 100 srebrenjaka ima u trgovini može svaki dan mesa i vina imati; tko pak, uloži 100 srebrenjaka u zemljoradnju, može samo soli i kupusa jesti."
Talmud, Jebamot 63a

"Budi dijete joj u krilu
Budi vojnik, brani je
Budi kraj nje kad je teško
To je ljubav, to je sve"
Neno Ninčević

‚‚Znate, da nisam postao bogataš, mogao sam da budem zaista veliki čovek."
Čarls Foster Kejn u "Građaninu Kejnu"

‚‚Al' postoji samo jedna stvar koja me sto puta više ubija od novokomponovanih narodnjaka u cik zore – optimizam! Ne mogu da podnesem taj lažni, ničim izazvani i potpuno nemotivisani optimizam."
Otvorena vrata - Cakana

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