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The Smiths

2 posters

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths

Počalji od Maja Pet Jun 24, 2011 8:43 am

The Smiths Thesmiths

The Smiths je bio britanski alternativni rock bend koji je osnovan u Manchesteru i postojao od 1982. do 1987. godine. Članovi benda su bili gitarista Johnny Marr , njegov školski prijatelj basista Andy Rourke , bubnjar Mike Joyce, i pevač Steven Patrick Morrissey. Činjenica je da su od strane mnogih kritičara proglašeni najboljim indie rock bendom osamdesetih, i jednim od najboljih britanskih bendova uopšte. Zanimljivo je to da su ime odabrali zato jer im se to činilo kao neko potpuno normalno, kratko i što je najvažnije lako pamtljivo, a nisu želeli da zvuči kao gomila drugih s dugim, teško razumljivim imenima, koja nisu ništa značila.
U tih zajedničkih pet godina rada napravili su puno, zapravo mnogo više nego neki bendovi koji su trajali mnogo duže. Utrli su put i dali inspiraciju celoj jednoj novoj generaciji bendova koji su se kasnije pojavili na svetskoj muzičkoj sceni. Ključni ljudi u celoj priči su Marr i Morrissey. Srce i duša, alfa i omega, motori koji su vukli svojim izuzetnim darom i koji su doveli ovu grupu do danas kultnog statusa i njime postavili nove standarde britanske, pa i svetske muzike.
Morrissey je briljantan, harizmatičan pesnik, poetska duša. On je znao biti dovoljno provokativan i odlučan u svojim pesmama melanholičnim, ironičnim, ciničnim, onim pesmama inspirisanim svakodnevnim životom, politikom, poslom ili socijalnim pitanjima.
Johnny Marr je ona druga polovina uspeha. Znao je tačno napisati muziku za Morrissey-jeve tekstove, podariti im život, tako da se dobije gotov proizvod koji je zvučao savršeno. Sve te godine Marr je raspolagao celim arsenalom čudnih rifova pa se stiče utisak da je celi njihov opus prožet tužnim, rezigniranim pesmama. Čak bi i one ‚‚vesele" zvučale vesele na samo njima svojstven način. U svakoj se snažno oseća njegovo sviranje nabijeno emocijama, i vidi se da sve što je odsvirao dolazi iz njegovog srca.

The Smiths 500full

Priča počinje 1983. godine kada su izdali prvi singl ‚‚Hand In Glove", pomalo kontraverzan jer govori o homoseksualizmu, i odmah po izlasku, popeo se na vrhove nezavisnih top lista. Nedugo zatim dižu prašinu u celoj Engleskoj zbog pesme ‚‚Reel Around The Fountain". Naime, u njoj Morrissey na ciničan način govori o problemu zlostavljanja dece. Uskoro, sledeće godine, izlazi prvi studijski album jednostavno nazvan ‚‚The Smiths" kojim odmah stiču masu obožavalaca. The Smiths postaju senzacija.

The Smiths Cd-cover
Sledeće, 1985. godine izlazi drugi studijski album nazvan ‚‚Meat Is Murder". Kritičari su ga ocenili autorski slabijim od prethodnog. Biće upamćen kao politički angažovan. Morrissey se okomio na vladu premijerke Margaret Thatcher. Kao zakleti vegetarijanac, borio se za vegetarijanstvo, bio čvrst u svojim stavovima i jednostavno zabranio ostalim članovima da se slikaju u situacijama kada jedu meso.

The Smiths Queenisdead-apr27

Trećim albumom ‚‚The Queen Is Dead" iz 1986. godine, konačno se probijaju na američko tržište i tamošnje top liste, dok na britanskim dolaze do drugog mesta. Bendu se pridružuje Craig Gannona, bivši gitarista grupe Aztec Camera. Ubrzo ga i izbacuju, kao i basistu Andy Rourka koji se borio sa svojom zavisnošću od heroina. Rourke se kasnije vratio i nastavio da svira sa ostalim članovima, ali Gannon nije. Singl ‚‚Panic" ocenjen je kao rasistički nastrojen zbog refrena: ‚‚Burn down the disco, hang the blessed D.J.", koga je Morrissey zdušno više puta ponavljao. Ali sve te kontroverze koje su ih pratile nisu imale uticaja na njihovu popularnost.

The Smiths Smiths-strangewaysherewe

Vrhunac popularnosti dostižu sledećim, ujedno i poslednjim studijskom albumom ‚‚Strangeways Here We Come".
Ipak, unutar benda nije bilo baš sve blistavo i dolazilo je do sve većih trzavica. Morrissey je Marru zamerao i išlo mu je na živce to što je ovaj svirao sa Bryan Ferry-jem i drugim muzičarima, dok je Marru smetala Morrissey-jeva opsesija stalnog otkrivanja novih muzičkih pravaca. Posle puno žučnih svađa Marr je odlučio da napusti bend, i tako je zapravo došao kraj The Smits-ima. Nakon raspada izlazi live album ‚‚Rank", snimljen 1988. godine na ‚‚11The Queen Is Dead" turneji. Po izlasku, album dolazi na drugo mesto britanskih top lista. Tokom devedesetih obavljena su dva ‚‚Best Of" kompilacijska albuma kao i ‚‚Singles",kao i neki ‚‚B-Sides" albumi.

Raspadom benda, Steven Morrissey je nastavio solo karijeru i u rasponu od 1988. pa do danas, objavio je devet studijskih albuma. Zanimljivo svoj prvi album nazvao je ‚‚Viva Hate", aludirajući time na svoj odnos s Marr-om za koga je smatrao da ga je izdao. Setimo se samo nekih pesama koje je Morrissey objavio u svojoj samostalnoj karijeri: legendarne ‚‚Everyday Is Like Sunday" i ‚‚The Last Of The International Playboys", ‚‚You're The One For Me Fatty", ‚‚Suedehead"

Johnny Marr je zajedno s Bernard Sumner-om iz benda New Order i Neil Tennantom iz Pet Shop Boysa oformio projekt Electronic 1989.godine. Objavili su tri studijska albuma. Takođe je sarađivao s mnoštvom muzičara, a osnovao je i svoj novi bend Johnny Marr & The Healers. 2002. godine izdali su prvi album ‚‚Boomslang", na kome se oprobao kao i pevač.

Iako The Smiths ne postoje odavno, njihove pesme: ‚‚Ask", ‚‚Shoplifters Of The World Unite", ‚‚How Soon Is Now", ‚‚Sheila Take A Bow", ‚‚Shakespeare's Sister", ‚‚Thera Is A Light That Never Goes Out", ‚‚Bigmouth Strikes Again" i mnoge druge su itekako žive.

Legendarni član
Legendarni član

Broj poruka : 6121
Ženski Datum upisa : 19.02.2010

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths - How Soon Is Now?

Počalji od Maja Pet Jun 24, 2011 8:51 am

How Soon Is Now?

I am the son
and the heir
of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and heir
of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

I am the son
and the heir
of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
I am the son and the heir
of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

There's a club if you'd like to go
you could meet somebody who really loves you
so you go, and you stand on your own
and you leave on your own
and you go home, and you cry
and you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen "now"
well, when exactly do you mean?
see I've already waited too long
and all my hope is gone

You shut your mouth
how can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
just like everybody else does

Legendarni član
Legendarni član

Broj poruka : 6121
Ženski Datum upisa : 19.02.2010

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out

Počalji od Maja Pet Jun 24, 2011 8:55 am

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
Who are young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one anymore

Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people
And I want to see life
Driving in your car
Oh please don't drop me home
Because it's not my home, it's their home
And I'm welcome no more

And if a double-decker bus
Crashes in to us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well the pleasure, the privilege is mine

Take me out tonight
Take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
And in the darkened underpass
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
But then a strange fear gripped me
And I just couldn't ask

Take me out tonight
Oh take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one
No, I haven't got one

And if a double-decker bus
Crashes in to us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well the pleasure, the privilege is mine

There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out

Legendarni član
Legendarni član

Broj poruka : 6121
Ženski Datum upisa : 19.02.2010

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths - I Know It's Over

Počalji od Maja Čet Sep 22, 2011 6:17 am

I Know It's Over

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
and as I climb into an empty bed
Oh well, enough said
I know it's over still I cling
I don't know where else I can go

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
See, the sea wants to take me
The knife wants to slit me
Do you think you can help me?

Sad veiled bride, please be happy
Handsome groom, give her room
Loud, loutish lover, treat her kindly
Although she needs you more than she loves you

And I know it's over
Still I cling
I don't know where else I can go
It's over, it's over, it's over

I know it's over
And it never really began
But in my heart it was so real
And you even spoke to me and said:

"If you're so funny
then why are you on your own tonight?
and if you're so clever
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very entertaining
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very good looking
why do you sleep alone tonight?
I know because tonight is just like any other night
that's why you're on your own tonight
with your triumphs and your charms
while they are in each other's arms"

It's so easy to laugh,
it's so easy to hate,
it takes strength to be gentle and kind
Over, over, over,over

It's so easy to laugh
it's so easy to hate
it takes guts to be gentle and kind
Over, over

Love is natural and real,
But not for you, my love
Not tonight my love
Love is natural and real
But not for such as you and I, my love

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head

Legendarni član
Legendarni član

Broj poruka : 6121
Ženski Datum upisa : 19.02.2010

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths - This Charming Man

Počalji od polly88 Ned Okt 16, 2011 1:07 am

This Charming Man

A punctured bicycle
On a hillside desolate
Will nature make a man of me yet?

When in this charming car
This charming man

Why pamper life's complexity
When the leather runs smooth
On the passenger seat

I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
This man said "It's gruesome that someone so handsome should care"

A jumped up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things

I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
This man said "It's gruesome that someone so handsome should care"
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na, this charming man ...
Na, na-na, na-na, na-na, this charming man ...

A jumped up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things

New York version adds :

I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear

I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
Oh, la-la, la-la, la-la, this charming man ...
Oh, la-la, la-la, la-la, this charming man ...

A jumped up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things

Gnothi seauton!

Broj poruka : 6404
Ženski Blizanci Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again

Počalji od polly88 Sub Mar 03, 2012 6:55 am

Bigmouth Strikes Again

Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
When I said I'd like to smash every tooth
In your head

Oh ... sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking
When I said by rights you should be
Bludgeoned in your bed

And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt
As the flames rose to her roman nose
And her Walkman started to melt
Oh ...

Bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
And I've got no right to take my place
With the Human race

Oh, bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la
Bigmouth strikes again
And I've got no right to take my place
With the Human race

And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt
As the flames rose to her roman nose
And her hearing aid started to melt

Bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again
And I've got no right to take my place
With the Human race
Oh ...

Gnothi seauton!

Broj poruka : 6404
Ženski Blizanci Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths - Nowhere Fast

Počalji od polly88 Pon Avg 20, 2012 12:14 am

Nowhere Fast

I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
I am a man of means (of slender means)
each household appliance
is like a new science in my town
and if the day came when I felt a
natural emotion
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump
in the ocean
and when a train goes by
it's such a sad sound

I'd like to drop my trousers to the Queen
every sensible child will know what this means
the poor and the needy
are selfish and greedy on her terms
and if the day came when I felt a
natural emotion
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump
in the ocean
and when a train goes by
it's such a sad sound

And when I'm lying in my bed
I think about life
and I think about death
and neither one particularly appeals to me
and if the day came when I felt a
natural emotion
I'd get such a shock I'd probably lie
in the middle of the street and die
I'd lie down and die

Gnothi seauton!

Broj poruka : 6404
Ženski Blizanci Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010

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The Smiths Empty The Smiths - Girlfriend In A Coma

Počalji od polly88 Uto Jan 03, 2017 10:48 pm

Girlfriend In A Coma

Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - it's serious
Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - it's really serious
There were times
When I could
Have 'murdered' her
(but, you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to her)
Do you really think
She'll pull through?
Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - it's serious
There were times when I could
Have 'strangled' her
(but, you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to her)
Do you really think
She'll pull through?
Let me whisper my last goodbyes


Gnothi seauton!

Broj poruka : 6404
Ženski Blizanci Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010

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The Smiths Empty Re: The Smiths

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