The Cure
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The Cure
The Cure je britanska rok grupa kojia se nikada nije mogala svrstati ni u koji žanr. Iako je bilo mnogo pokušaja da se bend uvrsti u gotik rok, zbog turobnih tekstova i izgleda frontmena i pevača Roberta Smita, sam Smit bi uvek odbacivao pokušaj uvrštavanja bilo pod koji žanr. Do sada, grupa Kjur je prodala blizu 50 miliona albuma širom sveta.
Grupa sedamnaestogodišnjaka iz Katoličke gimnazije u Krouliju (Saseks, Engleska), oformila je 1976. godine bend The Easy Cure. Grupu su činili Robert Smit (frontmen, glavni vokal), Lorens Tolherst – Lol (bubnjevi), Majkl Dempsi (bas) i Porl Tompson (gitara). Nisu, kao drugi bendovi u to vreme svirali tuđe pesme, već su odmah počeli sa svojim materijalom i ubrzo su imali dovoljno pesama za nastupe.
Godine 1977. The Easy Cure na audiciji za Hansa Rekords dobijaju ugovor za snimanje vredan hiljadu funti. Godinu dana kasnije, posle nesuglasica u kom bi smeru bend trebalo da krene, bend, tada već sa izmenjenim nazivom u The Cure, potpisuje ugovor sa bivšim skautom Polidor rekordsa, Krisom Perijem, kao trio (posle odlaska Porla Tompsona iz benda). Grupa izdaje svoj prvi singl ‚‚Killing an Arab", na kompilaciji singlova ‚‚Small Wonder". Ovakav naslov izazvao je burne reakcije u tadašnjoj javnosti, jer su ga svi stavljali u rasističku konotaciju. Međutim, radi se o pesmi zasnovanoj na poznatom romanu ‚‚Stranac" Albera Kamija. Bilo kako bilo, izjava članova grupe da pesma nema veze sa rasizmom nije bila dovoljna, pa je svakom primerku singla bila dodata i nalepnica koja je objašnjavala da pesma nije rasistička. Robert Smit je pri izvođenju ove pesme često menjao tekst u "...Loving an Arab...".
Prvi album ‚‚Three Imaginary Boys" pojavio se u prodaji 1979. godine. Niko iz benda nije bio zadovoljan albumom (naročito Robert Smit) zbog toga što nisu imali pravo da se mešaju u finalne delove izrade albuma kao što su na primer aranžmani ili čak redosled pesama. Tako se desilo da su producenti na album stavili i tonsku probu gde The Cure svira pesmu ‚‚Foxy Lady" Džimi Hendriks-a. Iste godine, grupa izdaje i singl ‚‚Cult Hero" sa pesmama ‚‚I'm a Cult Hero" i ‚‚I Dig You" gde je vokale pevao Frenki Bel.
Usledile su duge turneje sa srodnim postpank bendovima kao što su Joy Division i Siouxsie and the Banshees. Tako je i nastao zajednički projekat člana grupe Siouxsie and the Banshees Stiven-a Severin-a i Robert-a Smit-a pod nazivom ‚‚The gLOVE". ‚‚Boys Don't Cry", njihov naredni singl postao je hit u Americi, pa su producenti to iskoristili i 1980. godine uradili reizdanje albuma ‚‚Three Imaginary Boys", pod imenom ‚‚Boys Don't Cry", sa novim omotom i izmenjenim pesmama.
The Cure u novom sastavu, kao kvartet, 1980. godine izdaje minimalistički album ‚‚Seventeen Seconds" koji je dostigao 20. mesto na top listama u Velikoj Britaniji. Prvi hit singl sa ovog albuma, a i njihov prvi hit singl uopšte, bio je ‚‚A Forest". Usledila je prva svetska turneja na kraju koje je klavijaturista Metju Hartli napustio bend. 1981. godine dolazi album ‚‚Faith", koji zauzima 14. mesto u Velikoj Britaniji. Istovremeno izlazi i saundtrack za film ‚‚Carnage Visitors".
1982. izašao je njihov četvrti studijski album ‚‚Pornography", mračan, nihilističan album, koji je izazvao glasine da Robert Smit planira samoubistvo. Uprkos ili zahvaljujući ovim glasinama, ‚‚Pornography" postaje prvi njihov album koji ulazi na UK Top 10, zauzimajući čak 8. mesto. Turneja ‚‚Fourteen Explicit Moments" ponovo je donela ozbiljne nesuglasice među članovima benda.
Posle svađe u klubu između Robert-a Smita i Sajmona Galup-a, Sajmon odlazi iz grupe i osniva svoju, Fuls Dens. Krajem 1982. godine The Cure objavljuje pop pesmu ‚‚Let's Go To Bed" koja je bila manji hit u Velikoj Britaniji, a potom i dva uspešnija singla ‚‚The Walk" (našao se na 12. mestu) i ‚‚The Love Cats", koja je postala prvi UK Top 10 singl, na zavidnom 7. mestu. Iste godine, Smit ide na turneju sa grupom Siouxsie and the Bansheesna i svira, komponuje njihova dva albuma ‚‚Hyaena" i ‚‚Nocturne". Sa Stiven-om Severin-om snima album ‚‚Blue Sunshine" kao grupa Glouv. Kjur izdaje četiri studijska singla i B-strane za japansko tržište kao album ‚‚Japanese Whispers".
‚‚The Top" bio je psihodelični album koji je izašao 1984. godine, na kom je Smit svirao sve instrumente osim bubnjeva, za kojima je sedeo Endi Anderson i saksofona, koji je svirao povratnik u bend, Porl Tompson. Krenula je turneja ‚‚Top Tour" sa Smitom, Andersonom, Tompsonom i basistom Filom Tornalijem. Prvi live album grupe The Cure (‚‚Concert") izdat je upravo sa izvođenjima sa ove turneje. Na kraju turneje, Anderson biva otpušten zbog demoliranja hotelske sobe i menja ga Boris Vilijams. Basista Tornali je zamenjen Sajmonom Galupom koji se vraća u bend. Godine 1985. je za grupu bila važna godina. Nova postavka izdaje‚album ‚‚The Head on the Door“ koji se kotirao na 7. mestu u Britaniji i po prvi put uvela bend na američki Top 75 beležeći 59. mesto, što je donekle zasluga dva izdvojena singla sa ovog albuma ‚‚In Between Days" i ‚‚Close to Me". Posle ovog albuma i još jedne svetske turneje, 1986. izlazi ‚‚Standing on a Beach", kolekcija svih singlova, uključujući i B-strane za verziju koja je izdata na muzičkoj kaseti. Naslov albuma je uzet iz prvog reda prvog singla grupe, ‚‚Killing an Arab". Ova kompilacija ušla je na Američki Top 50, a bila je propraćena i video izdanjem ‚‚Staring at the Sea" i još jednom turnejom, kao i video kasetom sa koncertom u južnoj Francuskoj koja je nazvana ‚‚The Cure in Orange".
The Cure sada postaje vrlo popularan bend u Evropi (posebno u Francuskoj, Nemačkoj i zemljama Beneluksa) i sve više poznat u SAD. Tokom 1986. godine, Tolherstov problem sa alkoholom često ga je ometao da nastupa sa bendom, pa je klavijaturista Sajkodelik Fursa, Rodžer O'Donel često nastupao umesto njega.
Godine 1987. izdaju album ‚‚Kiss Me, Kiss Me Kiss Me" zajedno sa njihovim, od strane kritičara najbolje ocenjenim, singlom ‚‚Just Like Heaven" koji je ušao na SAD Top 40, kao i sam album. Spot za ovu pesmu je kasnije izabran za najbolji alternativni videospot svih vremena na MTV 120 minuta. Godine 1988. godine izdata je istorija grupe ‚‚Ten Imaginary Years", a Lol Tolherst, iako još nije bio zvanično otišao iz benda, bio je zamenjen O'Donelom. Godine 1989. godine, izlazi album ‚‚Disintegration“, koji postaje najbolje rangiran album ove grupe do tada, (3. mesto na UK Top 10) sa čak tri singla u Top 30 singlova, ‚‚Lullaby", ‚‚Lovesong", ‚‚Pictures of You". U Americi, ‚‚Disintegration“ dolazi do impresivnog 12. mesta na listama u SAD gde je bend još jednom dokazao rast popularnosti u SAD. Pored toga, drugi singl sa albuma, ‚‚Lovesong" dostiže 2. mesto na Pop listi SAD.
Neposredno pre izdavanja, Tolherst izlazi iz benda, ostavljajući Smita kao jedinog člana originalne postave. Grupa polazi na ‚‚Prayer" turneju. Na ovoj turneji bend je odsvirao neke od najdužih koncerata (njihova finalna svirka u Vembli Areni, za koju je Robert govorio da će ‚‚verovatno biti i poslednja", trajala je tri i po sata). U sklopu ove turneje prvi (i jedini) put su nastupili u Jugoslaviji – u hali Tivoli u Ljubljani. Kako je Tolhurst još uvek bio na platnom spisku tokom snimanja albuma ‚‚Disintegration“, potpisan je kao svirač ‚‚ostalih instrumenata".
1990. godine The Cure izdaje kolekciju remiksa ‚‚Mixed Up", koja je kod kritičara bila dočekana ‚‚na nož". Smit je rekao da je to očekivao, ali da je ipak odlučio da izda kolekciju. Kako je izdata tek pošto je šira publika otkrila grupu, ova kolekcija se odlično prodavala, štaviše, zavrteo se i manji hit koji je izdat kao nova pesma na kolekciji ‚‚Never Enough".
U maju te godine, O'Donel napušta bend, i Tompson predlaže dugogodišnjeg gitaristu Perija Bamontija kao njegovu zamenu. Posle kolekcije ‚‚Mixed Up" usledio je album ‚‚Wish", najbolje kotirani album ove grupe svih vremena, koji je u Velikoj Britaniji dostigao 1. mesto a u Sjedinjenim Državama mesto broj 2. Kreće i ‚‚Wish Tour" turneja, zajedno sa Portsmut Kransima i izlaze live albumi ‚‚Show" u septembru i ‚‚Paris" u oktobru 1993. godine. U promocione svrhe lanca prodavnica muzike ‚‚Our Price" u Britaniji, izlazi ograničeno izdanje sastavljeno od instrumentala sa albuma ‚‚Wish". Nazvano je ‚‚Lost Wishes", a sav prihod od kasete sa četiri pesme otišlo je u humanitarne svrhe. Porl Tompson odlazi iz benda još jednom tokom 1993. godine da bi svirao sa Robertom Plantom i Džimi Pejdž-om iz Led zepelin, dok Bamonti preuzima ulogu vodećeg gitariste. Bend izdaje novu pesmu, ‚‚Burn" kao muziku za film ‚‚‚Vrana". To je bila jedina pesma iz postavke Smit-Galup-Vilijams-Bamonti, kao i obrada Hendriksove ‚‚Purple Haze" za album posvećen Hendriksu.
Tokom 1994. godine, Lol Tolherst je tužio Roberta Smita i Fikšon Rekords za povlaštene isplate, takođe tražeći pravo na ime ‚‚The Cure", ali je posle duge pravne borbe izgubio. Boris Vilijams (bubnjevi) odlazi iz benda. Zamenjuje ga Džejson Kuper a vraća se Rodžer O'Donel. Smit-Galup-Bamonti-Kuper-O'Donel je bila jedna od najdugotrajnih postavki grupe Kjur. Prva pesma koju su uradili bila je "Dredd Song" za film "Sudija Dred" 1995. godine. Takođe je snimljena i obrada za ‚‚Young Americans" od Dejvid-a Bouvij-a, za radio-kompilaciju.
Godine 1996. Kjur izdaje album ‚‚Wild Mood Swings".
Godine 1997. objavljuju ‚‚Galore", nastavak višeplatinaste kolekcije singlova ‚‚Staring at the Sea/Standing on a Beach". Nova kolekcija sadržala je singlove benda između 1987. i 1997. godine, kao i singl ‚‚Wrong Number", na kom je svirao i gitarista Dejvid Bouvij-a, Rivs Gabrijels. Gabrijels je takođe pratio Kjur na kratkom američkom radio festivalu kao scenski gost-gitarista za ovu pesmu.
Godine 2000. izlazi album "Bloodflowers" koji biva nominovan za Gremija. Ovaj je album, po mišljenju Roberta Smita, treći u trilogiji koju zajedno sa njim čine albumi "Pornography" i "Disintegration". Bend startuje sa devetomesečnom turnejom “Dream Tour” koju je širom sveta posetilo više od milion ljudi. 2001. godine grupa Kjur odlazi iz Fikšon Rekordsa i izdaje svoj "Greatest Hits" album i DVD na kom su se nalazili muzički spotovi najpoznatijih pesama grupe.
2002. nastavljaju sa snimanjem i nastupaju na dvanaest glavnih muzičkih festivala. Takođe, sviraju nekoliko tročasovnih koncerata tokom kojih izvode sve pesme sa albuma ‚‚Pornography", ‚‚Disintegration" i ‚‚Bloodflowers" na nekoliko uzastopnih koncerata na Tempodromu u Berlinu. Snimke ovih nastupa objavili su na DVD izdanju ‚‚Trilogy" iz 2003. godine.
U proleće 2003. Kjur potpisuje za Gefen Rekords. 2004. Izdaju novi paket od četiri diska za Fikšon Rekords, ‚‚Join the Dots: B-Sides and Rarities, 1978-2001 (The Fiction Years)". Paket uključuje sedamdeset pesama grupe, od kojih neke nikada pre nisu bile izdate, i 76 strana knjige sa fotografijama, istorijom, izjavama, sve upakovano u tvrdi povez. Ovaj album je dostigao 106. mesto na Bilbord Top listi 200 albuma.
Album ‚‚The Cure", ponovo objavljuje Gefen Rekords, 28. juna 2004. godine, a producirao ga je vlasnik Gefena, nu-metal guru, Ros Robinson. Album je ušao u Top 10 na obema stranama Atlantika, i u Top 30 u Australiji. Da bi promovisali ovaj album, nastupaju na Festivalu muzike i umetnosti u Koučela Valiju. Takođe se pojavljuju u emisiji "Tonight Show" voditelja Džeja Lenoa.
Od 24. do 29. avgusta, The Cure nastupa na Curiosa koncertnoj turneji po Severnoj Americi, na kojoj je Smit lično odabrao svih jedanaest izvođača koji će nastupiti pre njih. Koncert je imao dve bine, sa bendovima Interpol, Rapčep i Mogvej na glavoj bini i Mjuz, Kurziv, Hed Otomatika, Terzdej, Skarling, Kuper Templ Klos i Melisa Auf Der Maur kao podrška na drugoj bini.
Grupa je nagrađena za MTV ikonu za 2004. godinu. Ceremonija je uključivala bendove koji izvode njihove pesme, AFI (‚‚Just Like Heaven”), Blink 182 (‚‚A Letter to Elise”), Rejzorlajt (‚‚Boys Don't Cry”) i Deftons (‚‚If Only Tonight We Could Sleep”), a domaćin je bio Merilin Menson. Smit je izvedbe AFI, Blink 182 i Deftonsa uključio u svoju listu dok je predstavljao specijalni večernji sešn Džona Pila na BBC Radiju 1, malo pre Pilove smrti.
Inspirisan reizdanjima Elvisa Kostela za Rino Rekords, od 2004. od 2006. godine, The Cure je izvršio nekoliko reizdanja sopstvenih albuma, ‚‚Three Imaginary Boys" (2. decembar 2004.), ‚‚Seventeen Seconds", ‚‚Faith", ‚‚Pornography" (26. april 2005), ‚‚The Top", ‚‚The Head on the Door", ‚‚Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me" i ‚‚Blue Sunshine" Smitove grupe The Glove (8. avgusta 2006). Svaki album je imao i svoje deluks izdanje, koje uključuje bonus drugi disk sa većinom neobjavljenih materijala, uključujući demo-pesme, žive nastupe i pesme koje su izbačene sa pojedinih albuma. Svi studijski albumi do "Bloodflowersa" su trebali da budu izdati 2004. godine, ali izdavačka kuća nije htela da ih izda u isto vreme kada i The Cure, i prvo pakovanje (1979-1982) je izdato početkom 2005. godine. Drugo pakovanje (1983-1987) je izdato u avgustu 2006. iako je bilo najavljivano za jun/jul.
U maju 2005. Smit otpušta Rodžera O'Donela i Perija Bamontija iz benda, zajedno sa Bamontijevim bratom Derilom koji je bio njihov dugogodišnji menadžer. Oni o ovome nisu bili informisani sve dok nisu videli na njihovom fan-sajtu. Ostali članovi benda (Smit, Galup i Kuper) su se par puta pojavili kao trio, dok nije objavljeno da se Porl Tompson vraća u bend za nastupe u leto 2005. uključujući i koncert na Live 8 u Parizu 2. jula.
Takođe 2005. bend kao trio snima obradu pesme Džona Lenona ‚‚Love” za Amnesti Internešonel humanitarni album Make Some Noise. Dostupan je za skidanje sa sajta Amnesti Internešenela a CD izdanje je zakazano za 2006. godinu.
Grupa kao kvartet piše i snima materijal tokom cele 2006. godine i planira svoje trinaesto studijsko izdanje ove godine, koje je bilo zakazano za Smitov rođendan, 21. aprila. U maju, Smit je izjavio da se ‚‚nada izlasku albuma za Noć veštica” (31. oktobar). Iako je ovaj datum potvrđen za štampu na kontingentu novih izdanja Šorton Rekordsa, Juniverzal Španija je objavila da će album biti odložen za 2007. godinu.Posle dugotrajnog odlaganja, trinaesti studijski album grupe The Cure izdat je pod nazivom ‚‚4:13 Dream" 27. oktobra 2008. godine.
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
The Cure - Lovesong
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again..
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again..
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
The Cure - Pictures of You
Pictures Of You
I've been looking so long at these pictures of you
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you
That I almost believe that the pictures are
All I can feel
You standing quiet in the rain
As I ran to your heart to be near
And we kissed as the sky fell in
Holding you close
How I always held close in your fear
You running soft through the night
You were bigger and brighter and whiter than snow
And screamed at the make-believe
Screamed at the sky
And you finally found all your courage
To let it all go
You fallen into my arms
Crying for the death of your heart
You were stone white
So delicate
Lost in the cold
You were always so lost in the dark
You how you used to be
Slow drowned
You were angels
So much more than everything
Hold for the last time then slip away quietly
Open my eyes
But I never see anything
If only I'd thought of the right words
I could have held on to your heart
If only I'd thought of the right words
I wouldn't be breaking apart
All my pictures of you
Looking so long at these pictures of you
But I never hold on to your heart
Looking so long for the words to be true
But always just breaking apart
My pictures of you
There was nothing in the world
That I ever wanted more
Than to feel you deep in my heart
There was nothing in the world
That I ever wanted more
Than to never feel the breaking apart
All my pictures of you
I've been looking so long at these pictures of you
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you
That I almost believe that the pictures are
All I can feel
You standing quiet in the rain
As I ran to your heart to be near
And we kissed as the sky fell in
Holding you close
How I always held close in your fear
You running soft through the night
You were bigger and brighter and whiter than snow
And screamed at the make-believe
Screamed at the sky
And you finally found all your courage
To let it all go
You fallen into my arms
Crying for the death of your heart
You were stone white
So delicate
Lost in the cold
You were always so lost in the dark
You how you used to be
Slow drowned
You were angels
So much more than everything
Hold for the last time then slip away quietly
Open my eyes
But I never see anything
If only I'd thought of the right words
I could have held on to your heart
If only I'd thought of the right words
I wouldn't be breaking apart
All my pictures of you
Looking so long at these pictures of you
But I never hold on to your heart
Looking so long for the words to be true
But always just breaking apart
My pictures of you
There was nothing in the world
That I ever wanted more
Than to feel you deep in my heart
There was nothing in the world
That I ever wanted more
Than to never feel the breaking apart
All my pictures of you
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
The Cure - Friday I'm in Love
Obožavam njegove blesave pokrete bez R od ritma.
Friday I'm in love
I don't care if monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and wednesday too
Thursday i don't care about you
It's friday i'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's friday i'm in love
Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But friday never hesitate...
I don't care if monday's black
Tuesday wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It's friday i'm in love
Monday you can hold your head
Tuesday wednesday stay in bed
Or thursday watch the walls instead
It's friday i'm in love
Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But friday never hesitate...
Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's friday
I'm in love
Friday I'm in love
I don't care if monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and wednesday too
Thursday i don't care about you
It's friday i'm in love
Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's friday i'm in love
Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But friday never hesitate...
I don't care if monday's black
Tuesday wednesday heart attack
Thursday never looking back
It's friday i'm in love
Monday you can hold your head
Tuesday wednesday stay in bed
Or thursday watch the walls instead
It's friday i'm in love
Saturday wait
And sunday always comes too late
But friday never hesitate...
Dressed up to the eyes
It's a wonderful surprise
To see your shoes and your spirits rise
Throwing out your frown
And just smiling at the sound
And as sleek as a shriek
Spinning round and round
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous sight
To see you in the middle of the night
You can never get enough
Enough of this stuff
It's friday
I'm in love
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - Letter to Elise
Letter to Elise
Oh Elise it doesn't matter what you say
I just can't stay here every yesterday
Like keep on acting out the same
The way we act out
Every way to smile
And make-believe we never needed
Any more than this
Any more than this
Oh Elise it doesn't matter what you do
I know I'll never really get inside of you
To make your eyes catch fire
The way they should
The way the blue could pull me in
If they only would
If they only would
At least I'd lose this sense of sensing something else
That hides away
From me and you
There're worlds to part
With aching looks and breaking hearts
And all the prayers your hands can make
Oh I just take as much as you can throw
And then throw it all away
Oh I throw it all away
Like throwing faces at the sky
Like throwing arms round
I stood and stared
Wide-eyed in front of you
And the face I saw looked back
The way I wanted to
But I just can't hold my tears away
The way you do
Elise believe I never wanted this
I thought this time I'd keep all of my promises
I thought you were the girl I always dreamed about
But I let the dream go
And the promises broke
And the make-believe ran out...
So Elise
It doesn't matter what you say
I just can't stay here every yesterday
Like keep on acting out the same
The way we act out
Every way to smile
And make-believe we never needed
Any more than this
Any more than this
And every time I try to pick it up
Like falling sand
As fast as I pick it up
It runs away through my clutching hands
But there's nothing else I can really do
There's nothing else I can really do
There's nothing else
I can really do
At all...
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - The Last Day of Summer
The last day of summer
Nothing I am
Nothing I dream
Nothing is new
Nothing I think or believe in or say
Nothing is true
It used to be so easy
I never even tried
Yeah it used to be so easy...
But the last day of summer
Never felt so cold
The last day of summer
Never felt so old
Never felt so...
All that I have
All that I hold
All that is wrong
All that I feel for or trust in or love
All that is gone
It used to be so easy
I never even tried
Yeah it used to be so easy...
But the last day of summer
Never felt so cold
The last day of summer
Never felt so old
The last day of summer
Never felt so cold
Never felt so...
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - This Is a Lie
This is a lie
How each of us decides
I've never been sure
The part we play
The way we are
How each of us denies any other way in the world
Why each of us must choose
I've never understood
One special friend
One true love
Why each of us must lose everyone else in the world
However unsure
However unwise
Day after day play out our lives
However confused
Pretending to know to the end
But this isn't truth this isn't right
This isn't love this isn't life this isn't real
This is a lie
How each of us believes
I've never really known
In heaven unseen and hell unknown
How each of us dreams to understand anything at all
Why each of us decides
I've never been sure
The part we take
The way we are
Why each of us denies every other way in the world
However unsure
However unwise
Day after day play out our lives
However confused
Pretending to know to the end
But this isn't truth this isn't right
This isn't love this isn't life this isn't real
This is a lie
This isn't truth this isn't right
This isn't love this isn't life this isn't real
This is a lie
Kakva muzika...
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - To Wish Impossible Things
To wish impossible things
Remember how it used to be
When the sun would fill the sky
Remember how we used to feel
Those days would never end
Those days would never end
Remember how it used to be
When the stars would fill the sky
Remember how we used to dream
Those nights would never end
Those nights would never end
It was the sweetness of your skin
It was the hope of all we might have been
That filled me with the hope to wish
Impossible things
To wish impossible things
But now the sun shines cold
And all the sky is grey
The stars are dimmed by clouds and tears
And all I wish
Is gone away
All I wish
Is gone away
All I wish
Is gone away
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - Lullaby
On candystripe legs the spiderman comes
Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
Looking for the victim shivering in bed
Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
A movement in the corner of the room!
And there is nothing I can do
When I realise with fright
That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight!
Quietly he laughs and shaking his head
Creeps closer now
Closer to the foot of the bed
And softer than shadow and quicker than flies
His arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes
"Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy
Don't struggle like that or I will only love you more
For it's much too late to get away or turn on the light
The spiderman is having you for dinner tonight"
And I feel like I'm being eaten
By a thousand million shivering furry holes
And I know that in the morning I will wake up
In the shivering cold
And the spiderman is always hungry...
Spot me podseća na Kafkin ‚‚Preobražaj''. Ne znam da li im je to bio cilj, ali se ja spotu zbog toga stalno vraćam. Samo par puta sam preslušao pesmu ne gledajući spot.
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
Boys don't cry
I would say I'm sorry
If I thought that it would change your mind
But I know that this time
I have said too much
Been too unkind
I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try to laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'Cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
I would break down at your feet
And beg forgiveness
Plead with you
But I know that it's too late
And now there's nothing I can do
So I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try to laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'Cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
I would tell you
That I loved you
If I thought that you would stay
But I know that it's no use
That you've already
Gone away
Misjudged your limit
Pushed you too far
Took you for granted
I thought that you needed me more
Now I would do most anything
To get you back by my side
But I just keep on laughing
Hiding the tears in my eyes
Because boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - Close to Me
Close to me
I've waited hours for this
I've made myself so sick
I wish I'd stayed asleep today
I never thought that this day would end
I never thought that tonight could ever be
This close to me
Just try to see in the dark
Just try to make it work
To feel the fear before you're here
I make the shapes come much too close
I pull my eyes out
Hold my breath
And wait until I shake
But if I had your faith
Then I could make it safe and clean
If only I was sure
That my head on the door was a dream
I've waited hours for this
I've made myself so sick
I wish I'd stayed asleep today
I never thought that this day would end
I never thought that tonight could ever be
This close to me
But if I had your face
I could make it safe and clean
If only I was sure
That my head on the door
Was a dream
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - Just Like Heaven
Just like heaven
"Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
I'll run away with you
I'll run away with you"
Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face I kissed her neck
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
"Why are you so far away?" she said
"Oh, won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you"
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream
Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
The Cure - Lost
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
In the head of this stranger in love
Holding on given up
To another under faded setting sun
And I wonder where I am...
Could she run away with him?
So happy and so young
And I stare
As I sing in the lost voice of a stranger in love
Out of time letting go
In another world that spins around for fun
And I wonder where I am...
Could he ever ask her why?
So happy and so young...
And I stare... But...
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
In the heart of this stranger in love
given up Holding on
To this other under faded setting sun
And I'm not sure where I am...
Would he really turn away?
So happy and so young...
And I stare...
As I play out the passion of a stranger in love
Letting go of the time
In this other world that spins around for one
And I'm not sure where I am...
Would she know it was a lie?
So happy and so young...
And I stare... But...
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
In the soul of this stranger in love
No control over one
To the other under faded setting sun
And I don't know where I am...
Should he beg her to forgive?
So happy and so young...
And I stare...
As I live out the story of a stranger in love
Waking up going on
In the other world that spins around undone
And I don't know where I am...
Should she really say goodbye?
So happy and so young
And I stare... But...
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I got lost in someone else.
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
In the head of this stranger in love
Holding on given up
To another under faded setting sun
And I wonder where I am...
Could she run away with him?
So happy and so young
And I stare
As I sing in the lost voice of a stranger in love
Out of time letting go
In another world that spins around for fun
And I wonder where I am...
Could he ever ask her why?
So happy and so young...
And I stare... But...
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
In the heart of this stranger in love
given up Holding on
To this other under faded setting sun
And I'm not sure where I am...
Would he really turn away?
So happy and so young...
And I stare...
As I play out the passion of a stranger in love
Letting go of the time
In this other world that spins around for one
And I'm not sure where I am...
Would she know it was a lie?
So happy and so young...
And I stare... But...
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
In the soul of this stranger in love
No control over one
To the other under faded setting sun
And I don't know where I am...
Should he beg her to forgive?
So happy and so young...
And I stare...
As I live out the story of a stranger in love
Waking up going on
In the other world that spins around undone
And I don't know where I am...
Should she really say goodbye?
So happy and so young
And I stare... But...
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I can't find myself
I got lost in someone else.
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
The Cure - Why Can't I Be You?
Why Can't I Be You?
you're so gorgeous i'll do anything!
i'll kiss you from your feet
to where your head begins!
you're so perfect!
you're so right as rain!
you make me make me make me
make me hungry again
everything you do is irresistible
everything you do is simply kissable
why can't i be you?
i'll run around in circles
'til i run out of breath
i'll eat you all up
or i'll just hug you to death
you're so wonderful!
too good to be true!
you make me
make me hungry for you
everything you do is simply delicate
everything you do is quite angelicate
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
you turn my head when you turn around
you turn the whole world upside down
i'm smitten i'm bitten i'm hooked i'm cooked
i'm stuck like glue!
you make me
make me hungry for you
everything you do is simply dreamy
everything you do is quite delicious
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
you're simply elegant!
you're so gorgeous i'll do anything!
i'll kiss you from your feet
to where your head begins!
you're so perfect!
you're so right as rain!
you make me make me make me
make me hungry again
everything you do is irresistible
everything you do is simply kissable
why can't i be you?
i'll run around in circles
'til i run out of breath
i'll eat you all up
or i'll just hug you to death
you're so wonderful!
too good to be true!
you make me
make me hungry for you
everything you do is simply delicate
everything you do is quite angelicate
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
you turn my head when you turn around
you turn the whole world upside down
i'm smitten i'm bitten i'm hooked i'm cooked
i'm stuck like glue!
you make me
make me hungry for you
everything you do is simply dreamy
everything you do is quite delicious
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
why can't i be you?
you're simply elegant!
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
The Cure - Cold
Scarred, your back was turned
Curled like an embryo
Take another face
You will be kissed again
I was cold as I mouthed the words
And crawled across the mirror
I wait, await the next breath
Your name like ice into my heart
A shallow grave
A monument to the ruined age
Ice in my eyes
And eyes like ice don't move
Screaming at the moon
Another past time
Your name
Like ice into my heart
Everything as cold as life
Can no one save you?
Everything as cold as silence
And you never say a word
Your name
Like ice into my heart
Your name
Like ice into my heart
Scarred, your back was turned
Curled like an embryo
Take another face
You will be kissed again
I was cold as I mouthed the words
And crawled across the mirror
I wait, await the next breath
Your name like ice into my heart
A shallow grave
A monument to the ruined age
Ice in my eyes
And eyes like ice don't move
Screaming at the moon
Another past time
Your name
Like ice into my heart
Everything as cold as life
Can no one save you?
Everything as cold as silence
And you never say a word
Your name
Like ice into my heart
Your name
Like ice into my heart
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
The Cure - Apart
He waits for her to understand
But she won't understand at all
She waits all night for him to call
But he won't call anymore
He waits to hear her say
But she just drops her pearl-black eyes
And prays to hear him say
"I love you"
But he tells no more lies
He waits for her to sympathize
But she won't sympathize at all
She waits all night to feel his kiss
But always wakes alone
He waits to hear her say
But she just hangs her head in pain
And prays to hear him say
"No more
I'll never leave again"
How did we get this far apart
We used to be so close together
How did we get this far apart
I thought this love would last forever
He waits for her to understand
But she won't understand at all
She waits all night for him to call
But he won't call
He waits to hear her say
But she just drops her pearl-black eyes
And prays to hear him say
"I love you"
But he tells no more lies
How did we get this far apart
We used to be so close together
How did we get this far apart
I thought this love would last forever
How did we get this far apart
We used to be so close together
How did we get this far apart
I thought this love would last forever
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
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