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Garbage je škotsko-američka rok grupa osnovana 1994. godine u Medisonu, u Viskonsinu. Članovi skupine su Duke Erikson, Shirley Manson, Steve Marker i Butch Vig.
Grupa je u prodaju pustila niz izrazito uspešnih pesama 1995. i 1996. godine, kulminirajući hitom ‚‚Stupid Girl''. Njihov album prvenac, ‚‚Garbage'', bio je neočekivano uspešan, prodavši se u 5 miliona kopija širom sveta, dostigavši dvostruki platinasti tiraž u Velikoj Britaniji, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Australiji. Grupa je kasnije provela dve godine radeći na svom sledećem albumu, ‚‚Version 2.0'', koji je dostigao vrhove top lista u Velikoj Britaniji i zauzeo 13. mesto u SAD-u. Album je bio nominovan za dve Grammy nagrade u kategoriji Album godine i Najbolji rok album, prodavši se u 5 miliona kopija. 1999. godine, grupa je izvela pesmu za film Jamesa Bonda, ‚‚The World Is Not Enough''. Iste godine, doprineli su pesmi ‚‚When I Grow Up'', za film ‚‚Big Daddy'' Adama Sandlera.
Grupa se borila da održi svoj prvotni uspeh, ali njihov treći album iz 2001. godine, ‚‚beautifulgarbage'' nije uspeo da dostigne komercijalni uspeh koji su postigli njegovi prethodnici. Grupa se takođe borila da ostane zajedno i gotovo se raspala 2003. godine, pre povratka s albumom ‚‚Bleed Like Me'' 2005. godine, dosegnuvši 4. mesto na top listama u SAD-u.
Njihova svjetska turneja iz 2005. godine prekinuta je, a grupa je najavila neodređeno odsustvo, ali je naglašavala kako se ne radi o raspadu sastava. Garbage se ponovo okupio početkom 2007. godine, snimivši nove kompozicije za album koji se sastoji od njihovih najvećih hitova, ‚‚Absolute Garbage'', koji je u prodaju pušten julu 2007. godine.
Vig, producent uticajnih albuma poput Nirvaninog albuma ‚‚Nevermind'', te albuma ‚‚Siamese Dream'' Smashing Pumpinksa, odlučio je da opet zasvira u bendu. Upitao je kolege producente Markera i Eriksona, s kojima je svirao u Spooneru i Siretownu, da mu se pridruže. Nakon što je Steve Marker ugledao Mansonovu na MTV-ju (u muzičkom spotu ‚‚Suffocate Me'' s njenim bendom ‚‚Angelfish''), pozvao ju je na audiciju za glavnog vokala u bendu, te se Shirley nakon dve audicije pridružila grupi. Prema navodima Viga, sastav je nazvan Garbage (eng. smeće) pre dolaska Mansonove, nakon što je Pauli Ryan ušao u prostoriju dok je Vig radio na remiksu kompozicije za grupu Nine Inch Nails i rekao da zvuči kao smeće.
Srditi, razdraženi i osećajni tekstovi pesama grupe suprotstavljaju se njihovoj pamtljivoj muzici alternativnog roka i popa. Garbage koristi sampliranje, elektroničke petlje, grundž gitare, i ostale različite efekte pri stvaranju pratećih i melodičnih kompozicija, upotpunjene glasom Shirley Manson.
Grupa je u prodaju pustila niz izrazito uspešnih pesama 1995. i 1996. godine, kulminirajući hitom ‚‚Stupid Girl''. Kasnije te godine u prodaju je pušten njihov prvi album, ‚‚Garbage'', pod izdavačkom kućom Mushroom Recordsa. Našla se među 20 najboljih u SAD-u i 10 najboljih u Velikoj Britaniji. U to vreme, bend je bio predgrupa na turneji Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness grupe Smashing Pumpkins.
Sastav je proveo dve godine radeći na sledećem albumu, tokom kojih je Mansonova postala poznata jer je bila jedna od prvih muzičkih umetnika koji su održavali svoje blogove. 1998. godine, pesma ‚‚Push It'' puštena je u javnost i postala letnji hit, dosegnuvši 9. mesto u Velikoj Britaniji i 52. u SAD-u. Sledeći album, ‚‚Version 2.0'', dosegnuo je vrh top lista u Velikoj Britaniji i 13. mesto u SAD-u. Nominovan je za dve Grammy nagrade, one u kategoriji Albuma godine i Najboljeg rock albuma.
Nakon ponovnog povlačenja u studio na nekoliko godina, sastav je u prodaju pustio sledeći album, 2001. godine, pod imenom ‚‚beautifulgarbage''. Iako je predstavljao najsmeoniji i najzreliji zvuk sastava, nije sadržavao nijednu istaknutu komercijalnu kompoziciju. Zbog toga se nijedna pesma nije našla na top listama u SAD-u, dok su se četiri pesme puštene u Velikoj Britaniji našle među 30 najboljih. Ipak, album je uspeo da dosegne 6. mesto na top listama u Velikoj Britaniji i 13. mesto u SAD-u, iako je brzo sišao s njih. Garbage je nakon albuma krenuo na uspešnu turneju SAD-om i Evropom.
Noviji album grupe, ‚‚Bleed Like Me'', pušten je u prodaju 11. aprila 2005. godine. Našao se na brojnim toplistama u brojnim zemljama, uključujući i 4. mesto u SAD-u, te radio rok hit ‚‚Why Do You Love Me''. U početku, album je imao radni naslov ‚‚Hands on a Hard Body'', ali je Mansonova najavila kako je sastav došao do novog naziva, ‚‚Bleed Like Me'', koji bolje zvuči uz poboljšanu dinamiku benda nakon vremena teškoća i kriza u oktobru 2003. godine. Mansonova je takođe izjavila kako album ‚‚Bleed Like Me'' više naginje hard roku, te je povratak korenima Garbagea nakon eklektičkih eksperimenata na albumu ‚‚beautifulgarbage'' .
Kasne 2005. godine, pojavile su se glasine kako je na pomolu raspad sastava, te je rečeno kako je Mansonova na pozornici izjavila kako je ovo zadnji put da nastupaju zajedno. U septembru 2005. godine, službena stranica benda odbacila je glasine o raspadu, ali je potvrdila vremenski neodređeno odsustvo.
Fanovi su nagađali hoće li Mansonova snimiti vlastiti solo album nakon što je sastav objavio neograničeno odsustvo. Do početka godine potvrđeno je kako Mansonova zaista piše nove pesme.
Do sredine marta Mansonova je u intervjuu za Bilboard magazin izjavila kako zaista snima solo album, izjavivši pri tom kako nema određen raspored kada će ga završiti i kako je u to vreme njena glavna želja da se zabavi i uživa. 29. oktobra 2006. godine, Sunday Mail je objavio kako uz Paula Buchanana i Davida Arnolda, Shirley Manson surađuje s Billyijem Corganom (The Smashing Pumpkins) i Jackom Whiteom (The White Stripes, The Raconteurs) na njenom novom solo albumu. Istovremeno, objavili su kako će se njen prvi solo album u prodaji naći 2007. godine.
Muški deo grupe takođe je bio aktivan izvan samog sastava. Butch Vig producirao je kompozicije za Jimmy Eat World i Against Me!, i napisao je muziku za dva filma. Prema blogu objavljenom u januaru 2006. godine, Mansonova je tvrdila kako je Duke Erikson zaposlen doterujući posljednje detalje na antologiju ‚‚Američke folk muzike'', dok je Steve Marker takođe bio uključen u stvaranje muzike za film.
Butch Vig je otkrio da će Garbage ponovo ući u studio i snimiti ‚‚nekoliko novih kompozicija" za album s najvećim hitovima krajem februara 2007. godine. Naziv spomenutog kompilacijskog albuma je ‚‚Absolute Garbage''. Album je u prodaju trebao biti pušten u martu 2007. godine, ali je pušten 23. jula 2007.
Garbage trenutno privodi kraju rad na svom petom studijskom albumu, koji će biti njihovo prvo izdanje nakon skoro sedam godina. Novi studijski album zvaće se ‚‚Not Your Kind Of People" i pojaviće se u prodaji 14. maja. Album će pre zvaničnog izlaska biti promovisan na nastupu u Londonu, a nakon toga bend je najavio kompletnu evropsku turneju. Za sada su potvrđeni nastupi u Rusiji i Francuskoj, kao i učešće na festivalima u Nemačkoj, Danskoj, Belgiji i Švedskoj.
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
Garbage - Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts
What is my day going to look like
What will tomorrow bring me
If I had x-ray eyes, I could see inside
I wouldn’t have to predict the future
I wish that you would do some talking
Or else how am I to know what you’re thinking
If only people would say what it really was
What it really was
What it really was that they wanted
Tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that’s the truth
They don’t love me, I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell
Did they ever give you a reason
To believe in something different
If you’re looking for love, for what’s worth
I have plenty of it lying around here somewhere
If you are looking for a disappointment
You can find it around any corner
In the middle of the night I hold on to you tight
So both of us can feel protected
Tell me where it hurts,
to hell with everybody else.
All I care about is you and that’s the truth
they don’t love me, yeah I can tell
but you do, so they can go to hell
I’ve been loved but I didn’t know how to feel it
And I’ve been adored but I don’t know if I ever believed it
I’ve been loved my whole life but I didn’t know how to take it
So tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that’s the truth
they don’t love me, yeah I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell
But you do, so they can go to hell
Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts now
Tell me where it hurts
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
Garbage - The world is not enough
The world is not enough
I know how to hurt
I know how to heal
I know what to show
And what to conceal
I know when to talk
And I know when to touch
No one ever died from wanting too much
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love
People like us
Know how to survive
There's no point in living
If you can't feel alive
We know when to kiss
And we know when to kill
If we can't have it all
Then nobody will
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love
I feel safe
I feel scared
I feel ready
And yet unprepared
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take the world apart, my love
The world is not enough
The world is not enough
No Nowhere near enough,
The world is not enough
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
Garbage - You look so fine
You look so fine
You look so fine
I want to break your heart
And give you mine
You're taking me over
It's so insane
You've got me tethered and chained
I hear your name
And I'm falling over
I'm not like all the other girls
I can't take it like the other girls
I won't share it like the other girls
That you used to know
You look so fine
Knocked down
Cried out
Been down just to find out
I'm through
Bleeding for you
I'm open wide
I want to take you home
We'll waste some time
You're the only one for me
You look so fine
I'm like the desert tonight
Leave her behind
If you want to show me
I'm not like all the other girls
I won't take it like the other girls
I won't fake it like the other girls
That you used to know
You're taking me over
Over and over
I'm falling over
Over and over
You're taking me over
Drown in me one more time
Hide inside me tonight
Do what you want to do
Just pretend happy end
Let me know let it show
Ending with letting go
Ending with letting go
Ending with letting go
Let's pretend, happy end
Let's pretend, happy end
Amor fati
Live today
Still_dreaming- Administrator
- Broj poruka : 22089
Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010
Garbage - Why Do You Love Me?
Why Do You Love Me?
I'm no barbie doll
I'm not your baby girl
I've done ugly things and I have made mistakes
And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines
I am rotten to my core if they're to be believed
So what if I'm no baby bird hanging upon your every word?
Nothing ever smells of roses that rises out of mud
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
You're not some little boy
Why you acting so surprised
You're sick of all the rules
Well I'm sick of all your lies
Now I've held back a wealth of shit, I think I'm gonna choke
I'm standing in the shadows with the words stuck in my throat
Does it really come as a surprise when I tell you I don't feel good?
Nothing ever came from nothing man
Oh man, ain't that the truth
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it, I do it again
I think you're sleeping with a friend of mine
I have no proof but I think that I'm right
And you've still got the most beautiful face
It just makes me sad most of the time
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it, I do it again
Do it again
Do it again
Do it again
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
I'm no barbie doll
I'm not your baby girl
I've done ugly things and I have made mistakes
And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines
I am rotten to my core if they're to be believed
So what if I'm no baby bird hanging upon your every word?
Nothing ever smells of roses that rises out of mud
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
You're not some little boy
Why you acting so surprised
You're sick of all the rules
Well I'm sick of all your lies
Now I've held back a wealth of shit, I think I'm gonna choke
I'm standing in the shadows with the words stuck in my throat
Does it really come as a surprise when I tell you I don't feel good?
Nothing ever came from nothing man
Oh man, ain't that the truth
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it, I do it again
I think you're sleeping with a friend of mine
I have no proof but I think that I'm right
And you've still got the most beautiful face
It just makes me sad most of the time
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it again
I get back up and I do it, I do it again
Do it again
Do it again
Do it again
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Why do you love me
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
Garbage - Cherry Lips
Cherry Lips
She gave you everything she had
But she was young and dumb
She'd just turned 21
She didn't care to hang around
So when the shit came down why she was nowhere to be found
This life can turn a good girl bad
She was the sweetest thing that you had ever seen
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms
With your cherry lips and golden curls
You could make grown men gasp when you go walking past
And in your hot pants and high heels
They could not believe that such a body was for real
It seemed like rainbows would appear
Whenever you came near the clouds would disappear
Because you looked just like a girl
Your baby blues would flash and suddenly a spell was cast
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms
You hold a candle in your heart
You shine the light on hidden parts
You make the whole world wanna dance
You bought yourself a second chance
Go baby go go
We're right behind you
Go baby go go
Yeah, we're looking at you
Go baby go go
Oh ,we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Yeah, we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Oh, we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Yeah, we're looking at you
Go baby go baby
Oh, we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Yeah, we're looking at you
You hold a candle in your heart
Go baby go go
You shine the light on hidden parts
Go baby go go
You make the whole world wanna dance
Go baby go go
You bought yourself a second chance
Go baby go baby go
Delicate boy
Go baby go baby go
In the hysterical realm
Go baby go baby go
Of an emotional landslide
Go baby go baby go
In physical terms
Go baby go go
Yeah, we're looking at you
Go baby go go
Oh, we're right behind you
She gave you everything she had
But she was young and dumb
She'd just turned 21
She didn't care to hang around
So when the shit came down why she was nowhere to be found
This life can turn a good girl bad
She was the sweetest thing that you had ever seen
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms
With your cherry lips and golden curls
You could make grown men gasp when you go walking past
And in your hot pants and high heels
They could not believe that such a body was for real
It seemed like rainbows would appear
Whenever you came near the clouds would disappear
Because you looked just like a girl
Your baby blues would flash and suddenly a spell was cast
You're so such a delicate boy
In the hysterical realm
Of an emotional landslide
In physical terms
You hold a candle in your heart
You shine the light on hidden parts
You make the whole world wanna dance
You bought yourself a second chance
Go baby go go
We're right behind you
Go baby go go
Yeah, we're looking at you
Go baby go go
Oh ,we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Yeah, we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Oh, we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Yeah, we're looking at you
Go baby go baby
Oh, we're right behind you
Go baby go baby
Yeah, we're looking at you
You hold a candle in your heart
Go baby go go
You shine the light on hidden parts
Go baby go go
You make the whole world wanna dance
Go baby go go
You bought yourself a second chance
Go baby go baby go
Delicate boy
Go baby go baby go
In the hysterical realm
Go baby go baby go
Of an emotional landslide
Go baby go baby go
In physical terms
Go baby go go
Yeah, we're looking at you
Go baby go go
Oh, we're right behind you
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains
Only Happy When It Rains
I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
And though I know you can't appreciate it
I'm only happy when it rains
You know I love it when the news is bad
And why it feels so good to feel so sad
I'm only happy when it rains
Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me
Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me
I'm only happy when it rains
I feel good when things are going wrong
I only listen to the sad, sad songs
I'm only happy when it rains
I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn't accidentally tell you that
I'm only happy when it rains
You'll get the message by the time I'm through
When I complain about me and you
I'm only happy when it rains
Pour your misery down (Pour your misery down)
Pour your misery down on me (Pour your misery down)
Pour your misery down (Pour your misery down)
Pour your misery down on me (Pour your misery down)
Pour your misery down (Pour your misery down)
Pour your misery down on me (Pour your misery down)
Pour your misery down
You can keep me company
As long as you don't care
I'm only happy when it rains
You wanna hear about my new obsession?
I'm riding high upon a deep depression
I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me)
I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me)
I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me)
I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me)
I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me).
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
Garbage - Push It
Push It
I was angry when I met you
I think I'm angry still
We can try to talk it over
If you say you'll help me out
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
No need to fight
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
We'll be alright
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes and my body aches
Push it, make the beats go harder
Push it, make the beats go harder
I'm sorry that I hurt you
Please don't ask me why
I want to see you happy
I want to see you shine
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
Don't be uptight
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
We'll stay up all night
C'mon push it, you can do it
C'mon prove it, nothing to it
C'mon use it, let's get through it
C'mon push it, you can do it
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
Don't be uptight
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
We'll stay up all night
[Chorus (3x):]
Don't worry baby
We'll be alright
Don't worry baby
We'll be alright
Push it
Push it
Push it
Push it
Push it.
I was angry when I met you
I think I'm angry still
We can try to talk it over
If you say you'll help me out
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
No need to fight
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
We'll be alright
This is the noise that keeps me awake
My head explodes and my body aches
Push it, make the beats go harder
Push it, make the beats go harder
I'm sorry that I hurt you
Please don't ask me why
I want to see you happy
I want to see you shine
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
Don't be uptight
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
We'll stay up all night
C'mon push it, you can do it
C'mon prove it, nothing to it
C'mon use it, let's get through it
C'mon push it, you can do it
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
Don't be uptight
Don't worry baby (don't worry baby)
We'll stay up all night
[Chorus (3x):]
Don't worry baby
We'll be alright
Don't worry baby
We'll be alright
Push it
Push it
Push it
Push it
Push it.
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
Garbage - When I Grow Up
When I Grow Up
Cut my tongue out
I've been caught out
Like a giant juggernaut
Happy hours
Golden showers
On a cruise to freak you out
We could fly a helicopter
Nothing left to talk about
Entertain you
Celebrate you
I'll be back to frame you
When I grow up
I'll be stable
When I grow up
I'll turn the tables
Trying hard to fit among you
Floating out to wonderland
God I'm pregnant
Damn the consequences
Blood and blisters
On my fingers
Chaos rules when we're apart
Watch my temper
I go mental
I'll try to be gentle
When I grow up
When I grow up
When I grow up
I'll turn the tables
Don't take offense
Better make amends
Rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go.
Cut my tongue out
I've been caught out
Like a giant juggernaut
Happy hours
Golden showers
On a cruise to freak you out
We could fly a helicopter
Nothing left to talk about
Entertain you
Celebrate you
I'll be back to frame you
When I grow up
I'll be stable
When I grow up
I'll turn the tables
Trying hard to fit among you
Floating out to wonderland
God I'm pregnant
Damn the consequences
Blood and blisters
On my fingers
Chaos rules when we're apart
Watch my temper
I go mental
I'll try to be gentle
When I grow up
When I grow up
When I grow up
I'll turn the tables
Don't take offense
Better make amends
Rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go.
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
Garbage - Crush
Garbage - Crush
I would die for you
I would die for you
I've been dying just to feel you by my side
To know that you're mine
I will cry for you
I will cry for you
I will wash away your pain with all my tears
And drown your fear
I will pray for you
I will pray for you
I will sell my soul for something pure and true
Someone like you
See your face every place that I walk in
Hear your voice every time that I'm talking
You will believe in me
And I will never be ignored
I will burn for you
Feel pain for you
I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart
And tear it apart
I will lie for you
Beg and steal for you
I will crawl on hands and knees until you see
You're just like me
Violate all the love that I'm missing
Throw away all the pain that I'm living
You will believe in me
And I can never be ignored
I would die for you
I would kill for you
I will steal for you
I'd do time for you
I will wait for you
I'd make room for you
I'd sail ships for you
To be close to you
To be part of you
Cause I believe in you
I believe in you
I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die for you
I've been dying just to feel you by my side
To know that you're mine
I will cry for you
I will cry for you
I will wash away your pain with all my tears
And drown your fear
I will pray for you
I will pray for you
I will sell my soul for something pure and true
Someone like you
See your face every place that I walk in
Hear your voice every time that I'm talking
You will believe in me
And I will never be ignored
I will burn for you
Feel pain for you
I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart
And tear it apart
I will lie for you
Beg and steal for you
I will crawl on hands and knees until you see
You're just like me
Violate all the love that I'm missing
Throw away all the pain that I'm living
You will believe in me
And I can never be ignored
I would die for you
I would kill for you
I will steal for you
I'd do time for you
I will wait for you
I'd make room for you
I'd sail ships for you
To be close to you
To be part of you
Cause I believe in you
I believe in you
I would die for you
"Where is the wonder where's the awe?
Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for?"
Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for?"
amaranth- Zaslužni član
- Broj poruka : 1943
Godina : 35
Lokacija : Druga zvezda levo od Meseca
Datum upisa : 26.07.2010
Garbage - Androgyny
When everything is going wrong
And you can't see the point of going on
Nothing in life is set in stone
There's nothing that can't be turned around
Nobody wants to be alone
Everybody wants to love someone
Out of the tree go pick a plum
Why can't we all just get along
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind in your androgyny
No sweeter a taste that you could find
Than fruit hanging ripe upon the vine
There's never been an oyster so divine
A river deep that never runs dry
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
The birds and the bees they hum along
Like treasure they twinkle in the sun
Get on board and have some fun
Take what you need to turn you on
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your
Behind closed doors and under stars
It doesn't matter where you are
Collecting jewels that catch your eyes
Don't let a soulmate pass you by
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your
When everything is going wrong
And you can't see the point of going on
Nothing in life is set in stone
There's nothing that can't be turned around
Nobody wants to be alone
Everybody wants to love someone
Out of the tree go pick a plum
Why can't we all just get along
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind in your androgyny
No sweeter a taste that you could find
Than fruit hanging ripe upon the vine
There's never been an oyster so divine
A river deep that never runs dry
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
What you need
The birds and the bees they hum along
Like treasure they twinkle in the sun
Get on board and have some fun
Take what you need to turn you on
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your
Behind closed doors and under stars
It doesn't matter where you are
Collecting jewels that catch your eyes
Don't let a soulmate pass you by
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
Boys in the girl's room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny
Boys in the parlor
They're getting harder
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your mind
I'll free your
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
Garbage - Empty
I've been feeling so frustrated
I'll never be as great as I want to be
Everyone that I run into
The ones you always seem so into
What's wrong with me?
They all seem to know exactly what it is they want
They pass me, they smile as they go
So I work at staying patient
Good things come to those that wait
Or so they say
I'm so empty
You're all I'm thinking about, about
Oh oh, about, about
Oh oh oh, about, about
Oh oh oh, about, about
I get tired of trying
Ideas die on the vine
And I feel like a fake
I lie awake believing
That somehow I keep failing
I rail and I ache
At the monsters and the demons
I've wrestled with for eons
And I want to destroy
I'm so empty
You're all I talk about
Oh oh oh, about
You're all I talk about
Every day, every hour of the night
You're all I think about
Every day, every hour of the night
You're all I dream about
Every day, every hour of the night
You're all I think about
You're all I think about
I'm so empty
I'm so empty
I'm so empty
You're all I'm thinking about
About, about, oh oh oh, about
I'm so empty
I've been feeling so frustrated
I'll never be as great as I want to be
Everyone that I run into
The ones you always seem so into
What's wrong with me?
They all seem to know exactly what it is they want
They pass me, they smile as they go
So I work at staying patient
Good things come to those that wait
Or so they say
I'm so empty
You're all I'm thinking about, about
Oh oh, about, about
Oh oh oh, about, about
Oh oh oh, about, about
I get tired of trying
Ideas die on the vine
And I feel like a fake
I lie awake believing
That somehow I keep failing
I rail and I ache
At the monsters and the demons
I've wrestled with for eons
And I want to destroy
I'm so empty
You're all I talk about
Oh oh oh, about
You're all I talk about
Every day, every hour of the night
You're all I think about
Every day, every hour of the night
You're all I dream about
Every day, every hour of the night
You're all I think about
You're all I think about
I'm so empty
I'm so empty
I'm so empty
You're all I'm thinking about
About, about, oh oh oh, about
I'm so empty
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
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