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2 posters

Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 10, 2012 8:03 am

Epica je simfonijski metal bend iz Holandije koji je osnovao gitarista i pevač Mark Jansen nakon što je napustio bend After Forever. Bend je poznat po svom simfonijskom zvuku i ima ženski vokal - Simon Simons - kao i muški vokal koji groluje (eng. growl=režati) – Marka Jansena. Svih šest članova benda učestvuju u pisanju muzike, ali Mark Jansen i Simon Simons pišu većinu tekstova, obično o raznim filozofskim pitanjima, nauci i religiji, kao i o dešavanjima u svetu. Epica je do sada izdala 5 albuma (ne računajući album s instrumentalima The Score – An Epic Journey), a njihov poslednji album pod nazivom Requiem for the Indifferent objavljen je 9. marta 2012.

Epica Epicarequiem

Mark Jansen je napustio After Forever početkom 2002. godine , jer se nije slagao s ostatkom benda u kom pravcu treba da ide dalje stvaranje muzike. Zatim je počeo da traga za muzičarima koji bi sledili njegovu ideju o stvaranju muzike koja bi bila više klasična i simfonijska; ovaj projekat se u početku zvao Sahara Dust. Krajem 2002. godine za glavnog ženskog vokala bend je uzeo Helenu Mikaelsen (iz benda Trail of Tears), ali nju je ubrzo smenio do tada nepoznati mecosopran Simon Simons, koja je tada bila Jansenova devojka. Ubrzo su se bendu pridružili gitarista Ad Slojter, bubnjar Jerun Simons, basista Iv Huts, i klavijaturista Kun Jansen. Ime je ubrzo promenjeno u Epica, a inspiracija za to je bio Kamelotov istoimeni album.
Epica je ubrzo okupila i hor (koji su činili dva muškarca i četiri žene) kao i orkestar sastavljen od žičanih instrumenata (tri violine, dve viole, dva violončela, i jednog kontrabasa) koji svira zajedno s njima. I dalje pod imenom Sahara Dust 2002. su snimili demo s dve pesme pod nazivom Cry For The Moon. Ubrzo su potpisali ugovor s diskografskom kućom Transmission Records.

Epica Cryforthemoon_saharadust
(za više informacija videti ovaj LINK)

Producent njihovog debitantskog albuma pod nazivom The Phantom Agony bio je Saša Pet (poznat po tome što je bio producent mnogih bendova kao što su Angra, Rhapsody of Fire i Kamelot), a album je objavljen 2003. godine. Pesma Façade of Reality s ovog albuma govori o terorističkim napadima u Njujorku i Vašingtonu 11. septembra i u njoj se mogu čuti delovi govora koji je povodom napada držao Toni Bler. Imali su tri singla s ovog albuma: The Phantom Agony, Feint i Cry For The Moon.

Epica Epica_-_The_Phantom_Agony
(za više informacija videti ovaj link LINK)

Njihov drugi album, nazvan Consign To Oblivion, inspirisan je civilizacijom drevnih Maja, što se može primetiti u seriji pesama koja se zove A New Age Dawns (prev. Sviće Novo Doba). A New Age Dawns se odnosi na sistem računanja vremena majanske civilizacije koje traje sve do 2012. godine, i ne objašnjava šta se dešava nakon te godine. Album Consign To Oblivion kompovan je na osnovu filmske muzike, a kao glavni uzori navedeni su Hans Cimer i Deni Elfman. Na albumu gostuje kao pevač frontmen benda Kamelot, Roj Kan, i to u pesmi Trois Vierges. Takođe, Epica se pridružila Kamelotu kao predgrupa na njihovoj turneji povodom albuma Black Halo, na kome je kao vokal gostovala Simon Simons i to za pesmu The Haunting (Somewhere In Time).
Sa ovog albuma Epica je izdala i dva singla: Solitary Ground i Quietus (Silent Reverie).
Epica je izdala i album The Score – An Epic Journey na kome nije zastupljen njihov prepoznatljivi metal zvuk. Ovaj album je, zapravo, muzika za holandski film Joyride, mada se može uzeti i da je to njihov treći studijski album. Mark Jansen je ovaj album opisao kao tipičnu Epica-u, ali bez „pevanja, bez gitara i bez bubnjeva“.
Zajedno s Kamelotom Epica je otišla na svoju prvu turneju i to po Severnoj Americi. Nakon ove turneje, bubnjar Jerun Simons je napustio bend, jer je imao drugačija muzička interesovanja. U jesen 2006. godine Simon je ponovo pevala za Kamelot, ovoga puta u pesmama Blücher i Season's End na albumu Ghost Opera. U decembru je na zvaničnom sajtu Epica objavila da je njen novi bubnjar Arien van Vesenbek i da će on svirati na njihovom novom albumu, ali da nije stalni član benda.

Epica Epica_-_Consign_to_Oblivion
(za više informacija videti ovaj LINK)

U septembru 2007. godine Epica je najavila prvu turneju po Severnoj Americi koja će pratiti izlazak novog albuma The Divine Conspiracy koji će objaviti njihova nova diskografska kuća Nuclear Blast. Decembra iste godine objavljeno i da je Arien van Vesenbek stalni član benda. Bend je aprila 2008. otišao na još jednu turneju po Severnoj Americi zajedno sa još dva benda Into Eternity i Symphony X, a ovoga puta je pevačicu Simon, koja je odsustvovala sa turneje jer je dobila stafilokoke, zamenila Amanda Samervil.
Prvi singl s ovog albuma bio je Never Enough i izdat je 10. avgusta 2007. godine.
Drugi singl pod nazivom Chasing the Dragon objavljen je 2008. godine zajedno sa spotom.
Ad Slojter je 16. decembra 2008. godine napustio bend. Na svom profilu na My Space-u ostavio je poruku u kojoj je naveo razloge zbog kojih je otišao iz benda, gde je, između ostalog, naveo i frustraciju zbog rokova koje su morali da ispoštuju i da zbog toga nije mogao da uživa u komponovanju. Njegov naslednik je gitarista Isak Delaj koji se pridružio bendu u januaru 2009. On je pre toga bio u bendu God Dethroned.
Maja te iste godine Epica je objavila prvi live album pod nazivom The Classical Conspiracy. Koncert gde je snimljen ovaj album održan je u Miskolcu u Mađarskoj 14. juna 2008. godine u okviru Miskolc Opera Festivala (gde je i bend Therion imao sličan koncert). Na ovom koncertu Epica je imala orkestar od 40 članova i hor od 30 ljudi, a na listi pesama su se pored pesama benda našle i obrade dela nekih klasičara poput Antonija Vivaldija, Antonjina Dvoržaka, Đuzepea Verdija, Edvarda Griga, kao i muzika iz filmova Zvezdani ratovi i Pirati sa Kariba. Album je izdat 8. maja 2009. godine u izdavačkoj kući Nuclear Blast.

Epica Epica-The-Divine-Conspiracy-2009-300x300_large
(za više informacija videti ovaj link LINK)

Epica je najavila povratak u studio povodom snimanja novog albuma 4. marta 2009. godine. U aprilu je otkriveno da će novi album nositi naziv Design Your Universe. Na njemu bi se nastavila saga pod imenom A New Age Dawns koja je započeta na albumu Consign to Oblivion. Ovo je takođe bio i prvi album s novim gitaristom, Isakom Delajom. Album je izdat 16. oktobra 2009. godine. Kako bi promovisao novo ostvarenje, bend je nastupio u Amsterdamu 10. oktobra 2009. godine. Gostujući muzičar na ovom albumu bio je pevač i frontmen benda Sonata Arctica, Toni Kako, u pesmi White Waters. Na holandskoj top listi najboljih albuma Design Your Universe debitovao je na osmom mestu. Na internet stranici benda objavljeno je 30. decembra iste godine da će uskoro biti objavljen novi singl. Pesma je nosila naziv This is the Time i sav profit je otišao Fondu za Zaštitu Prirode.

Epica Epica_Design_your_Universe-300x300
(za više informacija videti ovaj link LINK)

U jednom intervjuu novembra 2010. godine, Simon je izjavila da će bend početi da radi na novom albumu otprilike u februaru naredne godine nakon turneje po Južnoj Americi. Takođe je izrazila nadu da će album biti završen u prvoj četvrtini 2012. godine. Do maja 2011. godine napisano je 14 pesama bez teksta. Bend je počeo snimanje u studiju nešto kasnije te godine, a producent je ponovo bio Saša Pet. Bend je objavio 1. decembra da će ime novog albuma biti Requiem for the Indifferent i da je inspirisan faktorima kao što su: velika tenzija među različitim verama i kulturama, ratovima, prirodnim katastrofama i finansijskom krizom. Album je objavljen 9. marta 2012. godine u Evropi, a dan kasnije u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Na zvaničnoj internet stranici benda 24. marta je objavljeno da je Iv Huts napustio bend i da će ga zameniti Rob van der Lo. Spot za pesmu Storm the Sorrow je izašao 24. aprila i tog dana ga je pogledalo 128 hiljada ljudi.

Epica Epica-Requiem-For-The-Indifferent-300x300
(za više informacija videti ovaj link LINK)

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Never Enough

Počalji od amaranth Ned Jun 10, 2012 9:50 am

Jedan od mojih omiljenih bendova. givenheart

Epica - Never enough

Can’t you hear me screaming, once again?
Voices you can’t hear
Because you are consumed and incontent
With everlasting greed

Don’t you see me on my hands and knees?
Begging and bleeding
You’re smiling as you bite the hand that feeds
But will you never see?

Always wanting what your eyes can’t see
Needing what your arms can’t reach
Thinking you are in need
Always hearing what your ears can’t hear
Feeling what your hands can’t touch
Thinking you’re incomplete

It was,
Never enough that I gave to you
All of the horror that you’ve put me through
(Never enough)
How can I make up my mind this time?
This is where I will draw the line

Sacrificed my life to be with you
Why did you leave me?
There’s nothing more from me you can consume
Cause you are incomplete

Always wanting what your eyes can’t see
Needing what your arms can’t reach
Thinking you are in need
Always hearing what your ears can’t hear
Feeling what your hands can’t touch
Thinking you’re incomplete

It was,
Never enough that I gave to you
All of the horror that you’ve put me through
(Never enough)
How can I make up my mind this time?
This is where I will draw the line

Everlasting need
Would you please?
Answer me and
Make me complete

Everlasting greed
Would you please?
Set me free
Fulfill all my needs and make me complete

It was,
Never enough that I gave to you
All of the horror that you’ve put me through
(Never enough)
How can I make up my mind this time?
This is where I will draw the line

Never again will I be with you
No promise eternal carrying us through
I finally made up my mind this time
This is the end, I’ve drawn the line
Never enough to devour your greed.

‎"Where is the wonder where's the awe?
Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for?"
Zaslužni član
Zaslužni član

Broj poruka : 1943
Ženski Škorpija Godina : 35
Lokacija : Druga zvezda levo od Meseca
Datum upisa : 26.07.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Façade of Reality

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Jun 10, 2012 12:55 pm

I moj! givenheart

Façade of Reality

Sanguis meus tibi non iam perbibendus sit

Macula aeternitatis
Numquam detergenda
Quisnam surget et deteget
Imaginem veritates?

People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious intentions
Only to feel superior and to have a license to kill

Our desire to die is stronger
Than all your desire for life
There is no getting away from it now
Only true faith survives

People created religious inventions
To give their lives a glimmer of hope
And to ease their fear of dying
And people created religious ascensions
To subject the others and to enslave, just to further enrich themselves

It doesn't matter where we die
It doesn't matter that you cry
We'll take you with us

A disgrace on the beyond

O servator, sempiterne
Te grati coluimus, Odor atrox quo nons superfundis intolerabilis est

Deceive yourself by yielding
to soft words that cause no pain
Enrich yourself with different views
Learned without diasdaon

A disgrace on the beyond
That can never be undone
Who shall rise and unveil
The Facade of Reality?

Is there still room for new dents in old wrecks?
A disgrace on the beyond that can never be undone
Deceive yourself by yielding to soft words
Enrich yourself by making up your own mind

Sanguis meus tibi non iam perbibendus sit

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Illusive Consensus

Počalji od ThePoet Uto Jun 12, 2012 12:15 am

Illusive Consensus

So sweet caress, never long to last!
You entered my soul and gave hope to my life.

So sweet caress, never hope to last!
You left me behind all alone and aghast
Capured inside such an austere Elysium

Imperfect feelings, futile greef
Love a device against all solitude
As it all went on, the love became
A field in a dream that once had been real

So sweet caress, never long to last!
Destroy this illusion we need a change of fate!
Your frantic thoughts are only a condemned cry

Imperfect feelings, futile greef
Love a device against all solitude
As it all went on, the love became
A field in a dream that once had been real

Primo somniare videbamur
deinde veritas se praecipitavit

I secretly longed for something
which had never existed

First I thought it was a dream
but then it smashed into reality
Beautiful on the outside, decayed deeply within

I secretly longed for something
which had never existed

Devoted to a body without a soul

Numquam non tibi diffidam

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Sancta Terra

Počalji od amaranth Uto Jun 12, 2012 8:15 am

Epica - Sancta Terra

A place which I have searched a thousand times
To finally free myself
Forever wasn't ever long enough
I will refrain

I feel a passion washing over me
To shed the skin I’m in
This evolution will empower me
Now truth begins

And you will not find me
I am safe in here
I'm where I want to be

It's a place where a wish will be granted
Come, you'll see I'm right
It's a force that will live on within you
Dark as day is light
It's a place where your dreams will be slanted
And will always be
It's a force that was sent out to win you
Just you wait and see

Take one step closer to the borderline
Where night and day unite
This mortal coil I’ve gone and left behind
On holy soil

And you will not find me
I am safe in here
I'm where I want to be

It's a place where a wish will be granted
Come, you'll see I'm right
It's a force that will live on within you
Dark as day is light
It's a place where your dreams will be slanted
And will always be
It's a force that was sent out to win you
Just you wait and see

You will not find me
I am safe in here
I am where I want to be
So leave me now in peace

And you will not find me
I am safe in here
I'm where I want to be

It's a place where a wish will be granted
Come, you'll see I'm right
It's a force that will live on within you
Dark as day is light
It's a place where your dreams will be slanted
And will always be
It's a force that was sent out to win you
Just you wait and see.

‎"Where is the wonder where's the awe?
Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for?"
Zaslužni član
Zaslužni član

Broj poruka : 1943
Ženski Škorpija Godina : 35
Lokacija : Druga zvezda levo od Meseca
Datum upisa : 26.07.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - The Obsessive Devotion

Počalji od ThePoet Sre Jun 13, 2012 9:10 am

Epica - The Obsessive Devotion

Don't you ever blind me
Don't be a foolish thief
-Am I?
Don't you ever bring yourself to grief

Don't you ever blind me
Don't ever trick my mind
-Did I?
Don't you think that you can lie to me
-Did I lie?

Fortuna exprimitur artibus falsis
Et mendacem memorem esse oportet

If he is your moon, I will be your earth
To which you can return, safely or injured.

I feel only misery for myself when I
Look through the eyes of someone else

Don't you choke and bind me
Don't be a bleeding heart
-Am I?
Fold then walk away or play your cards
-Let us play!

Fortuna exprimitur artibus falsis
Et mendacem memorem esse oportet

If he is your moon, I will be your earth
To which you can return, safely or injured.

I feel only misery for myself when I
Look through the eyes of someone else
I can't even recognize the path which has to be
Taken to enter infinity.

-Don't you dare me
I dare you
-You don't care about me
I care about you
-Don't you touch me

Fortuna exprimitur artibus falsis
Et mendacem memorem esse oportet

Adoratio permanebit
Quotiens me eges, adero

I prefer to be unhappy with you,
rather than being depressed without you.
I belong to someone, I'm dedicated to
Nothing lasts forever but you, you do…

I prefer to be a lair just like you
To fulfill my deepest desires
I belong to someone, I'm dedicated to
But all that I desire is you

One thoughtless moment passes in slow motion
As I lie down, I realise that…
All I wish is to get rid of this Obsessive Devotion

Venia ad vitam aeternam
Non mibi, non tibi, sed nobis

Hit me as you can
Beat me as you wish

Fortuna mutual coniuncti
Per tota saecula futura

I have raised myself for you
But now I regret

Venia ad vitam aeternam

This is the end

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Requiem for the Indifferent

Počalji od ThePoet Pet Jun 15, 2012 5:34 am

Epica - Requiem for the Indifferent

When silence betrays

We've tried to find a reason
To go on and cross the line
Tell me
How can we justify the act
We've tried to look around and
Search for ways to shift the blame
The escape
From moral sense we drift away
When we can't have it all
We want it all

With money segregating
The centers are degrading
The devastation
We feared we'd befall
But soon we'll realize that
We can get reunited
This could apply to us all, after all
We'll never find our peace of mind
If we doN't leave the past behind
Make up your mind

When silence betrays

We spilled the tears for wretches
And for human sacrifice
Look at them
We've pushed them through the tiny holes
Yet still we know we're all responsible

Counting down

The reaodroad to perdition
Driving fast and without vision

Parva notes circum te
Incorrupta nitidaque
Vide, gusta, senti, bibe
Formam ex eis captes

We're falling we're ailing
Collapse is now drwaing nearer
Derailing, the end is nigh

Unravelled, dishvelled
The answer's never been clearer
Unlevelled we're standing by

When we finally find the reason to exist
We will be able to appreciate the fundamental gifts

Drown, bury, erase
All that is dividing us
Down, parry, negate
All that's keeping us from growth
Free the energy enclosed within us

Try to keep on searching for the meaning of our lives
Find the only values that can help us in our strife
Keep on searching and be ready when the tides are high

Try to find the philosopher deep within you
Trigger and motivate all that matters along your way
Seek and find the answers

Wake up your troubled mind

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Internal Warfare

Počalji od ThePoet Uto Avg 28, 2012 9:33 am

Internal Warfare

Would anybody dare to know the answer?
Would anybody dare to face the truth?
We bide the time awaiting our answers
To our kind

We're all in this apocalypse together
The horror we so feared can't be undone
We all remove allegiance to disaster
Tragic crime

Life we used to know
Ends where silence comes to us forever
Night will soon bestow
Justice on a day that never ends

The percing eyes of bullets' shine run Faster
Than peace and understanding can conceive
To use and to deceive to teach a lesson
Cross the line

I'm a true believer
A soldier with a gun
I shall swipe the earth clean
Won't take long

Te Deplangemus - Haud Resistentes - A Te Vexati - Manebimus

I must trust my instinct
And act on his behalf
My ship is full with water
But won't go down

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Semblance of Liberty

Počalji od ThePoet Čet Sep 13, 2012 1:05 am

Semblance of Liberty

Born to fight, and we're born to flee
Doomed to live on ecstasy
Born to lie, and we're born to cheat
Look in the mirror, who do you see?

Born to flee, and we're born to fight
Without your mask, you're terrified
Don't hide your personality
That's who you are, your identity

If the virtues of tomorrow
Cause the greed of today
We won't have a future
Nor liberty

Born to breathe, and we're born to pursue
That's all we are supposed to do
The semblance of our liberty
Is nothing more than slavery

Born to flee, and we're born to fight
Is it failure that's our delight?
Born to cheat, and we're born to lie
Look at yourself, have you lost your mind?

If the virtues of tomorrow
Cause the greed of today
We won't have a future
And no more liberty

If the virtues of tomorrow
Set the need on the way
We won't have a future nor liberty

Private vice leads to public virtue

Raised to think that we are free
Living in our caves
Being slaves

We lost control of our lives
At the mercy of the waves
Massive waves

Blind to see what's going on
Conditioned as we are
And we are

We lost control of our greed
But now we face it all
Face our fall

Keeping all that we've created
And consuming all that's possible
Reaching deep into temptation
Nothing can stop us

Guarantee our hard-earned profits
Multiplied ten-fold if possible
Reaching out for new redemption
Nothing avails our needs

My opponent won't rule out raising taxes.
But I will, and The Congress will push me to raise taxes and I'll say no.
And they'll push, and I'll say no, and they'll push again, and I'll say to them:
Read my lips
[George H. W. Bush]

If the virtues of tomorrow
Set the need on the way
We never had a future anyway
We had no future 'till today

Time and tide
Will not wait for anyone

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Deep Water Horizon

Počalji od ThePoet Ned Feb 24, 2013 1:31 am

Deep Water Horizon

We have to wait
For a dying day
Full of black decay
We'll find a way
To become aware
Breathing tainted air
We change the lanes
In every second of our lives

Lost in our minds
We'll taste the water's brine
All for the silver shine
Can't stay the same
Should end this bloody game
Bare in the venom rain
To fuel the greed to feed the hungered has it's price

There's the feeling once again
The day where black and white began
Await the ending of our everlasting violence
We've all been healing from the pain
From all the misery and constraint
We're inhaling fumes again
So don't deny it

Lies will unwind
The verity you'll find
Upon the moor resigned
Primary gain
Comes with a thousand slain
All for the greater vain
Without the horror causing hazard, we'll survive

There's the feeling once again
The day where black and white began
Await the ending of our everlasting violence
We've all been healing from the pain
From all the misery and constraint
We're inhaling fumes again
So don't deny it

Whatever lies ahead
We will face tomorrow
When every all delusions end

All of this was foreseen
Give in
Have to break the chain of grief

Born to be free
You decide
All are free
Time to change
Nothing, nothing or all
The clock is racing on
The pace is very strong
Our borrowed time is gone
The dawn of sharing all our powers has arrived

There's the feeling once again
The day where black and white began
Await the ending of our everlasting violence
We've all been healing from the pain
From all the misery and constraint
We're inhaling fumes again
So don't deny it

We're all inhaling fumes again
And there the black and white will end

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Serenade of Self-Destruction

Počalji od ThePoet Čet Mar 21, 2013 3:31 pm

Serenade of Self-Destruction

Never could we see
What lies deeper
Seeming that our view
Can't be changed
Deciding where to go
And believe in your disaster
Deleting a future untold

This is the final deceiver
This is the devil in me
Expecting deeds in the making
Will show no final relief

Ever would we dance
With the reaper
Seething in a monstrous cage
Ideas meant to placate
When meeting your disaster
Are only for a desperate fool

Destructive thoughts to mislead us
Can come from deep underground
Believing sources unbroken
Will tear the legion apart

Will we be forever free as we unchain our souls
From life forever
You are just a slave to the dust!
Another time, where you and me will be freed
With one more last endeavor
You cannot escape your fate now!


Try me, don't deny me
Please embrace me in your peace
I want to fly into the bright
Would you please guide my last goodbye
Why won't you lie with me, my light's ending
on a night when I find, I'll take my final flight

Now come and see divinity where night turns day
So far away from heaven
You will never earn my trust!
Provoke the need, give word to deed,
And dive into another god-like atmosphere
You will never find your way out!


I'd rather die
Than breathe in my shame
They'll know my name
All hell in flames

For our faith
We proudly die
(For it we would die)
For our sovereign
All hell will arise
(Hell will surely rise)

We'll serve our cause
In earning reward
(Earning our reward)
Collision of skies
The ocean wept dry
(Every ocean dry)

Another's desperation flying through the emptiness
As my degradation throws me out of line

Try me, don't deny me
Please embrace me in your peace
I want to fly into the bright
Would you please guide my last goodbye
Why won't you lie with me, my light's ending
On a night when I find, I'll take my final flight

Take the final flight
Into the serenade forever lost in time

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - Victims Of Contigency

Počalji od ThePoet Uto Jul 22, 2014 8:42 pm

Victims Of Contigency

Your words are meaningless, as pain fills the void
Hollow words won't hurt no longer
You will regret every life you've destroyed
Blaming the whole world will mever make you stronger
Be prepeared for the righteous self

If you blame all your failures on someone else
Without any remorse
Without your remorse
If you don't face the weakness of your own self
You will take the same course
You'll take the same course

Your deeds are reasonless, you adore yourself
Empty deeds impress no longer
You will regret everyone you've envied
Blaming it on life will never make you stronger
Be prepared for the confrontation

If you blame all your failures on someone else
Without any remorse
Without your remorse
If you don't face the weakness of your own self
You will take the same course
You'll take the same course

If you blame all your failures on someone else
You avoid every chance
You've lost your last chance
To learn from yourself

If you blame all your failures on someone else
Without any remorse
Without your remorse
If you don't face the weakness of your own self
You will take the same course
You'll take the same course

We can't blame all our failures on someone else
For our own protection
So much to protect
We can't learn from decisions in our own lives
Without self-reflection

We will never flee from contingency

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Epica Empty Epica - In All Conscience

Počalji od ThePoet Čet Avg 21, 2014 7:49 am

In All Conscience

Allow me to write my final words
I can't stand this anymore
Hold me when the time has come
Cause I don't want to be alone

In my heart you're still here, it's the bond that we share
I can feel you're around everywhere
Even though you are gone our spirit is strong

We're honoring all the work that you've done

When there's no chance for our defense
I'll have to bend and give it all
All that I've been standing for
Was an illusion after all

In my heart you're still here, it's the bond that we share
I can feel you're around everywhere
Even though you are gone our spirit is strong

We're honoring all the work that you've done

I'll see you somewhere again
Away from all the insanity
We can't beat injustice now and for all
I'll see you somewhere again
Away from humanity
We can't beat unfairness now all alone

Even though you are gone our spirit is strong
I felt you all around alone
In my heart you're still here, it's the wound that we share
I can feel you're around everywhere
Even though you are gone our spirit is strong
We're honoring all the work that you've done

I'll see you somewhere again
Away from all the insanity
We can't beat injustice now and for all
I'll see you somewhere again
Away from humanity
We can't beat unfairness now all alone

najukusnija je sirova misao

Broj poruka : 6720
Muški Devica Godina : 33
Datum upisa : 23.04.2012

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

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