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Ići dole

Placebo Empty Placebo

Počalji od Still_dreaming Sre Nov 07, 2012 2:44 am

Placebo Placeb12

Placebo je engleski alternativni rok bend iz Londona. Bend je formiran 1994. godine od strane gitariste Brajana Molka i gitariste/basiste Stefana Olsdala. Uskoro im se pridružio bubnjar Robert Šulcberg, kojeg je posle zamenio Stiv Hjuit nakon konflikta koji je Šulcberg imao sa Brajanom. Hjuit je napustio bend u oktobru 2007. i na njegovo mesto došao je 2008. godine Stiv Forest. Poznati su po svom androgenom imidžu i kritički nastrojenom besu u svojim tekstovima. Do danas su objavili 6 studijskih albuma, od kojih su svi dospeli među top 20 na britanskim listama i bili prodati u više od deset miliona kopija širom sveta.

Brajan Molko i Stefan Olsdal su obojica pohađali American International School of Luxembourg, ali im se putevi nisu ukrstili sve do 1994. godine u Londonu. U to vreme, Olsdal je pohađao časove gitare i bio je na putu kući kad je upoznao Molka na stanici metroa u Južnom Kensingtonu. Molko, videvši da Olsdal nosi gitaru na leđima, pozvao je Olsdal na svoj nastup u lokalnom baru. Pod utiskom Molkovog nastupa, Olsdal je odlučio da bi trebalo da osnuju bend. Osnovali su duo ‚‚Ashtray Heart'', svirajući uglavnom sirov zvuk na instrumentima-igračkama. Napisali su četiri pesma, ali su odlučili da se okušaju i kao ozbiljan bend, pa su potražili i bubnjara.

U početku su imali problema oko toga koga da odaberu za bubnjara. Molko je ranije svirao sa Steve-om Hewitt-om, pa je mislio da bi on bio savršen za bend. Ali Hewitt je bio već obavezan prema londonskom bandu ‚‚Breed'', i mogao je samo povremeno da svira zajedno sa njima. Ovakve okolnosti su dovele Robert-a Schultzberg-a na mesto bubnjara kada je bend potpisao ugovor sa ‚‚Caroline Records''. Schultzberg je poznavao Olsdal-a iz internata u Sigtuni, u Švedskoj, kao i iz pređašnjeg švedskog benda, ‚‚Elevating Addiction'', čiji su članovi bili i jedan i drugi.

Naziv benda, ‚‚Placebo", nastao je od latinskog ‚‚placebo'', što znači ‚‚I will please''. Molko je često izjavljivao u intervjuima da je naziv benda satirični odraz klišea iz 90-ih, kad su se bendovi nazivali po lekovima, iako je Olsdal tvrdio da to nije bila onicijalna motivacija za naziv benda. Kada je upitan za ime benda, Molko je rekao:

To je veoma složeno pitanje. Kao muzičari, vi pokušavate da nađete naziv za svoj bend koji bi vas najbolje predstavio i nikad ne uspevate, zato što, u osnovi, imena za bend gube svoje pravo značenje posle nekog vremena. Ona postanu samo niz zvukova koje povezujete sa muzičarima. Najbitnija stvar kod naziva je da možete zamisliti četrdeset hiljada ljudi kako ga jednoglasno uzvikuju.

Placebo Aplace10

Prvi album, nazvan jednostavno ‚‚Placebo'' objavljen je 16. jula 1996. i postigao je zapažen uspeh, dospevši na 5. mesto na listama u Velikoj Britaniji. Album je sadržao 10 pesama (11 uključujući skrivenu bonus pesmu ‚‚Hong Kong Farewell"), od kojih je najpopularnija postala pesma ‚‚Nancy Boy". Godine 1998, čitaoci ‚‚Q Magazine-a'' smestili su svojim glasovima album ‚‚Placebo'' na 87. mesto na ‚‚Q Readers All Time Top 100 Albums" listi. Bend je preradio i ponovo izdao album 18. septembra 2006. godine obeleživši 10 godine postojanja.

Tenzija sa Schultzbergom je počela da raste, pa je napustio bend u septembru 1995, ali je bio angažovan opet za snimanje singla‚‚Bruise Pristine". Nakon rasprave u avgustu 1996, Molko je odlučio da bi najbolje bilo da Schultzberg napusti bend. Ali Schultzberg je predložio da nastave da sarađuju dok ne završe sa promovisanjem prvog albuma, sa čim se ostatak benda složio.

Schultzberg je zvanično napustio bend u septembru 1996, na turneji u SAD-uour. Pre nego što su izašli na binu u Njujorku, Olsdal je obavestio Schultzberg-a da on ne ide sa njima na turneju u Nemačkoj koja je trebala da usledi za SAD-om. Na menadžerov zahtev, Schultzberg je učestvovao na još dva nastupa sa bendom u Parizu nakon turneje u SAD-u, od kojih je poslednji nastup bio u ‚‚Nulle Part Aillleurs". Molko je izjavio da mu je ‚‚dosadilo da on bude u centru Robertovog besa protiv sveta''. Dok je Schultzberg bio sa bendom, snimili su nekoliko pesama, uključujući njihovu prvu singlicu ‚‚Bruise Pristine", ‚‚Come Home" EP, singl verziju ‚‚Nancy Boy" i prvi album. U pesmi ‚‚I Know", Schultzberg je svirao didžeridu podjednako dobro kao i bubnjeve. Njegov oldazak iz benda razočarao je mnoge fanove, zato što se bend okrenuo mekšim zvucima na narednim albumima. Iste godine, Molko i Olsdal su ubedili Hewitt-a da se vrati u Placebo kao stalni bubnjar. Molko je izjavio: ‚‚Čak i na početku, Robert i ja nismo mogli da budemo u istoj prostoriji, a da ne postanemo nasilni."

Početkom 1996, Placebo je otvorio nekoliko koncerata Dejvida Bouvija u Italiji, Francuskoj i Švajcarskoj na njegovoj Outside turneji, nakon što je čuo samo jedan njihov demo snimak. Bouvi je takođe pozvao trio da svira na njegovom 50-om rođendanu 1997.

Godine 1998, Placebo je snimio obradu T. Rexove pesme ‚‚20th Century Boy" kao muziku za film ‚‚Velvet Goldmine''. Bend je imao i manju ulogu u filmu. Bouvi je priredio specijalan nastup sa Placebom tokom turneje u Njujorku. Zajedno su izveli pesmu ‚‚Without You I'm Nothing", koja se pojavljuje na istoimenom albumu.

Placebo Placeb10

Godine 1998, Placebo je potpisao za ‚‚Virgin Records'', i objavio svoj drugi album ‚‚Without You I'm Nothing'' u novembru. Album je doživeo veliku prodaju u Velikoj Britaniji i učuinio da se bend probije na američko tržište, gde je MTV emitovao vodeći singl sa albuma - ‚‚Pure Morning", ali sledeći singlovi i spotovi nisu uspeli da dfostignu uspeh svog prethodnika.

Prva dva singla sa ‚‚Without You I'm Nothing'', ‚‚You Don't Care About Us" i ‚‚Pure Morning", dostigli su veliki upeh u Velikoj britaniji, ušavši u top 10 na listama. Bend je nije toliko pozitivno promovisan u britanskim medijima, koji su se rugali Molku. Svejedno, bend je zadržao popularnost i dobio pozitivne kritike u kontinentalnom delu Evrope. Zbog frontmena koji je s engleskim akcentom tečno govorio francuski, Francuska je postala njihovo prvi ciljno tržište u Evropi, što je učinilo da postanu veoma popularni tamo, čak i više nego u Britaniji.

Placebo 3610

Njihov treći album, ‚‚Black Market Music'', objavljen u oktobru 2000, nastavili su da eksperimentišu sa žanrovima izvan svog jakog rok zvuka. Verzija albuma koja objavljena u SAD-u sadržala je nešto izmenjenu listu pesama, kao i ranije pominjanu verziju pesme ‚‚Without You I'm Nothing" koju su izveli sa Bowie-em i obradu pesme ‚‚I Feel You'' Depeche Mode-a. U Velikoj Britaniji sa ovog albuma izdvojila su se dva hita: ‚‚Taste in Men" i ‚‚Slave to the Wage".

Placebo je naišao na neodobravanje od strane Britanske muzičke industije prilikom objavljivanja singla ‚‚Special K" u kojem porede ljubav sa uzimanjem jedne vrste droge. Pesma je objavljena u Australiji kao singl, pre nego što je postala dostupna u Velikoj Britaniji kao EP.

Njihov stil se malo izmenio od ‚‚Without You I'm Nothing'' do ‚‚Black Market Music'', zasnivao se uglavnom na zvucima gitare i Molkovom visokom, piskavom glasu, a često se osećao i uticaj stila 70-ih godina u Velikoj Britaniji i američkog roka. Prvi singl za album, ‚‚Taste in Men", bio je jedan od najpopularnijih, sa trens sintisajzerom u pozadini i visokim neprečišćenim zvucima gitare. ‚‚Black Market Music'' nije bio toliko prepoznatljiv, niti zastupljen u medijima kao što je bio ‚‚Without You I'm Nothing'', ali se u Britaniji i Francuskoj prodao u većem broju primeraka nego njegov prethodnik.

Placebo Cd-cov10

U proleće 2003, Placebo je objavio svoj četvrti album, ‚‚Sleeping with Ghosts''. Album je dospeo na 11. mesto na listama u Velikoj Britaniji i dostigao prodaju od 1.4 miliona kopija širom sveta. ‚‚Sleeping with Ghosts'' je bio smaliji od albuma ‚‚Black Market Music'', jer su na njemu eksperimentisali sa dens zvukom, alektronskom muzikom i prefinjenijim zvukom gitare.

U proleće 2004, bend je objavio svoj prvi DVD sa koncerta, ‚‚Soulmates Never Die (Live in Paris 2003)'', snimljen u oktobru 2003. godine. DVD je sadržao i 25-ominutni dokumentarni film.

U jesen 2004, Placebo je objavio kolekciju singlova ‚‚Once More with Feeling: Singles 1996–2004'' i u vidu CD-a i u vidu DVD-ja koji je sadržao spotove benda. Kompilacija je sadržala 19 pesama, uključujući njihove najveće hotive u Velikoj Britaniji i dva nova snimka - ‚‚I Do" i singl ‚‚Twenty Years".

Iste godine, imali su svirku u Vembli Areni na kojoj je Robert Smit iz benda ‚‚The Cure'' gostovao u dve pesme, ‚‚Without You I'm Nothing" i obradi pesme benda ‚‚The Cure'', ‚‚Boys Don't Cry". Nakon toga, Placebo je otišao na kratku turneju po Južnoj Americi. Karte za turneju u Velikoj Britaniji iz 2006, rasprodate su za jedan vikend.

Placebo Placeb11

U septembru 2005, bend je završio sa snimanjem svog petog albuma, ‚‚Meds'', koji je objavljen 13. marta 2006. godine, a u Americi tek 4. aprila. Prvi singl objavljen u Velikoj Britaniji bio je ‚‚Because I Want You". ‚‚Song to Say Goodbye" bio je prvi internacionalni sigl (objavljen istovremeno kad i ‚‚Because I Want You"). Album je bio ponovo obrađen od oktobra 2005 do januara 2006. Dve pesme sa albuma sadržale su duete sa američkim pevačima: ‚‚Meds'' sa Alison Mosshart iz ‚‚The Kills'' and ‚‚Broken Promise" sa Michael Stipe iz R.E.M.-a. Francuz Dimitri Tikovoi koji je miksovao pesme na ‚‚Once More with Feeling'' bio je producent petog albuma. Članovi benda su izjavili da je ovaj album pokušaj da se postigne atmosfera sa prvog albuma, ali bez obzira na to, album je n many of the techniques used in their previous ones.

‚‚Meds'' je procurio na internet 17. januara 2006. Album je zvanično objavljen 13. marta, dva meseca nakon što se pojavio na internetu, pa zbog toga nije bio dobro prodavan. Bez obzira na to, album je u većini zemelja dobro prošao, zauzevši 4. mesto u Australiji i 7. mesto u Velikoj Britaniji. Drugi singl sa albuma bio je ‚‚Infra-Red'', objavljen 19. juna u Velikoj Britaniji. "Infra-Red". It was released on 19 June 2006 in the UK. Iste godine, Placebo je promenio izdavačku kuću u Americi, odlučili su se za ‚‚Astralwerks'' i ponovo objavili nekoliko prerađenih pesama. U oktobru je njihov debitantski album ‚‚Placebo'' bio digitalno prerađen i ponovo objavljen pod naslovom ‚‚10th Anniversary Collectors Edition". Ovo izdanje sadržalo je i DVD sa muzičkim spotovima, koncertima, i televizijskim nastupima. Tri dodatne pesme nalazile su se na američkoj verziji ‚‚Meds''-a: ‚‚UNEEDMEMORETHANINEEDU", ‚‚Lazarus" i ‚‚Running Up that Hill" (a pesma ‚‚In the Cold Light of Morning" uklonjena je sa albuma zbog vulgarnosti).

Godine 2007, Virgin je objavio ‚‚Extended Play '07'' EP u cilju da se novi fanovi upoznaju sa ranijim radom benda. Kompilacija je sadržala 8 pesama: ‚‚Nancy Boy", ‚‚Every You Every Me", ‚‚Taste in Men", ‚‚The Bitter End", ‚‚Meds", ‚‚Pure Morning", ‚‚Infra-Red" i obradu pesme od Kate Bush ‚‚Running Up that Hill".

Prvog oktobra 2007. godine Stiv Hjuit napustio je Placebo. Brajan Molko je prokomentarisao: ‚‚Biti u bendu, je manje-više kao biti u braku, i par - u ovom slučaju trio - može se udaljiti tokom godina. Reći da više ne voliš partnera, netačno je, s obzirom na to kroz šta ste sve prošli i šta ste sve postigli zajedno. U jednom trenutku jednostavno shvatite da želite različite stvari od svoje veze i da više ne možete živeti pod istim krovom, da tako kažem.'' U avgustu 2008. bend je dobio nvog bubnjara, Stiva Foresta. Hjuit je osnovao sopstveni bend, ‚‚Love Amongst Ruin'', gde je svirao gitaru i bio glavni vokal.

Placebo je napustio EMI 2008, ali je izdavačka kuća ipak objavila kompletnu diskografiju benda 8. juna 2009, koja je uključivala sve studijske albume, DVD-jeve i sadržala ukupno 10 diskova.

Placebo Bftsal10
Album ‚‚Battle for the Sun'' prvi je na kojem je svirao novi bubnjar, Stiv Forest. Objavljen je 8. juna 2009. godine. Sniman je u Torontu, a producent je bio Dejvid Botril (David Bottrill). Naslovna pesma sa albuma, ‚‚Battle for the Sun", izvedena je 17. marta, a zatim je mogla da se preuzme besplatno sa zvaničnog sajta benda. Istog dana imali su tajni koncert u Londonu, na kojem su izveli neke od pesama sa novog albuma: ‚‚Ashtray Heart", ‚‚Julien", ‚‚Kitty Litter", ‚‚Speak in Tongues" i ‚‚Devil in the Details".

Prvi singl sa albuma, ‚‚For What It's Worth", debitovao je na radiju 20. aprila 2009, a spot je objavljen 21. aprila na MySpace-u. Singl za prodaju, u vidu CD-a, pojavio se 1. juna.

5. novembra 2009, Placebo je osvojio MTV Europe Music nagradu za ‚‚Best Alternative" (najbolji alternativni bend).

Placebo je održao seriju koncerata u arenama širom Evrope od oktobra do decembra 2009. Ta turneja kulminirala je koncertom u londonskoj ‚‚O2'' areni, što je bio Placebov najveći natup u Velikoj Britaniji. Od februara do aprila 2010, bili su na turneji po jugoistočnoj Aziji, Australiji i Južnoj Americi.

Poslednji nastupi ove turneje bili su u Izraelu i Libanu, pre nego što su se vratili u Evropu i održali nekoliko festivalskih i istaknutih koncerata. Međutim, nijedan od ovih koncerata nije doživeo veći uspeh; U Tesalonikiju u Grčkoj, u septembru 2010, bend je održao 50-ominutni šou, koji je izazvao negativna dobacivanja hiljada fanova. Poslednji koncert ove turneje održan je u londonskoj Brikston Akademiji 27. i 28. septembra 2010.

U avgustu 2011, održali su mini-turneju, sa po jednim nastupom u Berlinu i Štutgartu.

31. oktobra 2011, bend je objavio svoj drugi video album uživo, ‚‚We Come in Pieces'', na kome je zabeležen nastup u Brikston Akademiji, 28. septembra 2010.

Molko i Olsdal su u nekoliko navrata izjavili da rade na materijalu za svoj sledeći stdijski album. Bend je, 23. novembra 2011, objavio na svojoj fejsbuk stranici i zvaničnom sajtu da će 2012 početi sa snimanjem svog sedmog albuma. U maju 2012, izjavili su da očekuju da će neke pesme biti objavljene do kraja 2012 i da su pomagali Adamu Noblu (Red Hot Chili Peppers, dEUS) na novom albumu koji će biti objavljen u leto 2013. U avgustu su izjavili da će novi snigl, naslovljen kao ‚‚B3'' biti objavljen u septembru, a da se očekuje da novi album bude završen i objavljen u martu 2013. godine. U septembru je bend objavio da će objaviti EP sa 5 pesama 12. oktobra.

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Placebo Empty Placebo and David Bowie - Without You I'm Nothing

Počalji od Still_dreaming Sre Nov 07, 2012 11:57 pm

Placebo I_give10

Placebo and David Bowie - Without you I'm nothing

Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide.
I'll take it by your side.
Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide.
I'll take it by your side.
Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies.
I'll take it by your side.
Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide.
I'll take it by your side.
tick - tock - tick - tock - tick - tock
tick - tick - tick - tick - tick - tock

I'm unclean, a libertine
And every time you vent your spleen,
I seem to lose the power of speech,
Your slipping slowly from my reach.
You grow me like an evergreen,
You never see the lonely me at all

Take the plan, spin it sideways.
Without you, I'm Nothing.
Without you, I'm nothing.
Without you, I'm nothing.
Take the plan, spin it sideways.
Without you, I'm nothing at all

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Placebo Empty Placebo - Every you every me

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pon Nov 12, 2012 10:11 pm

Placebo Silhou10

Placebo - Every you every me

Sucker love is Heaven sent
You pucker up, our passion's spent
My hearts a tart, your body's rent
My body's broken, yours is bent
Carve your name into my arm
Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed
'Cuz there's nothing else to do
Every me and every you

Sucker love, a box I choose
No other box I choose to use
Another love I would abuse
No circumstances could excuse
In the shape of things to come
Too much poison come undone
'Cuz there's nothing else to do
Every me and every you
Every me and every you, every me, he

Sucker love is known to swing
Prone to cling and waste these things
Pucker up for Heavens sake
There's never been so much at stake
I serve my head up on a plate
It's only comfort, calling late
'Cuz there's nothing else to do
Every me and every you
Every me and every you, every me, he
Every me and every you, every me, he

Like the naked leads the blind
I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind
Sucker love I always find
Someone to bruise and leaves behind
All alone in space and time
There's nothing here but what here's mine
Something borrowed, something blue
Every me and every you
Every me and every you, every me, he

Every me and every you, every me, he
Every me and every you, every me, he
Every me and every you, every me, he

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Placebo Empty Placebo - Meds

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pet Nov 16, 2012 11:41 am

Placebo Meds_b10


I was alone, falling free,
trying my best not to forget,
what happened to us, what happened to me,
what happened as I let it slip.

I was confused by the powers that be,
forgetting names and faces,
Passers by, were looking at me,
as if they could erase it.

Baby...did you forget to take your meds?
Baby...did you forget to take your meds?

I was alone, staring over the ledge,
Trying my best not to forget,
all manner of joy, all manner of glee,
and our one heroic pledge.

How it mattered to us, how it mattered to me,
and the consequences.
I was confused, by the birds and the bees,
forgetting if I meant it.

Baby..did you forget to take your meds?
Baby..did you forget to take your meds?
Baby..did you forget to take your meds?
Baby..did you forget to take your meds?

And the sex and the drugs, and the complications.
And the sex and the drugs, and the complications.
And the sex and the drugs, and the complications.
And the sex and the drugs, and the complications.

Baby..did you forget to take you meds?
Baby..did you forget to take you meds?
Baby..did you forget to take you meds?
Baby..did you forget to take you meds?
Baby..did you forget to take you meds?
Baby..did you forget to take you meds?

I was alone, falling free, trying my best not to forget.

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Placebo Empty Placebo - The bitter end

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pon Nov 19, 2012 11:20 am

Placebo See_yo10

The bitter end

Since we're feeling so anaesthetised
In our comfort zone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home

We're running out of alibis
From the second of May
Reminds me of the summer time
On this winter's day

See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end

Every step we take that's synchronized
Every broken bone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home

You shower me with lullabies
As you're walking away
Reminds me that it's killing time
On this fateful day

See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end

From the time we intercepted
Feels a lot like suicide
Slow and sad, grown inside us
Arouse and see you're mine
(See you at the bitter end)

Love has seen your run-around
Who wanna seek you now?
I want a peace
I'd whine out
(See you at the bitter end)

Love's reached his side
Grab this gentleness inside
Heard a cry
Six feet down
In six weeks' time
The mess you left
Will end
See you at the bitter end

TOO :aplauz:

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Placebo Empty Placebo - Blind

Počalji od Still_dreaming Uto Dec 04, 2012 1:05 am

Placebo Rene_m11
Rene Magrit, ‚‚Les amants''


If I could tear you from the ceiling,
And guarantee a source divine,
Rid you off possessions fleeting,
Remain your funny valentine.

Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.

If I could tear you from the ceiling,
I know the best have tried,
I'd fill your every breath with meaning,
And find a place we both could hide.

Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.

You don't believe me, but you do this every time,
Please don't drive me blind.
Please don't drive me blind..

I know we're broken,
I know we're broken,
I know we're broken.

If I could tear you from the ceiling,
I'd freeze us both in time,
Find a brand new way of seeing..
Your eyes forever glued to mine.

Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind,
Don't go and leave me,
And please don't drive me blind.

I know I broke it,
I know I broke it,
I know I broke it,
I know I broke it.

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Placebo Empty Placebo - Soulmates never die

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Jan 06, 2013 12:52 am

Placebo 1062_s10

Soulmates never die

The sea's evaporated, though it comes as no surprise
These clouds we're seeing, they're explosions in the sky
It seems it's written, but we can't read between the line

Hush, it's okay, dry your eye
dry your eye
Soulmate dry your eye
dry your eye
Soulmate dry your eye, 'cause soulmates never die

This one world vision turns us into compromise
What good's religion when it's each other we despise?
Damn the government
Damn their killing, damn their lies
hush, it's okay
Dry your eyes
Soulmate dry your eyes
Dry your eyes
Soulmate dry your eyes, 'cause soulmates never die
Soulmates never die
Soulmates never die
Soulmates never die
Soulmates never die
never die
Soulmates never die
Soulmates never die

Placebo Soulma10

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Placebo Empty Placebo - Pure morning

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Feb 17, 2013 1:28 pm

Placebo Dawnin10

Pure morning

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better ,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she's pressed she will undress,
And then she's boxing clever,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever,

Day's dawning, skins crawling [repeat three more times]
Pure morning, [repeat this three more times]

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever,

Day's dawning, skins crawling [repeat three more times]
Pure morning,[repeat this three more times]

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she's pressed she will undress,
And then she's boxing clever,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather

Poslednji izmenio Still_dreaming dana Čet Sep 10, 2015 10:22 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Placebo Empty Placebo - Too many friends

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pon Avg 19, 2013 8:46 pm

Too many friends

My computer thinks I'm gay
I threw that piece of junk away
On the Champs-Elysées
As I was walking home

This is my last communique
Down the supper highway
All that I have left to say in a single tome

I got too many friends
Too many people that I'll never meet
And I'll never be there for
I'll never be there for
'Cause I'll never be there

If I could give it all away
Will it come back to me someday?
Like a needle in the hay or an expensive stone

But I got a reason to declaim
The applications are to blame
For all my sorrow and my pain
A feeling so alone

I got too many friends
Too many people that I'll never meet
And I'll never be there for
I'll never be there for
'Cause I'll never be there

Too many friends
Too many people that I'll never meet
And I'll never be there for
I'll never be there for
'Cause I'll never be there

My computer thinks I'm gay
What's the difference anyway
When all the people do all day
Is stare into a phone

I got too many friends
Too many people that I'll never meet
And I'll never be there for
I'll never be there for
'Cause I'll never be there

Too many friends
Too many people that I'll never meet
And I'll never be there for
I'll never be there for
'Cause I'll never be there

I'll never be there
I'll never be there
I'll never be there
I'll never be there

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Placebo Empty Placebo - A Million Little Pieces

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Nov 14, 2013 3:33 pm

A Million Little Pieces

There wasn't much I used to need
A smile would blow a summer breeze through my heart
Now my mistakes are haunting me,
Like Winter came and put a freeze on my heart

I've lost the power to understand
what it takes to be a man with my heart
I saw you wanted this to end,
You tried your best to be a friend to my heart

But I'm leaving this worry town
Please no grieving, my love, understand?

Whenever I was feeling wrong
I used to go and write a song from my heart
But now I feel I've lost my spark
No more glowing in the dark for my heart

So I'm leaving this worry town,
Please no grieving, my love, understand?


Understand? (can't you see I'm sick of fighting?)
Understand? (can't you tell I've lost my way?)
Understand? (look at me theirs no denying)
Understand? (I wont last another day)

So I'm leaving this worry town
Please no grieving, my love, understand?

Then I'm leaving this worry town
Please no grieving, my love, understand?

All my dreaming torn in pieces,
All my dreaming torn in pieces,
All my dreaming torn in pieces,
All my dreaming torn in pieces now

Jedna od omiljenih u poslednje vreme. givenheart

Poslednji izmenio Still_dreaming dana Čet Sep 10, 2015 10:20 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Placebo Empty Placebo - Running Up That Hill

Počalji od Still_dreaming Uto Sep 02, 2014 10:24 am

Running Up That Hill

It doesn't hurt me.
You wanna feel how it feels?
You wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me?
You wanna hear about the deal I'm making?
You be running up that hill
You and me be running up that hill

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
Be running up that building.
If I only could, oh...

You don't want to hurt me,
But see how deep the bullet lies.
Unaware that I'm tearing you asunder.
There is thunder in our hearts, baby.
So much hate for the ones we love?
Tell me, we both matter, don't we?

You, be running up that hill
You and me, be running up that hill
You and me won't be unhappy.

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
Be running up that building,
If I only could, oh...

'C'mon, baby, c'mon, c'mon, darling,
Let me steal this moment from you now.
C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling,
Let's exchange the experience, oh...'

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
With no problems

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
With no problems

'If I only could, be running up that hill.'
'If I only could, be running up that hill.'
'If I only could, be running up that hill.'
'If I only could, be running up that hill.'
'If I only could, be running up that hill.'
'If I only could, be running up that hill.'
'If I only could, be running up that hill.'

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Placebo Empty Placebo - Special Needs

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Sep 10, 2015 10:17 am

Special Needs

Remember me when you're the one who's silver screened
Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed
Remember me whenever noses start to bleed
Remember me, special needs

Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me when you clinch your movie deal
And think of me stuck in my chair that has four wheels
Remember me through flash photography and screams
Remember me, special dreams

Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...

Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour

Remember me...

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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