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Nelly Furtado

2 posters

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Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Mar 14, 2010 10:55 pm

Neli Kim Furtado (engl. Nelly Kim Furtado) (rođena 2. decembra 1978.) je Kanadska pevačica, tekstopisac i muzički producent i glumica.
Furtado je postala poznata 2000. godine kada je izdala svoj debi album ,,Whoa, Nelly!". Za pesmu sa ovog albuma "I'm like a bird" je nagrađena Gremi nagradom. Nakon što je postala majka i izdala manje komercijalni album „Folklore“(2003), ponovo je izazvala pažnju muzičke javnosti 2006 kad je izdala svoj treći album „Loose“ sa hit singlovima: "Promiscuos", "Maneater", "Say it right" i "All good things (Come to an end)".


Rođena je 2. decembra 1978 godine u gradu Viktorija u Britanskoj Kolumbiji. Roditelji su joj Portugalci, Maria Manuela i António José Furtado, oboje imigranti sa Azorskih ostrva. Ime je dobila po sovjetskoj gimnastičarki Nellie Kim. Njeni roditelji su rođeni na São Miguel Azores ostrvu,a imigrirali su u Kanadu kasnih 60-tih. Ima brata i sestru, Michael Anthony i Lisa Anne. Odrasla je u katoličkoj porodici, iako se i dalje ne izjašnjava po pitanju svoje vere, ipak potvrđuje svoju veru u Boga.
Sa četiri godine je počela da peva na portugalskom. Njen prvi javni nastup je bio kad je pevala duet sa svojom majkom u crkvi na dan Portugalskog nacionalnog praznika (Dia de Portugal). Počela je da svira muzičke instrumente već sa devet godina. Učila je da svira saksofon, violončelo, a kasnije gitaru i klavijature. Sa dvanaest godina je počela da piše pesme,a kao tinejdžerka je svirala u portugalskom „marching band“.
Nelly je priznala da je njena porodica izvor njene jake radne etike. Provela je osam leta radeći kao sobarica sa svojom majkom. Rekla je da to što potiče iz radničke porodice je imalo velikog udela u oblikovanju njene ličnosti u pozitivnom smislu.

Muzička karijera


Tokom boravka u Torontu sa svojom sestrom leti nakon jedanaestog razreda, Furtado je upoznala Tallis Newkirk-a, člana hip hop grupe Plains of Fascination. Svojim vokalom je učestvovala na njihovom albumu iz 1996 godine ,,Join The Ranks”, u pesmi ,,Waitin' 4 The Streets”. Nakon završetka srednje škole iste godine, preselila se u Toronto kod svoje sestre. Naredne godine oformila je ,,Nellstar", trip hop duo sa Newkrik-om. Ipak na kraju, osetila je da je ovaj stil bio ”to segregated” i verovala da nije reprezentovao njenu ličnost i dozvoljavao joj da pokaže svoje vokalne sposobnosti. Napustila je grupu i planirala da se vrati kući.
1997 godine nastupila je u ,,Honey Jam talent show". Njen nastup je privukao pažnju pevača grupe ,,The Philosopher Kings", Gerald Eaton (aka Jarvis Church), koji joj je tada ponudio priliku da sarađuje sa njim. On i drugi član ove grupe Brian West su joj pomogli da producira svoju prvi demo pesmu. Napustila je Toronto, ali se ponovo vratila da snimi još pesama sa Eaton i West. Ono šta je tada snimljeno joj je donelo sklapanje ugovora sa Dream Works Records 1990 godine. Njen prvi singl ,,Party's Just Begun (Again)” je izašao te godine na ,,Brokedown Palace: Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

2000–2005: Whoa, Nelly! i Folklore

Nelly Furtado 33081496 Nelly je nastavila saradnju sa Eaton and West, koji su ko-producirali njen debitantski album ,,Whoa, Nelly!”, koji je izdat oktobra 2000.god. Nakon toga ona je učestvovala na "Burn in the Spotlight Tour" a pojavila se i na Moby ,,Area:One tour".
Album je doživeo međunarodni uspeh, a posebno tri singla : "I'm like a Bird", "Turn off the Light", and "...On the Radio (Remember the Days)". Dobio je tri Grammy nominacije 2002 godine, a njen debitantski singl je osvojio nagradu za „Best Female Pop Vocal Performance”. Njen rad je, takođe, proglašen od strane muzičkih kritičara kao inovativna mešavina različitih žanrova i zvuka.
Taj album je napravila pod velikim uticajem muzičara koji su poreklom iz različitih kultura i "the challenge of making heartfelt, emotional music that's upbeat and hopeful". Delovi pesme ,,Scared of You” su na portugalskom, dok je pesma ,,Onde Estás" kompletno na tom jeziku, što je bio odraz i isticanje njenog porekla.
2002 godine, Furtado je učestvovala u snimanju u pesme ,,Thin Line” , jedne underground hip hop grupe Jurassic 5's album Power in Numbers. Iste godine je svojim vokalom doprinela pesmi ,,The Harder They Come" Paul Oakenfold-a na njegovom albumu ,,Bunkka”, a pored toga je napisala pesmu ,,These words are my own". Takođe je sarađivala sa Kolumbijskim umetnikom Juanes, na pesmi ,, Fotografia” gde je pokazala svoju muzičku raznovrsnost i znanje još jednog jezika. Pojavila se i u muzičkom spotu za pesmu ,,Breathe2 grupe Swollen Members".

Nelly Furtado Nellyfurtadofolklore Drugi album ,,Folklore" Nelly Furtado je izdala u novembru 2003 godine. Poslednja pesma na albumu , ,,Childhood Dreams" , je bila posvećena njenoj čerkici Nevis. Na albumu se nalazi numera ,,Forca” (što znači “snaga”/”moć” ili “ you can do it!" na portugalskom), koja je bila oficijelna himna Evropskog fudbalskog prvenstva 2004 god. Furtado je izvela ovu pesmu u Lisabonu pred finale prvenstva u kome je učestvovala portugalska reprezentacija. Vodeći singl albuma je "Powerless (Say What You Want)" a drugi singl je balada “Try”. Album nije bio toliko uspešan na početku delom zbog svog manje ,,pop” zvuka , kao i slabe promocije od strane DreamWorks Records-a. 2005 godine DreamWorks Records i svi umetnici, uključujući Nelly, su pripali izdavačkoj kući Geffen Records.
"Powerless (Say What You Want)" je kasnije remiksovana, uz učešće kolimbijskog rokera Juanes-a, koji je ranije sarađivao sa Nelly na svojoj pesmi ,,Fotografija” . Njih dvoje su ponovo ostvarili saradnju na singlu "Te Busqué" ("I searched for you"), sa Nelly-nog trećeg albuma “Loose” (2006).

2006–2008: Loose

Nelly Furtado Loosecover Treći album ,,Loose" je objavljen juna 2006 godine. Na ovom albumu, koji je produciran od strane Timbaland-a, Furtado je eksperimentisala sa R&B, hip hop i muzikom 80-tih. Ona je zvuk tog albuma opisala kao punk-pop, "modern, poppy, spooky" i "a mysterious, after-midnight vibe... extremely visceral". Pripisala je mladalački prizvuk albuma svojoj dvogodišnjoj ćerki. Album je dobro prošao kod muzičkih kritičara, koji su naveli posojanje ,,revitalizirajućeg” efekta Timbalanda na njenu muziku.
,,Loose” je postao najuspešniji Nelly-in album do tada, i dostigao je prvo mesto u slušanosti ne samo u Kanadi i USA, nego i u mnogim zemljama. Singl ,,Say It Right” je postala najpopularnija pesma širom sveta, zahvaljujući velikom uspehu u Evropi i USA, gde je postala njen drugi “number one” hit.
16.februara 2007, Furtado je krenula na ,,Get Loose Tour". Vratila se u martu iste godine u svoj rodni grad Victoria gde je održala koncert u the ,,Save-On Foods Memorial Centre”. U čast njenoj poseti, lokalne vlasti su zvanično proglasile 21.mart 2007, prvi dan proleća, kao ,,Dan Nelly Furtado”.
1.aprila 2007. Nelly je učestvovala kao izvođač i domaćin na ,,Juno Awards" u Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Osvojila je svih pet nagrada za koje je bila nominovana, uključujući za Album godine i Singl godine. Takođe, pojavila se na sceni na koncertu za Lejdi Dianu na Vembli stadionu u Londonu 1.juna 2007, i izvela pesme “Say It Right”, “Maneater” i and "I'm like a Bird".
Iste godine se pojavila sa Justin Timberlake-om, na Timbaland-ovom singlu ,,Give It To Me”. Krajem 2008 godine sarađivala je sa James Morrison-onom, na pesmi ,,Broken Strings" sa njegovog albuma ,,Songs for You, Truths for Me".
2008 godine pevala je sa italijanskim bendom "Zero Assoluto” baladu “Win or Lose - Appena prima di partire”, koja je izdata u Italiji, Francuskoj i Nemačkoj, a spot za pesmu je snimljen u Barseloni.

2009–do danas: Mi Plan i Lifestyle
Mi Plan co-writer Alex Cuba

Nelly Furtado Nellyfurtadomiplan 31.decembra 2008 godine, El Diario La Prensa su napisali članak u kome su objavili da Nelly Furtado planira da snimi pesme na engleskom i španskom jeziku za svoj predstojeći album i da se očekuje njegov izlazak 15.septembra 2009.
Ona se pojavila kao gost na novom albumu „R.O.O.T.S.” grupe Flo Rida, koji je objavljen 31.marta 2009. Pesma je dobila naziv „Jump”. Osim toga gostovala je i na Divine Brown-ovom albumu „ Love Chronicles”, kao tekstopisac i pevačica pratećih vokala u pesmi ,,Sunglasses".
Početkom marta, pesma „Gotta Know” se pojavila na internetu i pričalo se da je to njena pesma. Kao odgovor na to, Nelly je 4. marta 2009, na svom My Space nalogu napisala da pesma nije njena i da trenutno snima dva nova albuma, jedan na španskom, a drugi na portugalskom jeziku. Putem Perez Hilton bloga ona je najavila da će album na španskom jeziku nositi naziv ,,Mi plan”, a prvi singl ,,Manos Al Aire” . Kako je naglasila u poruci na svom oficijelnom web sajtu, album će imati 12 novih pesama, otpevanih na španskom jeziku.
Drugi singl ,,Más" je izašao 21. jula. Treći singl ,,Mi Plan” (ft.Alex Cuba) je izašao na iTunes 11.avgusta,2009 i ,,Bajo Otra Luz" (ft. Julieta Venegas and La Mala Rodriguez) je četvrti i poslednji singl objavljen 1.septembra 2009. Nelly je pozvala meksičku zvezdu Alejandro Fernández da zajedno otpevaju duetsku pesmu ,,Sueños" ("Dreams"). Spot za pesmu “Manos Al Aire” je premijerno prikazan 29.jula u šou programu ,,It's On with Alexa Chung”.
15.decembra 2009, Nelly je objavila na svojoj Twitter stranici da će novi album na engleskom jeziku biti objavljen 25.maja 2010, a pre toga je potvrdila da će album nositi naziv ,,Lifestyle”. Radila je sa Timbaland-on na pesmi ,,Morning After Dark", koja se nalazi na njegovom novom albumu ,,Presents Shock Value 2” .
Rekla je da će ,,Lifestyle” sadržati mali uticaj funk-a, kao i to da će raditi sa producentima Ryan Tedder, Tiësto, Lester Mendez and Salaam Remi.
12.februara 2010 otpevala je duetsku pesmu sa Bryan Adams-om na ceremoniji otvaranja zimskih Olimpijskih igara u Vankuveru. Pesma je nazvana ,,Bang The Drum”, izdata je na EMI albumu „Sounds Of Vancouver 2010” (a commemorative album).
13.aprila 2010. Nelly je na Twitteru objavila da album ,,Lifestyle” ipak neće biti objavljen tokom leta 2010. kao i to da će ponovo krenuti na ,,Mi Plan” turneju da bi dobila bolju inspiraciju za ,,Lifestyle”.
Nelly se pojavljuje u novoj pesmi „Hot N Fun”, pevača N.E.R.D

Muzički uticaji

Tokom svojih tinejdžerskih godina Nelly je prihvatila mnoge muzičke žanrove, slušajući mejnstrim, R&B, hip hop, alternativni hip hop, DnB, trip hop, portugalski fado, brazilsku muziku „bossa nova” i dr. Ona navodi da su na njenu muziku imali uticaja različiti muzički umetnici: De La Soul, TLC, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Amalia Rodrigues, Jeff Buckley, Esthero, Björk, Cornershop, Radiohead, The Smashing Pumpkins i Beck.

,,I always know there's a new genre left to discover. For me, it's like a metaphor for life. I feel like if you can get down with any style of music, you can get down with any style of person. So it's fun for me—I get to expose my fans to different vibes and they, in turn, open their minds too. I'm always undergoing mind-opening.”

Privatni život

20.septembra 2003.godine Nelly je rodila devojčicu Nevis, čiji je otac Jasper Gahunia [AKA DJ Lil' Jazz, Canadian DMC Champion 1998]. Furtado i Gahunia su bili dobri prijatelji nekoliko godina, ostali su zajedno 4 godine, a zatim se razišli 2005. Nelly je izjavila da su i dalje dobri prijatelji i da zajedno dele odgovornost u odgajanju Navis.
Juna 2006, u jednom intervjuu, kada je upitana da li su je nekada privlačile žene, odgovorila je: ,,Absolutely. Women are beautiful and sexy". Neki su smatrali da se ovim izjasnila da je biseksualka, ali u avgustu 2006 je rekla da je heteroseksualna ali “very open-minded”.
Nelly Furtado se udala 19. jula 2009 godine za Demacio "Demo" Castellón, sa kojm je radila na svom trećem albumu “Loose”.

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Afraid

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Mar 14, 2010 10:58 pm


What they say what they say what they say

You speak out all you feel is defiance
All you need is some self-reliance
Cause this world is gonna always try us
And all you wanted was to run for cover
Well here's looking to yourself and no other
We're all searching for that special something
And we keep on running

We all have the choice to take the lead or follow
I want to feel the light shine on me

You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cause you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay you'll soon get strong enough
You're so afraid of what people might say
But that's okay cause you're only human
You're so afraid of what people might say
You're going to break
So please don't do it

You wanna spread your wings but you're not sure
Don't wanna leave your comforts
Wanna find a cure
We're afraid of who we see in the mirror
We wanna let go but it feels too pure
Who wants to be alone in this world
You look around and all you see is hurt
But the light it always finds us
If we move with a little trust

A diamond don't define what shine is
I don't need a Rolex to know what the time is
You got your let me find what mine is
I'm a survivor look how strong my mind is
I stand on my own it's all me
Regardless of whatever they call me

I'm a leader not a follower
And I'd rather be paid and popular
Ride homie get your dollars up
We're in the belly of the beast that already swallowed us

Poslednji izmenio Still_dreaming dana Ned Mar 06, 2011 1:55 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Build You Up

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Mar 14, 2010 10:59 pm

Build You up

Baby don't believe it
Oh, it's in your eyes
I can see the weakness
You don't have to hide
I can take you under
Under my wing
cause your voice gives me a song
That i love to sing

Baby, they build you up
Only to tear you down
Don't give up
Baby don't believe it, baby don't believe it

Baby they build you up
Only to tear you down
Baby don't believe it, baby don't believe it
Oh, it's good for nothing

You were just a child
Ready to explore
And everything you saw
Looked like an open door

A place you can remember
You'd love to go back
But you can't even comprehend
That it's all in the past

Baby they build you up
Only to tear you down
Baby don't believe it, baby don't believe it
Oh, it's good for nothing

Baby they build you up
Only to tear you down
Baby don't believe it, baby don't believe it
Oh, it's good for nothing

Put your heart in my hands and i won't hurt you
Put your heart in my hands
I promise not to

I'll lift you up, you'll fly away, I'll lift you up, lift you up
I'll never build you up, only to tear you down
Baby just believe it, baby just believe it, it's good for something
I'll never build you up, only to tear you down, oh it's good for nothing
And i love you the way you are

Poslednji izmenio Still_dreaming dana Ned Mar 06, 2011 1:55 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Onde estás

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Jul 22, 2010 2:38 am

Onde estas

Nas horas do dia
Nas horas do dia
Espero... a noite
Espero... a noite

Vejo as ondas a passar... pelo mar
Vejo as ondas a passar... pelo mar

Nas horas do dia
Nas horas do dia
Espero... a noite
Espero... a noite

Vejo estrelas gritar seu nome... pelo ar
Vejo estrelas gritar seu nome... pelo ar

Nas horas do dia
Nas horas do dia
Fecho... meus olhos
Fecho... meus olhos

Vou pelos campos a perguntar... onde estás
Vou pelos campos a perguntar... onde estás

Onde Estás... Onde Estás... Onde Estás... Onde Estás

Ovde se još bolje vidi kakav je to glas... Kako raste u određenim trenutcima i podiže emocionalni naboj samih reči... Kao da u isto vreme drhti i pokazuje ogromnu snagu...


Poslednji put izmenio Still_dreaming dana Ned Mar 06, 2011 2:02 am, izmenio ukupno 3 puta

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - In God's Hands

Počalji od Maja Uto Avg 10, 2010 11:12 pm

In God's hands

I looked at your face I saw that all the love had died
I saw that we had forgotten to take the time
I, I saw that you couldn't care less about what you do
Couldn't care less about the lies
You couldn't find the time to cry

We forgot about love
We forgot about faith
We forgot about trust
We forgot about us

Now our love's floating out the window
Our love's floating out the back door
Our love's floating up in the sky in heaven
Where it began back in God's hands

You said that you had said all that you had to say
You said baby it's the end of the day
And we gave a lot but it wasn't enough
We got so tired that we just gave up

We didn't respect it
We went and neglected it
We didn't deserve it
But I never expected this

Our love floated out the window
Our love floated out the back door
Our love floated up in the sky to heaven
It's part of a plan
It's back in God's hands
Back in God's hands

It didn't last
It's a thing of the past
Oh we didn't understand
Just what we had
Oh I want it back
Just what we had
Oh I want it back
Oh just what we had

Poslednji izmenio Maja dana Sub Mar 05, 2011 11:31 pm, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

Legendarni član
Legendarni član

Broj poruka : 6121
Ženski Datum upisa : 19.02.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Say It Right

Počalji od Still_dreaming Sre Avg 25, 2010 2:17 pm

Nelly Furtado - Say it right

In the day, In the night
Say it right, Say it all
You either got it or you don't
You either stand or you fall
When your will is broken
When it slips from your hand
When there's no time for joking
Theres a hole in the plan

Oh, you dont mean nothing at all to me
No, you don't mean nothing at all to me
Oh, you got what it takes to set me free
Oh you could mean everything to me

I can't say that I'm not lost and at fault
I can't say that I don't love the light and dark
I can't say that I don't know that I am alive
And all of what I feel I could show
You tonight you tonight

Oh, you dont mean nothing at all to me
No, you don't mean nothing at all to me
Oh, you've done what it takes to set me free
Oh you could be the everything to me

From my hands i could give you, something that i made
from my mouth i could sing you another brick that I laid
from my body i can show you a place god knows (Only god knows)
If you know the place is holy, do you really want to go?

Poslednji izmenio Still_dreaming dana Pet Mar 11, 2011 12:11 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Turn off the Light

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Nov 11, 2010 10:52 am

Turn off the light

It's getting so lonely inside this bed
Don't know if I should lick my wounds or say woe is me instead
And there's an aching inside my head
It's telling me I'm better off alone
But after midnight morning will come
And the day will see if you will get some

They say that girl ya know she act too tough tough tough
Well it's till' I turn off the light, turn off the light
They say that girl you know she act so rough rough rough
Well it's till' I turn off the light, turn off the light
And I say follow me follow me follow me down down down down
till' you see all my dreams
Not everything in this magical world is quite what it seems

I looked above the other day
Cuz I think I'm good and ready for a change
I live my life by the moon
If it's high play it low, if it's harvest go slow and if it's full, then go
But after midnight morning will come
And the day will see if you're gonna get some

I'm searching for things that I just cannot see
Why don't you don't you don't you come and be with me
I pretend to be cool with me, want to believe
That I can do it on my own without my heart on my sleeve
I'm running, I'm running, catch up with me life
Where is the love that I'm looking to find
It's all in me, can't you see, why can't you, why can't you see it's all in me

Where is your logic
Who do you need
Where can you turn in your delicate time of need
Follow me down, follow me down down down,
I do not need I do not need nobody
Where is your logic
Who do you need
Where can you turn in your delicate time of need

Poslednji izmenio Still_dreaming dana Čet Apr 21, 2011 3:50 am, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - All Good Things

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pet Mar 11, 2011 12:25 am

All good things

Honestly, what will become of me?
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me

But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
We miss everything daydreaming

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Come to an end, come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Come to an end, come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?

Traveling I always stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less

I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets it and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Come to an end, come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Come to an end, come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?

Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon
So that they could die

Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon
So that they could die

Die, die, die

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Come to an end, come to an end
Why do all good things come to an end?
Come to an end, come to an end
Why do all good things come to an end?

Well the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it will come soon

And the sun was wondering if it should
Stay away for a day 'til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling
And the clouds were dropping
And the rain forgot how to bring salvation

The dogs were tune barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon
So that they could die

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Picture Perfect

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pet Mar 11, 2011 3:27 am

Picture perfect

Picture perfect a life that you saw in a magazine
Or maybe a travelling book
Wanted to get on that plane and fly away
cause you are a rock star deep down inside
You walk with a swagger, got nothin' to hide
Cigarette in your mouth, a cuff on your jeans
Your sideburns are perfect, you're a perfect and lean
So you made an oil painting to inmortalize
All of the hope and vision in your eyes
In your leisure coat and cowboy hat
North American records and so much to bat for

Please bring me along
Please bring me along
Because I want to see everything you have to offer me

Get a job lifting cement
Oh it's so dry when it rains it gets wet
And the village was great, now it's a suburb
You left behind half of all that you had learnt
Relearn a couple things along the way
The thrift shop so clean all for half what you'd pay
So you try everything on, on for size
Drop top your Camaro and go for a ride

Please bring me along
Please bring me along
Because I want to see everything you have to offer me

And I don't mind to sit here and waste my time
Oh but this world is not mine to define
And I want to shine

Please bring me along
Please take me away
I don't want to stay

And I want to see everything you have to offer me
And I want to see everything you have to offer me
And I want to see everything you have to offer me

I want to see everything the world has to offer me
I want to see everything the world has to offer me
I want to show everything I have to offer it
I want to show everything I have to offer it now

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Childhood Dreams

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pet Mar 25, 2011 5:19 am

Childhood dreams

I can't believe you need me
I never thought would be needed for anything
I can't believe my shoulder would carry such important weight
As your head and your tears
I can't believe you chose me, in all my fragility, me

It hurts so much when I love you, it makes me cry
Every time

You, you are, oh you are
The little boy made for me in the stars
In the star, that's why I can't let you go
The little boy made for mi in the stars
That's why I love you more the further I go
And before this existence you were always there
Waiting for me
You are, you are the realest thing I know
Hands down
The realest thing I know

I am not used to being carried
Or being able to carry a pretty song
I have been bruised by my many trails
Sometimes my skin's so thick it's frail
I just need to be ignored 'til I wake up to the beauty that is yours
And it all comes to life so suddenly
This is a place so deep, the water's so deep I hesitate, cause

All the energy it takes to feel this power
I tend to run, I tend to hide,
'til I find you and I know Igot you

I know, I know, I know

You're the little boy made for me in the stars
In the stars, that's why I can't let you go
The little boy made for me in the stars
That's why I love you more the further I go
And before this existence you were always here
Inside of me
You are, you are the realest thing I know
Hands down...the realest thing I know

I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams

When you carry me, when you carry me, when you carry me
It's so happy

I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Saturdays

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pon Avg 15, 2011 10:37 pm


Hot motel
Stuffy incide
I know well
This eleven walls
Hot black tar
I tan my legs
Rest my heart
And dream of the city

Magazine and diet coke
I'm not a joke
This is me
Damaged leg
Heavy cart
Plastic cups
Linen mart

Rock garden
Where I used to play
People stare
Part of their day
Coffee break
Lunch at noon
Pumpernickel steak
Green and orange room

Done my list
I make my way
To help my mother
End her day
Fresh cut grass
parking lot
We roll on out
We got a lot

We're on our way
Roll the windows down
And scream out loud
We're tired now

Take it home
Stop on the way
To the bakery
For some fruit and cake
Home I lay
After a shower clean
I hit my head
And I dream

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - Força

Počalji od Still_dreaming Čet Apr 12, 2012 11:36 pm


It is the passion flowing right on through your veins
And it's the feeling that you're oh so glad you came
It is the moment you remember you're alive
It is the air you breathe, the element, the fire

It is that flower that you took the time to smell
It is the power that you know you got it well
It is the fear inside that you can overcome
This is the orchestra, the rhythm and the drum

Como uma força, com uma força
Como uma força que ninguém pode parar
Como uma força, com uma forca
Como uma fome que ninguém pode matar

It is the soundtrack of your ever flowing life
It is the wind beneath your feet that makes you fly
It is the beautiful game that you choose to play
When you step out into the world to start your day

You show your face and take it in and scream and pray
You're gonna win it for yourself and us today
It is the gold, the green, the yellow and the gray
The red and sweat and tears, the love you go, hey

Como uma força, com uma força
Como uma força que ninguém pode parar
Como uma força, com uma força
Como uma fome que ninguém pode matar

Força, força, força, força

Closer to the sky, closer, way up high
Mais perto do céu, mais perto do céu

Como uma força, com uma força
Como uma força que ninguém pode parar
Como uma força, com uma força
Como uma fome que ninguém pode matar

It is the passion flowing right on through your veins
And it's the feeling that you're oh so glad you came
It is the moment you remember you're alive
It is the air you breathe, the element, the fire

Força, força, força

Este amor, este amor
É tão grande, tão forte
Come on


Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Nelly Furtado Empty James Morrison ft. Nelly Furtado - Broken strings

Počalji od Still_dreaming Pet Apr 27, 2012 5:41 am

James Morrison ft. Nelly Furtado - Broken strings

Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again
But you broke me, now I can't feel anything

When I love you and so untrue
I can't even convince myself
When I'm speaking it's the voice of someone else

Oh, it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it's not enough
To make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?

Oh, what are we doing?
We are turning into dust
Playing house in the ruins of us

Running back through the fire
When there's nothing left to say
It's like chasing the very last train
When it's too late, too late

Oh, it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it's not enough
To make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?

But we're running through the fire
When there's nothing left to say
It's like chasing the very last train
When we both know it's too late, too late

You can't play our broken strings
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh, the truth hurts and lies worse
So how can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before?
Oh, you know that I love you a little less than before

Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Nelly Furtado Empty Nelly Furtado - The Harder They Come

Počalji od Still_dreaming Ned Maj 06, 2012 12:39 pm

The harder they come

The harder they come!

Maybe love is not for me
Maybe lovers dream things
That I don't dream
Ahh, maybe
Maybe, oh, maybe

[ Nelly:]
Maybe you were just a little boy
After gave you the pride and joy
The given pride
Maybe I should set you free

The harder they come

The harder they come
The harder they fall
So you come
Baby I would rather not go there at all
The harder they come
The harder they fall
Baby I would rather not come here at all

See you when you come around
The harder they come
You don't see
'cause you don't feel
I scratch
I bleed
Here (uphill?)
Somewhat loved
Not true enough
Harder you come
More gently you shake
It's leaving blank
The wish we make
She can't fly straight
She has no wings
Her favourite things
Her favourite things
Set me free
Set me free
She's wrong breath
Wrong time
Wrong time
Wrong song
Wrong line
Has no wings
Has no wings

Oh, the harder they come
The harder they fall
Baby maybe I would rather not go there at all
The harder they come
The harder they fall

The harder they come
The harder they fall
See you come around
Baby I would rather not go there at all
The harder they come
The harder they fall

See you when you come around
Harder they come

Come here at all
Come here at all
Come here at all
Come here at all
See you come around

O-ohhh, ye-ah

The harder they come

Oh, yeah, baby I would rather not
I would rather not
Rather not go there
Oh, take me as your prisoner


Fale samo reči koje on nekoliko puta ponavlja, ako su uopšte tačne ove ostale koje sam našao, pa ako neko uspe da protumači šta on to izgovara ili pronađe na netu... :(

Amor fati

Live today

Broj poruka : 22089
Muški Jarac Godina : 36
Lokacija : In dreams...
Datum upisa : 15.01.2010

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Nelly Furtado Empty Re: Nelly Furtado

Počalji od Maja Pet Nov 09, 2012 5:37 am

Novi album

The Spirit Indestructible


Legendarni član
Legendarni član

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Ženski Datum upisa : 19.02.2010

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