David Bowie
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David Bowie
David Bowie (rođen kao David Robert Jones, 8. januara 1947. u Londonu ) je britanski rock muzičar, kompozitor, glumac, multi-instrumentalista, producent, aranžer i inženjer zvuka . Muzički je aktivan punih pet decenija i večno sklon menjanju muzičkog stila i imidža, a njegov rad i inovacije naročito postaju specifične od 1970.godine. Bouvi se pojavljuje na filmu kao vrlo uspešan glumac, muzički video direktor i vizualni umetnik.
Rođen je u Brixtonu (London), od oca Stentona Jonesa, koji dolazi iz Doncastera (Yorkshire) i majke Margaret Mary Jones, koja potiče iz irske porodice, a njegovi roditelji se venčavaju nakon njegovog rođenja. Žive u Brixtonu (Stansfield Road 40) sve dok Dejvid nije navršio šest godina kada se sele u Bromley (Kent). Školuje se u ‚‚Technical High School" koja se nalazi u Keston (Bromley), gde sa svojim roditeljima živi do svoje osamnaeste godine.
Sa petnaest godina doživeo je nesreću kada ga je njegov prijatelj George Underwood, koji je nosio prsten na svojoj ruci udario u levo oko zbog jedne djevojke i teško ga povedio. Bowie je osam meseci izostao iz škole, sve dok doktori nisu završili sa operacijama i dok opet nije mogao normalno otvarati i zatvarati oko. Bez obzira na sve teškoće koje je prošao ostao je dobar prijatelj sa Underwood-om , koji je kasnije ilustrirao Bowieve rane albume. Doktori ipak nakon svega nisu uspjeli skroz zalečiti njegovo oko. Rezultat toga je njegovo trajno oštećenje dubinskog opažanja kao, teško raspoznavanje boja kao i trajno dilatirana zenica. Ovo poslednje je uticalo na njegov izgled, naime čini se kao da ima oči različite boje.
Početak muzičke karijere
Svoj muzički ukus je počeo da gradi sa devet godina, slušajući Fets Domina (Fats Domino), Čak Berija (Chuck Berry), Litl Ričarda (Little Richard), Čarls Mingusa (Charles Mingus), Džon Koltrejna (John Coltrane). 1959. je dobio od majke saksofon i tada je počeo da se bavi muzikom. 1962. je osnovao svoj prvi bend The Konrads, a pored toga je svirao u bluz grupama poput The King Bees, The Manish Boys, The Lower Third i The Riot Squad. Sredinom 60-ih je u ovim bendovima nastupao pod imenom Dejvi Džouns (Davy ili Davie Jones), a 66-te , da ga ne bi mešali sa istoimenim članom grupe The Monkeys, menja ime u Dejvid Bouvi. Sa gore pomenutim grupama je izdao nekoliko neuspešnih singlova, a 1967. izdaje svoj prvi album pod imenom „David Bowie“ za izdavačku kuću ‚‚Decca Records" , koji je mešavina popa i psihodelije. Album nije postigao uspeh i Dejvid odlazi na studije mimike.
Psihodelični folk i glam rock: miris slave (1969 – 1971)
Dve godine nakon izlaska debitanskog albuma, Bouvi je snimio baladu ,,Space Oditty“, o astronautu izgubljenom u svemiru (godina izdavanja se poklapa sa godinom kada je čovek prvi put kročio na Mesec), koja ga je uvela svet slavnih, pojavivši se na petom mestu britanske top liste. Album, na kome se našao ovaj hit, prvobitno se zvao „David Bowie“, kao i njegov prethodnik, pa je 1972. reizdat pod imenom „Space Oditty“. Album je bio mešavina folka i progresivnog roka, a u njegovoj izradi su učestvovali Rick Wakeman, koga je kasnije svet upoznao kao klavijaturistu grupe Yes, Tony Visconti, producent britanskih bendova poput T.Rex i Thin Lizzy, zatim Tim Renwick, poznat po saradnji sa John Elton-om, grupom Pink Floyd, Eric Klepton-om. Junak pesme, po kojoj je album dobio ime, Major Tom je narkoman, alegorično predstavljen kao astronaut, a inspiraciju za ovaj lik Dejvid je dobio iz Stenli Kjubrikovog (Stanley Kubrick) filma „Odiseja u svemiru“ („2001: A space odissey“).
1970. u prodaji se pojavio treći album „The Man Who Sold the World“, na kome je gitarista bio Mick Ronson, koji je uveo elektičnu gitaru u Bovijev zvuk. Iako album nije postigao veliki komercijalni uspeh, on predstavlja jedan od Bouvijevih najboljih izdanja. Ovaj album, za razliku od svog prethodnika, je po zvuku najbliži hard roku, a tekstovi njegovih pesama su projektovali filozofiju Kafke i Ničea. Na omotu albuma se nalazila slika Dejvida obučenog u, kako je on nazvao, „muškoj“ haljini, a ovaj album je uticao na zvuk bendova poput Siouxsie & the Banshees, The Cure, Nine Inch Nails, kao i Gary Numan-a, John i Foxx-a. Pesma „The Man Who Sold the World“ predstavlja Bouvijevu zainteresovanost za poremećaj podeljene ličnosti, a svoju popularizaciju je doživala 1993. kada ju je obradila grandž grupa Nirvana. Među grupama koje su obradile ovu pesmu nalazi se i naš Električni Orgazam (1983. godina, album „Les Chansones Populaires”).
Sledeći album, pod imenom „Hunky Dory“, izašao je ’71. i doživeo veliki stilski preokret u odnosu na svog prethodnika. Dok je „The Man Who Sold the World“ bio hard rok/hevi metal album, ovaj je kombinovao pop, rok i glam. Za ovu promenu u zvuku delimično je zaslužan i novi producent Ken Skot . Ovo izdanje je dokazalo Dejvidovu prilagodljivost i sposobnost da kroz menjanje muzičkih žanrova ostane genijalan. Singlovi „Changes“ i „Life on Mars“ su bili u samom vrhu top lista i dan danas se smatraju njegovim velikim hitovima. Možda vredi pomenuti da je ovaj album prvi izdat od strane RCA, izdavačke kuće koja će narednu deceniju izdavati Bouvijeve ploče.
Alterego: Zigi Stardast (1972 – 1973)
„The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and Spiders from Mars“ naziv je Bouvijevog konceptualnog albuma iz 1972. na koji kritičari gledaju kao na remek-delo. Zigi Stardast, kako je sebe Bouvi tih godina zvao, je Marsovac koji je došao na planetu Zemlju da spasi čovečanstvo od banalnosti, znajući da Zemlju čeka propast za pet godina. Zigi je pritom seksualno promiskuitetna rok zvezda i konzument droga. On propoveda o miru i ljubavi, ali ga ubijaju njegovi obožavaoci. Osoba koja je inspirisala Bouvija za Zigijev lik je bio Vins Tejlor, rok muzičar popularan krajem 50-ih godina. Album je stilski bio čist glam rok, nastao pod uticajem muzike grupa The Who, Beach Boys, Velvet Underground, T Rex..
Album počinje uvodnom pesmom „Five Years“ koja priča o misiji Zigi Stardasta, glavnog junaka ovog muzičkog dela. „Moonage Daydream“ opisuje nastanak Marsovca kombinovanjem religije, romanse, seksualne slobode, buntovništva i strasti. U pesmi „Starman“, Zigi putem radia šalje poruku zemaljskoj omladini. Za „Lady Stardust“ se predpostavlja da je upućena Marku Bolanu , pevaču benda t Rex, kao pioniru glam pokreta. Pesma „Star“ opisuje lepotu života rok zvezde. „Zigi Stardust“ je priča o istoimenom liku. „Suffragette City“ sadrži frazu „Wham bam thank you ma’am!” koju je Dejvid nadalje često koristio na svojim nastupima. Priča o Zigiju konačno se završava pesmom “Rock’n’Roll Suicide” koja opisuje propast muziče zvezde i njenu smrt. Album sadrži dramski splet do tada neviđen na muzičkoj sceni i zbog toga se ovo izdanje smatra avangardnim delom. „Pauci sa Marsa“ („Spiders from Mars“) je ime Bouvijevog pratećeg benda koji su činili Mik Ronson, Trevor Bolder, Mick Woodmansey, Rik Vejkmen i Dana Gillespie. Album je propraćen turnejom na kojoj se Dejvid predstavljao kao Zigi i nosio frizuru u obliku crvenog plamena. Ovom pločom Dejvid Bouvi je postao internacionalna zvezda i počeo da sarađuje sa drugim bendovima. Te 1972. je napisao pesmu „All the young dudes“ za grupu Mott the Hoople koja je postala njihov najveći hit i smatra se rok klasikom. Producirao je album Lu Rida „Transformer“ na kome se nalaze hitovi „Perfect Day“ i „Walk on the Wild Side“. Producirao je „Raw Power“, treći studijski album Igi Popa (Iggy Pop & The Stooges).
1973. izašao je šesti album čije su pesme napisane „u putu“, tokom Zigi Stardast turneje, pod imenom „Aladdin Sane“ (čita se „A lad Insane“ u prevodu „lud momak“). Bouvi ovaj album opisuje kao „Zigijev odlazak u Ameriku“ i ova ploča se odmah po svom izlasku našla na prvom mestu britanske top liste. Sa albuma su se kao hitovi izdvojile pesme „The Jean Genie“, „Drive-In Saturday“ i obrada pesme Rolingstounsa „Let’s spend the night together“. Turneja koja ga je propratila je bila prava atrakcija. Bouvi je izvodio sumo rvanje, oponašao oralni seks sa Ronsonovom gitarom, na jednom koncertu je čak objavio da se Zigi Stardast penzioniše iz sveta muzike. Te iste godine je izašao i njegov sedmi album „Pin Ups“ koji je sadržao samo obrade Bouvijevih omiljenih pesama iz 60-ih, ali nije bilo velikog komercijalnog uspeha.
Soul i R&B: Pobunjenik u duši (1974 -1976)
1974. izlazi osmi album „Diamond Dogs“ koji je, kao i onaj sa Zigijem, bio konceptualni. Ovoga puta tema albuma je bila knjiga Džorž Orvela „1984“ koja priča o jednom totalitarnom državnom režimu. Bouvi je smestio radnju albuma i knjige u svoj izmišljeni glam post-apokaliptični svet. Producent albuma je bio sam Dejvid i ovo je izdanje koje nije radio sa svojim pratećim bendom „Pauci sa Marsa“ već su se kao novi članovi na albumu našli Majk Gerson i Herbi Flauers. Album je loše prošao u kritikama iako je bio najprodavaniji album u Britaniji te godine, a jedini hit koji se izdvojio je pesma „Rebel Rebel“. Ovo izdanje je označilo okretanjanje Bouvijevog glam zvuka ka soul muzici. Usledila je velika svetska turneja koja je obilovala specijalnim efektima, a na njoj je snimljen i „živi“ album – „David Live“.
Bouvi je naredne godine pripremao album u Filadelfiji i odlučio se za potpunu promenu zvuka. Izbacio je glam elemente i iskombinovao filadelfijski soul, fank i rok muziku. Ime devetog albuma je „Young Americans“ a na njemu se našla pesma „Fame“ (napisana sa Džon Lenonom i Karlos Alomarom), prva Dejvidova pesma koja je postala broj jedan na američkoj top listi. Uprkos tome što je smatrao da je njegov album „plitak“ i da ima „plastičnu dušu“, postao je jedan od retkih belaca koji je gostovao u popularnoj TV emisiji „Voz duše“ („Soul train“).
1976. godina je donela mnoge novine u Bouvijevoj muzičkoj karijeri: Izašao je krautrok (pravac eksperimentalne muzike u Nemačkoj sa početka 60-ih) album „Station to Station“ (deseti po redu), čiji naziv se i dan danas povezuje sa kokainskom zavisnošću ovog muzičara. Tekstovi i tema albuma su bili inspirisani filozofijom Ničea i okultnim temama mističnog, i često povezivanog sa hevi metal muzikom, Alister Kraulija kao i potragom nacista za Svetim gralom. Ovde se rodila i nova persona sa kojom se Dejvid Bouvi poistovećivao. Prvi put je to bio Zigi Stardast koji je promenio svest o glam rok kulturi, a ovog puta je to bio „Mršavi Beli Vojvoda“ (“The Thin White Duke“) za koga se veruje da je inspirisan Bouvijevom ulogom u filmu „Čovek koji je pao na zemlju“ (“The man who fell to Earth“). Izdavanje nove ploče je propraćeno svetskom turnejom na kojoj su anti-fašistički Bouvijevi gestovi protumačeni upravo suprotno, kao odobravanje nacizma i fašizma. To je izazvalo mnogo kontroverzi i optužbi medija i time je Dejvidova umetnost pogrešno protumačena bas kao i dela njegovog idola Ničea, koji su korišćeni u Hitlerovoj kampanji etničkog čišćenja.
Koliko god da je album bio mračan, kontroverzan i osuđivan, on je ostao upamćen kao uvod u ono što je prestavljalo revoluciju (ili evoluciju) u rok muzici – „Berlinska trilogija“.
Berlinska Trilogija (1976 – 1979)
U želji da se izleči od svoje zavisnosti i da potraži novu muzičku inspiraciju u Nemačkoj sceni, Bouvi se preselio u Zapadni Berlin. Tamo je delio stan sa Igi Popom i producirao dva njegova najbolja albuma – „Lust for life“ i „The Idiot“.
1977. je ostvario saradnju sa Brajan Inom, tadašnjim klavijaturistom Roxy Music koji je danas jedan od najcenjenijih producenata, i napravili su prvi od tri „berlinska“ albuma pod imenom „Low“. Na albumu prednjači elektronska muzika koja je tada bila u eksperimentalnoj fazi i čijim se pionirima smatraju nemačke grupe Kraftverk , Noj! (Neu!) pa čak i sam Brajan Ino. Već oktobra te godine, Bouvi je nastavio svoje eksperimentisanje sa elektronskom muzikom na novom albumu „Heroes“ sa koga se pamti istoimena pesma. Ceo album, uključujući i prethodno spomenutu pesmu, imaju socijalnu pozadinu – život u posleratnom i podeljenom Berlinu. Junaci pesme „Heroes“ su ljubavnici koji su se sastajali ispred Berlinskog zida. Ova pesma je zajedno sa „Rebel Rebel“ najobrađivanija Bouvijeva pesma.
U pauzi do izlaska sledećeg albuma, Bouvi je bio poslednji gost Granada muzičke emisije koju je vodio Marc Bolan (bio je poslednji gost jer je Bolan ubrzo poginuo u saobraćajnoj nesreći), snimio dve božićne pesame sa Bing Crozbijem (Crosby), bio narator Prokofijeove knjige „Petar i vuk“ uz muzičku pratnju filadelfijskog orkestra i održao svetsku turneju.
Po završetku turneje je ušao u studio i 1979. snimio završni album trilogije pod nazivom „Lodger“ na kome se jasno kristalizovao zvuk novog talasa (New Wave), vrste muzike koja je obeležila osamdesete. Gitaru na albumu (kao i na prethodnom) svirao je Robert Frip iz grupe King Crimson.
Ovo je bio kraj saradnje sa Brajan Inom i kraj „Berlinske trilogije“, nadalje su Bouviju sva vrata uspeha bila otvorena.
Komercijalni uspeh i Tin machine (1980. – 1992)
1980. Bouvi se vratio u London i unovčio svoju slavu albumom „Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)“ koji se danas svrstava u post-pank i koji je postao poznat zahvaljujući pesmi „Ashes to Ashes“ u kome se prvi put jasno navodi da je Major Tom, junak prvog Bouvijevog hita, ustvari narkoman, ali se može protumačiti i kao Bouvijevo izlečenje od pomenutog problema. 1981. sa bendom Kvin je snimio pesmu „Under Pressure“ koja je postala Dejvidov treći singl koji je bio prvi na britanskim top listama.
1983. je izdao album „Let’s Dance“ koji je tada bio njegov najkomercijalniji album i sa koga su pesme „Let’s Dance“, „China Girl“ (pesma napisana sa Igi Popom za album „The Idiot“) i „Cat People“ postali veliki hitovi. Gitaru na albumu je svirao Stevie Ray Vaughn, ali nije svirao na turneji.
Na sledećom albumu „Tonight“ je sarađivao sa Igi Popom i Tinom Tarner i to izdanje iz 84-te je sadržalo nekoliko obrada na kojima su mogle da se čuju i rege pesme poput „Don’t look down“. 1985. je nastupio na globalnom događaju godine – Live Aid, na kome je sviralo više od 70 muzičara ne bi li sakupili novac za pomoć izgladneloj deci u Africi. Tada je premijerno pušten video spot pesme „Dancing in the Street“ koji je obradio sa Mik Džegerom . Iste godine je sarađivao sa Pat Metheny Group, na pesmi „This is not America“.
1986. Dejvid je glumio u filmu „Apsolutni početnici“ za koji je napisao pesmu „Absolute Beginners“ i snimio je sve pesme za film „Lavirint“ („Labyrinth“) u kome je glumio glavnog negativca.
Tek 1987. je izašao novi studijski album „Never let me down“ , koji je ipak izneverio sve ljubitelje njegove umetnosti. Iako je bio komercijalno uspešan, kritičari i sam Dejvid Bouvi ga smatraju najgorim delom koji je ovaj muzičar napravio.
Avgusta 1988. je glumio Pontijus Pilata u filmu Martina Skorcezea „Poslednje Hristovo iskušenje“ („The Last Temptation of Christ“).
1989. je po prvi put posle „Pauka sa Marsa“ oformio hard rok bend Tin Machine, kvartet koji su činili, pored Bouvija, Rivs Gejbrels , Toni i Hant Sejls. Te iste godine su izdali album koji je nosio njihovo ime i sadržao 14 pesama. Odmah je usledila i svetska turneja. Do raspada benda 1992. (zbog Bouvijeve odluke da nastavi svoju solo karijeru) grupa je izdala još jedan solo album nazvan „Tin Machine II“ i jedan koncertni album „Tin Machine Live: Oy Vey, Baby“.
Elektronska muzika i Rokenrol kuća slavnih (1992. – 1997)
1992. je održan koncert u čast i sećanje na pokojnog Fredi Merkjurija na kome Dejvid Bouvi uživo izveo pesmu „Heroes“ i u duetu sa Eni Lenoks i otpevao pesmu koju je snimio sa grupom Queen – „Under Pressure“.
1993. se udružio ponovo sa gitaristom iz perioda Zigi Stardasta i Pauka sa Marsa - Mik Ronsonom i Nil Rodžersom , producentom hit albuma „Let’s dance“ i izdao mešavinu elektronike, roka i soula pod imenom „Black Tie White Noise“. Pesma „The Wedding“ je inspirisana Dejvidovim brakom sa super modelom Iman Abdulmadžid. Ime albuma i istoimena pesma aludiraju na nerede za borbu protiv rasizma u Los Anđelesu, a na njoj je gostovao Al Bi Šur! (Al B. Sure!) i jasno se vidi da je pesma bila pod uticajem hip-hop muzike. „Jump they say“ je posvećena Dejvidovom polu-bratu Teriju koji je izvršio samoubistvo u ludnici gde je primljen zbog šizofrenije.
Prve pozitivne kritike posle dužeg vremena su stigle kada je Bouvi izdao alternativni album „The Buddha of Suburbia“ koji je podsećao na rad u Berlinu sa Brajan Inom. To je verovatno i bio povod da se 1995. ponovo udruži sa ovim muzičarem (koji je u tom trenutku bio veoma cenjen producent zbog svoje sardanje sa post-pank grupom U2 i izda konceptualni album „Outside“. Originalni naziv je ispred imena imao redni broj jedan, koji je bio deo plana da Bouvi izda pet albuma koja bi ispričala celu priču ove industrijal rok faze. Koncept albuma je pomalo bizaran, naime on priča o fenomenu „Umetnički kriminal“ (u originalu „Art Crime“) koji je svoju svoju umetnost ispoljavao u ubistvima i sakaćenju ljudi. Glavni junak albuma je Nejtan Adler, vladin agent koji ispituje ovu pojavu. Album je publika dobro prihvatila, a pojedine pesme sa njega su se našle u kultnim filmovima „Sedam“ („Seven“) i „Hotel izgubljenih duša“ („Lost Highway“). Uprkos uspehu Dejvid je odustao od ideje da izda još 4 ovakva albuma.
1996. je otišao na svetsku turneju na kojoj je nastupala i grupaNine Inch Nails, a 17. januara te godine je primljen u Kuću slavnih rokenrola (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame).
1997. je izdao drum’n bass i tehno album „Earthling“ i po prvi put izdao singl preko interneta.
Neoklasicizam: Poglavlje bez kraja (1999 - .. )
Dalja priča o Bouviju se nastavlja uglavnom kroz saradnju sa drugim muzičarima. Za početak, pomogao je Toniju Viskontiju oko pesme za film „Nebeski život“ („Safe in this Sky life“) i pevao prateće vokale na pesmi „Without you I’m nothing“ grupe Placebo.
1999. je komponovao muziku za igricu „Omikron: The Nomad Soul“ u kojoj se zajedno sa svojom ženom pojavljuje kao jedan od likova. Te godine je izdao album „Hours...“ koji je sadržao ponovo snimljene pesme iz igre i udaljio se od elektronske muzike.
2000. je snimio album koji je sadržao stare pesme iznova snimljene i nazvao ga „Toy“, ali album nikad nije pušten u prodaju. To je osvestilo Bouvija i nateralo ga da ponovo sarađuje sa Toni Viskontijem i snimi 10 novih pesama i 3 obrade koje su se našle na albumu „Heathen“ iz 2002. godine. Popularizaciji albuma su doprineli muzičari koji su gostovali na njemu poput Pit Taunsheda iz benda The Hu, Jordan Rudesa iz benda Dream Theater i Dejv Grohla iz benda Foo Fighters.
2002. je održao koncert u Kraljevskoj festivalskoj areni (Royal Festival Hall) gde je po prvi put odsvirao ceo opus albuma „Low“.
2003. su ga novine Sunday Express proglasile za drugog najbogatijeg zabavljača u Britaniji (prvi je bio Pol McCartney) sa procenjenim bogatstvom od 510 miliona funti. Septembra te iste godine je izdao album „Reality“ sa hit singlom „New Killer Star“ i iskombinovao rok, alternativnu i elektronsku muziku. Rezultat toga je bila uspešna i te godine najprofitabilnija turneja „A Reality Tour“ sa koje je izdat i DVD koncert.
Juna 2004. je na svom nastupu doživeo manji srčani udar zbog kojeg je morao da prekine turneju. Dok se oporavljao nije nastupao već je radio u studiju, gde je snimio duet svoje pesme „Changes“ sa Butterfly Boucher-om za animirani film Shrek 2. Njegove pesme sa prvih albuma su iskorišćene za film „The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou“, ali sa izmenjenim tekstovima.
2005. je snimio pesmu „(She Can) Do That“ za film „Stealth“. 8. septembra je po prvi put posle srčanog udara javno nastupio i to sa grupom Arkade Fire za televizijski događaj „Fashion Rocks“.
Februara 2006. je dobio Gremi nagradu za životno delo. U novembru iste godine je nastupio sa Ališom Kiz i svojom ženom na dobrotvornom koncertu.
U maju pomenute godine (iako je najavio da pravi pauzu sa nastupima) bio je gost iznenađenja na koncertu Dejvid Gilmora sa kojim je odsvirao Pink Flojd klasike „Arnold Layne“ i „Comfortably Numb“.
Vredi pomenuti da je te iste godine glumio Nikolu Teslu u filmu „Prestiž“ („The Prestige“).
„Rok trajanja slavnih je vrlo kratak. Nasuprot njima, zvezde su bukvalno oni ljudi koje treba poštovati.” Ovom knjigom tvrdim da je Dejvid Bouvi zvezda“ napisao je Nik Stivenson u uvodu u biografiju jednog od najvećih imena svetske pop scene poslednjih nekoliko decenija. David Robert Džons od početka šezdesetih godina trudi se da ne samo kroz muziku, već i kroz druge vrste umetnosti, ali i svojim stavom i načinom života, prikaže jedno drugačije viđenje života i umetnosti. Buntovnik koji nas uči da „igru maski i beskonačnog pronalaženja sebe pretvorimo u umetnost“.
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
David Bowie - Slow Burn
Slow Burn
Here shall we live in this terrible town
Where the price for our eyes shall squeeze them tight like a fist
And the walls shall have eyes and the doors shall have ears
But we'll dance in their dark and they'll play with our lives
Like a slow burn leading us on and on and on
Like a slow burn turning us round and round and round
But who are we? So small in times such as these
Slow burn, slow burn
Oh, these are the days, these are the strangest of all
These are the nights, these are the darkest to fall
But who knows? Echoes in tenement halls
Who knows? Though the years snare them all
Like a slow burn leading us on and on and on
Like a slow burn turning us round and round and upside down
There's fear overhead, there's fear overground
Slow burn, slow burn
Like a slow burn leading us on and on and on
Like a slow burn turning us round and round and round
And here are we at the center of it all
Slow burn, slow burn, slow burn..
Here shall we live in this terrible town
Where the price for our eyes shall squeeze them tight like a fist
And the walls shall have eyes and the doors shall have ears
But we'll dance in their dark and they'll play with our lives
Like a slow burn leading us on and on and on
Like a slow burn turning us round and round and round
But who are we? So small in times such as these
Slow burn, slow burn
Oh, these are the days, these are the strangest of all
These are the nights, these are the darkest to fall
But who knows? Echoes in tenement halls
Who knows? Though the years snare them all
Like a slow burn leading us on and on and on
Like a slow burn turning us round and round and upside down
There's fear overhead, there's fear overground
Slow burn, slow burn
Like a slow burn leading us on and on and on
Like a slow burn turning us round and round and round
And here are we at the center of it all
Slow burn, slow burn, slow burn..
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
Moonage Daydream
I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you
I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you
Keep your mouth shut,
you're squawking like a pink monkey bird
And I'm busting up my brains for the words
Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!
Don't fake it baby, lay the real thing on me
The church of man, love
Is such a holy place to be
Make me baby, make me know you really care
Make me jump into the air
Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!
Freak out, far out, in out
I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for you
I'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you
Keep your mouth shut,
you're squawking like a pink monkey bird
And I'm busting up my brains for the words
Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!
Don't fake it baby, lay the real thing on me
The church of man, love
Is such a holy place to be
Make me baby, make me know you really care
Make me jump into the air
Keep your 'lectric eye on me babe
Put your ray gun to my head
Press your space face close to mine, love
Freak out in a moonage daydream oh yeah!
Freak out, far out, in out
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
David Bowie - Starman
Goodbye love
Didn't know what time it was the lights were low oh how
I leaned back on my radio oh oh
Some cat was layin' down some rock 'n' roll 'lotta soul, he said
Then the loud sound did seem to fade a ade
Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase ha hase
That weren't no D.J. that was hazy cosmic jive
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me:
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
I had to phone someone so I picked on you ho ho
Hey, that's far out so you heard him too! o o
Switch on the TV we may pick him up on channel two
Look out your window I can see his light a ight
If we can sparkle he may land tonight a ight
Don't tell your poppa or he'll get us locked up in fright
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me:
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
Starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me:
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Goodbye love
Didn't know what time it was the lights were low oh how
I leaned back on my radio oh oh
Some cat was layin' down some rock 'n' roll 'lotta soul, he said
Then the loud sound did seem to fade a ade
Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase ha hase
That weren't no D.J. that was hazy cosmic jive
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me:
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
I had to phone someone so I picked on you ho ho
Hey, that's far out so you heard him too! o o
Switch on the TV we may pick him up on channel two
Look out your window I can see his light a ight
If we can sparkle he may land tonight a ight
Don't tell your poppa or he'll get us locked up in fright
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me:
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
Starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me:
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen...
Liza_N.- Počasni član
- Broj poruka : 2032
Datum upisa : 04.05.2010
David Bowie - Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed
Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
Spy, spy, pretty girl
I see you see me through your window
Don't turn your nose up
Well, you can if you need to, you won't be the first or last
It must strain you to look down so far from your father's house
And I know what a louse like me in his house could do for you
I'm the cream
Of the great utopia dream
And you're in the gleam
In the depths of your banker's splean
I'm a phallus in pigtails
And there's blood on my nose
And my tissue is rotting
Where the reats chew my bones
And my eye sockets empty
See nothing but pain
I keep having this brainstorm
About twelve times a day
So now, You could spend the morning walking with me
Quite amazed
As I am Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
I got eyes in my backside
That see electric tomatos
On credit card rye bread
There are children in washrooms
Holding hands with a queen
And my heads full of murders
Where only killers scream
So now you could spend your morning talking with me
Quite amazed
Look out, I'm raving mad and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
Now you run from your window
To the porcelain bowl
And you're sick from your ears
To the red parquet floor
And the braque on the wall
Slides down your front
And eats through your belly
It's very catching
So now, you should spend the mornings lying to your father quite amazed
About the stramge Unwashed and Happily Slightly Dazed
Spy, spy, pretty girl
I see you see me through your window
Don't turn your nose up
Well, you can if you need to, you won't be the first or last
It must strain you to look down so far from your father's house
And I know what a louse like me in his house could do for you
I'm the cream
Of the great utopia dream
And you're in the gleam
In the depths of your banker's splean
I'm a phallus in pigtails
And there's blood on my nose
And my tissue is rotting
Where the reats chew my bones
And my eye sockets empty
See nothing but pain
I keep having this brainstorm
About twelve times a day
So now, You could spend the morning walking with me
Quite amazed
As I am Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
I got eyes in my backside
That see electric tomatos
On credit card rye bread
There are children in washrooms
Holding hands with a queen
And my heads full of murders
Where only killers scream
So now you could spend your morning talking with me
Quite amazed
Look out, I'm raving mad and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
Now you run from your window
To the porcelain bowl
And you're sick from your ears
To the red parquet floor
And the braque on the wall
Slides down your front
And eats through your belly
It's very catching
So now, you should spend the mornings lying to your father quite amazed
About the stramge Unwashed and Happily Slightly Dazed
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - Let's Dance
Let's Dance
Let's dance
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio
Let's sway
While color lights up your face
Let's sway
Sway through the crowd to an empty space
If you say run, I'll run with you
If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower
Let's dance
For fear your grace should fall
Let's dance
For fear tonight is all
Let's sway
You could look into my eyes
Let's sway
Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
If you say run, I'll run with you
If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower
Let's dance
Put on your red shoes
and dance the blues
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio
Let's sway
You could look into my eyes
Let's sway
Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
Let's dance
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio
Let's sway
While color lights up your face
Let's sway
Sway through the crowd to an empty space
If you say run, I'll run with you
If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower
Let's dance
For fear your grace should fall
Let's dance
For fear tonight is all
Let's sway
You could look into my eyes
Let's sway
Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
If you say run, I'll run with you
If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower
Let's dance
Put on your red shoes
and dance the blues
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio
Let's sway
You could look into my eyes
Let's sway
Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
David Bowie - Heroes
I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day
And you, you can be mean
And I, I'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact
Yes we're lovers, and that is that
Though nothing, will keep us together
We could steal time, just for one day
We can be heroes, for ever and ever
What d'you say?
I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, for ever and ever
Oh we can be heroes, just for one day
I, I won't be king
And you, you won't be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can be heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day
I, I can remember (I remember)
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall)
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes
We're nothing, and nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay
But we could be safer, just for one day
I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day
And you, you can be mean
And I, I'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact
Yes we're lovers, and that is that
Though nothing, will keep us together
We could steal time, just for one day
We can be heroes, for ever and ever
What d'you say?
I, I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
We can beat them, for ever and ever
Oh we can be heroes, just for one day
I, I won't be king
And you, you won't be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can be heroes, just for one day
We can be us, just for one day
I, I can remember (I remember)
Standing, by the wall (by the wall)
And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads)
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall)
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
We can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes
We're nothing, and nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay
But we could be safer, just for one day
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World
The Man Who Sold the World
We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend
Which came as some surprise I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone, a long long time ago
Oh no, not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man Who Sold The World
I laughed and shook his hand, and made my way back home
I searched for form and land, for years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazely stare at all the millions here
We must have died alone, a long long time ago
Who knows? not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World
Who knows? not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World
We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend
Which came as some surprise I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone, a long long time ago
Oh no, not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man Who Sold The World
I laughed and shook his hand, and made my way back home
I searched for form and land, for years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazely stare at all the millions here
We must have died alone, a long long time ago
Who knows? not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World
Who knows? not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Wierd and Gilly,
The Spiders from Mars.
He played it left hand, but made it too far,
Became the special man, then we were Ziggy's Band.
Ziggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo
Like some cat from Japan, he could lick 'em by smiling
He could leave 'me to hang
Came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.
So where were the spiders while the fly tried to break our balls
Just the beer light to guide us,
So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands ?
Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we were Voodoo
The kids was just crass, he was the naz
With God given ass
He took it all too far but boy could he play guitar.
Making love with his ego Ziggy sucked up into his mind
Like a leper messiah
When the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band
Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Wierd and Gilly,
The Spiders from Mars.
He played it left hand, but made it too far,
Became the special man, then we were Ziggy's Band.
Ziggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo
Like some cat from Japan, he could lick 'em by smiling
He could leave 'me to hang
Came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.
So where were the spiders while the fly tried to break our balls
Just the beer light to guide us,
So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands ?
Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we were Voodoo
The kids was just crass, he was the naz
With God given ass
He took it all too far but boy could he play guitar.
Making love with his ego Ziggy sucked up into his mind
Like a leper messiah
When the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - Thursday's Child
Thursday's Child
All of my life I've tried so hard
Doing my best with what I had
Nothing much happened all the same
Something about me stood apart
A whisper of hope that seemed to fail
Maybe I'm born right out of my time
Breaking my life in two
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Now that I've really got a chance
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Everything's falling into place
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Seeing my past to let it go
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Only for you I don't regret
That I was Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Sometimes I cried my heart to sleep
Shuffling days and lonesome nights
Sometimes my courage fell to my feet
Lucky old sun is in my sky
Nothing prepared me for your smile
Lighting the darkness of my soul
Innocence in your arms
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Now that I've really got a chance
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Everything's falling into place
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Seeing my past to let it go
Yeah, throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Only for you I don't regret
That I was Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday born I was
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday born I was
All of my life I've tried so hard
Doing my best with what I had
Nothing much happened all the same
Something about me stood apart
A whisper of hope that seemed to fail
Maybe I'm born right out of my time
Breaking my life in two
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Now that I've really got a chance
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Everything's falling into place
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Seeing my past to let it go
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Only for you I don't regret
That I was Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Sometimes I cried my heart to sleep
Shuffling days and lonesome nights
Sometimes my courage fell to my feet
Lucky old sun is in my sky
Nothing prepared me for your smile
Lighting the darkness of my soul
Innocence in your arms
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Now that I've really got a chance
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Everything's falling into place
Throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Seeing my past to let it go
Yeah, throw me tomorrow..oh,oh
Only for you I don't regret
That I was Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, born I was
Thursday's Child
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday born I was
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday born I was
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
David Bowie - Sister Midnight
Sister Midnight
Calling Sister Midnight
You've got me reaching for the moon
Calling Sister Midnight
You've got me playing the fool
Calling Sister Midnight
Calling Sister Midnight
Can you hear me call
Can you hear me well
Can you hear me at all
Calling Sister Midnight
I'm an Idiot for you
Calling Sister Midnight
I'm a breakage inside
Calling Sister Midnight
Calling Sister Midnight
You know I had a dream last night
Mother was in my bed
And I made love to her
Father he gunned for me
Hunted me with his six gun
Calling Sister Midnight
What can I do about these dreams
Listen to me Sister Midnight
You put a beggar in my heart
Calling Sister Midnight
You've got me walking in rags
Hey where are you Sister Midnight
Can you hear me call
Can you hear me well
Can you hear me at all
Calling Sister Midnight
You've got me reaching for the moon
Calling Sister Midnight
You've got me playing the fool
Calling Sister Midnight
Calling Sister Midnight
Can you hear me call
Can you hear me well
Can you hear me at all
Calling Sister Midnight
I'm an Idiot for you
Calling Sister Midnight
I'm a breakage inside
Calling Sister Midnight
Calling Sister Midnight
You know I had a dream last night
Mother was in my bed
And I made love to her
Father he gunned for me
Hunted me with his six gun
Calling Sister Midnight
What can I do about these dreams
Listen to me Sister Midnight
You put a beggar in my heart
Calling Sister Midnight
You've got me walking in rags
Hey where are you Sister Midnight
Can you hear me call
Can you hear me well
Can you hear me at all
Maja- Legendarni član
- Broj poruka : 6121
Datum upisa : 19.02.2010
David Bowie - Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Weaving down a byroad,
singing the song
That's my kind of highroad,
gone wrong
Smile at least
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
Something in the night
Something in the day
Nothing is wrong but darling
Something's in the way
There's slaughter in the air
Protest on the wind
Someone else inside me
Someone could get skinned, how?
Someone fetch a priest
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
I wanted to believe me
I wanted to be good
I wanted no distractions
Like every good boy should
Nothing will corrupt us
Nothing will compete
Thank god heaven left us
Standing on our feet
Beauty and the Beast
Just Beauty and the Beast
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
Weaving down a byroad,
singing the song
That's my kind of highroad,
gone wrong
Smile at least
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
Something in the night
Something in the day
Nothing is wrong but darling
Something's in the way
There's slaughter in the air
Protest on the wind
Someone else inside me
Someone could get skinned, how?
Someone fetch a priest
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
I wanted to believe me
I wanted to be good
I wanted no distractions
Like every good boy should
Nothing will corrupt us
Nothing will compete
Thank god heaven left us
Standing on our feet
Beauty and the Beast
Just Beauty and the Beast
You can't say no
to the Beauty and the Beast
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - The Supermen
The Supermen
When all the world was very young
And mountain magic heavy hung
The supermen would walk in file
Guardians of a loveless isle
And gloomy browed with superfear their tragic endless lives
Could heave nor sigh
In solemn, perverse serenity, wondrous beings chained to life
Strange games they would play then
No death for the perfect men
Life rolls into one for them
So softly a supergod cries
Where all were minds in uni-thought
Power weird by mystics taught
No pain, no joy, no power too great
Colossal strength to grasp a fate
Where sad-eyed mermen tossed in slumbers
Nightmare dreams no mortal mind could hold
A man would tear his brother's flesh, a chance to die
To turn to mold.
Far out in the red-sky
Far out from the sad eyes
Strange, mad celebration
So softly a supergod cries
Far out in the red-sky
Far out from the sad eyes
Strange, mad celebration
So softly a supergod dies
When all the world was very young
And mountain magic heavy hung
The supermen would walk in file
Guardians of a loveless isle
And gloomy browed with superfear their tragic endless lives
Could heave nor sigh
In solemn, perverse serenity, wondrous beings chained to life
Strange games they would play then
No death for the perfect men
Life rolls into one for them
So softly a supergod cries
Where all were minds in uni-thought
Power weird by mystics taught
No pain, no joy, no power too great
Colossal strength to grasp a fate
Where sad-eyed mermen tossed in slumbers
Nightmare dreams no mortal mind could hold
A man would tear his brother's flesh, a chance to die
To turn to mold.
Far out in the red-sky
Far out from the sad eyes
Strange, mad celebration
So softly a supergod cries
Far out in the red-sky
Far out from the sad eyes
Strange, mad celebration
So softly a supergod dies
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - Lazarus
Samo dva dana nakon što je napunio 69 godina i objavio album ★ (Blackstar), David Bowie preminuo je nakon osamnaestomjesečne borbe s rakom.
Look up here, I'm in heaven I've got scars that can't be seen
I've got drama, can't be stolen
Everybody knows me now
Look up here, man, I'm in danger
I've got nothing left to lose
I'm so high it makes my brain whirl
Dropped my cell phone down below
Ain't that just like me?
By the time I got to New York
I was living like a king
Then I used up all my money
I was looking for your ass
This way or no way
You know, I'll be free
Just like that bluebird
Now ain't that just like me?
Oh I'll be free
Just like that bluebird
Oh I'll be free
Ain't that just like me?
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - Wild Is The Wind
Wild Is The Wind
Love me, love me, love me, say you do
Let me fly away with you
For my love is like the wind, and wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
You touch me,
I hear the sound of mandolins
You kiss me
With your kiss my life begins
You're spring to me, all things to me
Don't you know, you're life itself!
Like the leaf clings to the tree,
Oh, my darling, cling to me
For we're like creatures in the wind, and wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
Love me, love me, love me, say you do
Let me fly away with you
For my love is like the wind, and wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
You touch me,
I hear the sound of mandolins
You kiss me
With your kiss my life begins
You're spring to me, all things to me
Don't you know, you're life itself!
Like the leaf clings to the tree,
Oh, my darling, cling to me
For we're like creatures in the wind, and wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
David Bowie - Changes
I still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
And every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test
(Turn and face the strange)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strange)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence and
So the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through
(Turn and face the strange)
Don't tell them to grow up and out of it
(Turn and face the strange)
Where's your shame
You've left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can't trace time
Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace
I'm going through
(Turn and face the strange)
Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
(Turn and face the strange)
Pretty soon now you're gonna get older
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can't trace time
I still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
And every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
So I turned myself to face me
But I've never caught a glimpse
Of how the others must see the faker
I'm much too fast to take that test
(Turn and face the strange)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strange)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I watch the ripples change their size
But never leave the stream
Of warm impermanence and
So the days float through my eyes
But still the days seem the same
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through
(Turn and face the strange)
Don't tell them to grow up and out of it
(Turn and face the strange)
Where's your shame
You've left us up to our necks in it
Time may change me
But you can't trace time
Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace
I'm going through
(Turn and face the strange)
Oh, look out you rock 'n rollers
(Turn and face the strange)
Pretty soon now you're gonna get older
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
I said that time may change me
But I can't trace time
Gnothi seauton!
polly88- Moderator
- Broj poruka : 6404
Godina : 36
Lokacija : across the universe
Datum upisa : 28.07.2010
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